Yasir Qadhi's Shocking Agenda to Reform Islam

I don't see them losing influence at all, to the contrary; muslim countries are modernizing and losing their traditional thinking. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia ..etc.

Liberals are clearly losing influence with the rise of the east non western countries will dominate the world economy in the next 50 years you think China India or Russia will care if you implement sharia laws in your country they don't put human rights as a condition to access their markets also almost all GDP projection show a minimum of 4 out of the top 10 economies will be muslim countries before the end of the century.

Also don't forget the strong population growth in the European union sure some will apostate but some won't it can reach a point where muslims can affect the internal policies and demand that Europe respect muslim countries .
What people seem to forget when they say voting in elections is ok because if we dont vote then maybe a party that are ever vorse for Islam will be in power.. When thinking this way then you are infact comiting kufr, because you are not thinking Allah has the power to do all he want. If Allah wants then he will do it. So to say this is also to say that you think you are helping Allah. Allah does not need our help, he ask us only for one (1) thing and that is to worship him ALONE. with no partners.. La illaha illallah. voting is shirk of the highest rank. Because you are putting your name for someone other than Allah to make laws other than Allahs law. and as our Quran says (forgive my spelling) Inel hokmo illah lillah.. Only Allah is the lawgiver. Only Allah can make laws. We should not even think about what if this and what if that.. we should put our trust in Allah, because Allah is the best of planners. So fear Allah and do not fear men.

May Allah guide us all.
What people seem to forget when they say voting in elections is ok because if we dont vote then maybe a party that are ever vorse for Islam will be in power.. When thinking this way then you are infact comiting kufr, because you are not thinking Allah has the power to do all he want. If Allah wants then he will do it. So to say this is also to say that you think you are helping Allah. Allah does not need our help, he ask us only for one (1) thing and that is to worship him ALONE. with no partners.. La illaha illallah. voting is shirk of the highest rank. Because you are putting your name for someone other than Allah to make laws other than Allahs law. and as our Quran says (forgive my spelling) Inel hokmo illah lillah.. Only Allah is the lawgiver. Only Allah can make laws. We should not even think about what if this and what if that.. we should put our trust in Allah, because Allah is the best of planners. So fear Allah and do not fear men.

May Allah guide us all.
It is not against the Sharia to elect and choose leaders of our own free will, we are allowed to consult one another and debate things that affect the Islamic community. What you are saying sounds rather too literal and kind of an extreme way of thinking brother. How do you think the first Caliphs of this Ummah were chosen? Through election between the companions of the Prophet SAW.
It is not against the Sharia to elect and choose leaders of our own free will, we are allowed to consult one another and debate things that affect the Islamic community. What you are saying sounds rather too literal and kind of an extreme way of thinking brother. How do you think the first Caliphs of this Ummah were chosen? Through election between the companions of the Prophet SAW.
Democracy is a system that is contrary to Islam, because it gives the power of legislation to the people or to those who represent them (such as members of Parliament). Based on that, in democracy legislative authority is given to someone other than Allah, may He be exalted; rather it is given to the people and their deputies, and what matters is not their consensus but the majority. Thus what the majority agree upon becomes laws that are binding on the nation, even if it is contrary to common sense, religious teaching or reason. In these systems legislation has been promulgated allowing abortion, same-sex marriage and usurious interest (riba); the rulings of sharee‘ah have been abolished; and fornication/adultery and the drinking of alcohol are permitted. In fact this system is at war with Islam and its followers.

Allah, may He be exalted, has told us in the His Book that legislative authority belongs to Him alone, and that He is the wisest of those who issue rulings and judge. He has forbidden the association of anyone with Him in His authority, and no one is better than Him in ruling.

Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):

“So the judgement is only with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great!”
Ghaafir 40:12

“The command (or the judgement) is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him (i.e. His Monotheism), that is the (true) straight religion, but most men know not”
Yoosuf 12:40

“Is not Allah the Best of judges?”
at-Teen 95:8

“Say: ‘Allah knows best how long they stayed. With Him is (the knowledge of) the unseen of the heavens and the earth. How clearly He sees, and hears (everything)! They have no Walee (Helper, Disposer of affairs, Protector, etc.) other than Him, and He makes none to share in His Decision and His Rule’”
al-Kahf 18:26

“Do they then seek the judgement of (the Days of) Ignorance? And who is better in judgement than Allah for a people who have firm Faith?”
al-Maa’idah 5:50]

We sent to every Ummah a messenger to command the people to submit to Allah exclusively and to reject Taghoot’.

“Whoever rejects Taghoot and believes in Allah then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold.”
al Baqarah 2:256

The rule hukm is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him, that is the Straight Deen but most men know not.”
al Yusuf 12:40

‘Allah does not forgive Shirk or to associate with Him anything, but forgives less than that to whomever He wills’
an Nisaa’ 4:48

“Have you seen those who claim that they believe in that which was sent down to you and before you and they wish to go for judgement to the Taghoot while they have been commanded to reject them? But Shaytaan wishes to lead them far astray. And when it is said to them ‘Come to what Allah has sent down and to the messenger’ you see the munaafiqeen turn away from you with aversion. How then when a catastrophe befalls them because of what their hands have sent forth they come to you swearing by Allah, ‘We meant nothing more than goodwill and conciliation’.”
an Nisaa’ 4:60-62

Need i say more.. ??
No brother The first calif was choosen through Shura...Shura is not elections, this is an apointment by those of highers knowledge in Islam to choose the one who will lead the muslims. Elections (democracy) is By the people for the people. Where do you find Allah in this phrase ? So if people want homosexually to be legal even if it goes against shariah then this is tghe rule of the people.. contrary to the rule of allah.. this is Shirk.. So no, we do not have free will to choose whoever we want to rule in Shariah. Big difference...

