Yasir Qadhi's Shia Whitewashing

Omar del Sur


Are you an idiot? You typed such a long comment for nothing, I never said that shit.

I said that those who divide up act like monkeys and it is monkey behaviour. Read my message correctly

It isn't ahlus sunnah that divided. The shia deviated, not ahlus sunnah.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Shiaas are muslim although misguided, anyone who makes takfiir on them is an extremist Wahabi

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Shiaas are muslim although misguided, anyone who makes takfiir on them is an extremist Wahabi
Even with clear cut proof of kufur? Cursing the shahabas and the mothers of the faithful? Some believing the Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman RA changed the Quran to remove proof of their imamship? Taqiyah being central to their religion to where you don’t know when one is telling the truth.

Shia religion is completely different from Islam.