You write ::How do you think the first Caliphs of this Ummah were chosen? Through election between the companions of the Prophet SAW..
Answer: are you a companion of the prophet (saw) ?
i like yasir qadhi. everything in the quran we believe 100 percent but interpretations and fatwas of sheikhs that lived 1000 years ago is not a must. just because they lived a thousand years ago does not make their understanding of islam anymore valid then a sheikh in the 21st century as long as what the sheikh is saying does not go against the quran then it is a fair game.

i want to ask a question to those that are saying yasir qadhi is a reformist. Do you agree with ISIS taking females from conquered lands as sex slaves? do you expect men and children from conquered lands to be slaves? because all of those things are permissible in Islam.

if you look at the time when those things where being made permissible we can 100 percent say that it was the norm of the society throughout the world. the romans when they conquered places made the conquered nations their slaves, same with the persians, greeks and ancient Egyptians. therefore can we say that the rules of slavery where based on what was acceptable during that time? and if so can we then say it is not acceptable during this time?

if you disagree with ISIS taking female sex slaves then can we say you too are a reformist?

my understanding is things like cutting off hands is not the default punishment but the ultimate punishment allowed under the Quran for theft and that the ruler can prescribe a lesser punishment but cannot prescribe a more sever punishment.
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halal and earthy
i like yasir qadhi. everything in the quran we believe 100 percent but interpretations and fatwas of sheikhs that lived 1000 years ago is not a must. just because they lived a thousand years ago does not make their understanding of islam anymore valid then a sheikh in the 21st century as long as what the sheikh is saying does not go against the quran then it is a fair game.

i want to ask a question to those that are saying yasir qadhi is a reformist. Do you agree with ISIS taking females from conquered lands as sex slaves? do you expect men and children from conquered lands to be slaves? because all of those things are permissible in Islam.

if you look at the time when those things where being made permissible we can 100 percent say that it was the norm of the society throughout the world. the romans when they conquered places made the conquered nations their slaves, same with the persians, greeks and ancient Egyptians. therefore can we say that the rules of slavery where based on what was acceptable during that time? and if so can we then say it is not acceptable during this time?

if you disagree with ISIS taking female sex slaves then can we say you too are a reformist?

my understanding is things like cutting off hands is not the default punishment but the ultimate punishment allowed under the Quran for theft and that the ruler can prescribe a lesser punishment but cannot prescribe a more sever punishment.

And if I'm ok with it?
i like yasir qadhi. everything in the quran we believe 100 percent but interpretations and fatwas of sheikhs that lived 1000 years ago is not a must. just because they lived a thousand years ago does not make their understanding of islam anymore valid then a sheikh in the 21st century as long as what the sheikh is saying does not go against the quran then it is a fair game.

i want to ask a question to those that are saying yasir qadhi is a reformist. Do you agree with ISIS taking females from conquered lands as sex slaves? do you expect men and children from conquered lands to be slaves? because all of those things are permissible in Islam.

if you look at the time when those things where being made permissible we can 100 percent say that it was the norm of the society throughout the world. the romans when they conquered places made the conquered nations their slaves, same with the persians, greeks and ancient Egyptians. therefore can we say that the rules of slavery where based on what was acceptable during that time? and if so can we then say it is not acceptable during this time?

if you disagree with ISIS taking female sex slaves then can we say you too are a reformist?

my understanding is things like cutting off hands is not the default punishment but the ultimate punishment allowed under the Quran for theft and that the ruler can prescribe a lesser punishment but cannot prescribe a more sever punishment.
your argument lost meaning when you used a western puppet-like ISIS in it
your argument lost meaning when you used a western puppet-like ISIS in it
he has a right to oppose the extreme interpretation and extremist ideas that are rotting Somalia and the rest of the Muslim World
... we are opposing a very real interpretation of Islam that espouses violence, social injustice, and political Islam ... The problem is sitting in the birthplace of Islam, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, where this interpretation of Islam has gone out into the world over the last four decades, creating militancy groups from Indonesia, to now, San Bernardino, California, vicious attack. We have to take back the faith. And we have to take it back with the principles of peace, social justice, and human rights, women's rights, and secularize governance ... we've had enough.[3]
Liberals are clearly losing influence with the rise of the east non western countries will dominate the world economy in the next 50 years you think China India or Russia will care if you implement sharia laws in your country they don't put human rights as a condition to access their markets also almost all GDP projection show a minimum of 4 out of the top 10 economies will be muslim countries before the end of the century.

Also don't forget the strong population growth in the European union sure some will apostate but some won't it can reach a point where muslims can affect the internal policies and demand that Europe respect muslim countries .
Difference between respect and ignoring human right violations
I was mentioning the guy I quoted, ISIS is a western puppet since when have they cared about rulings of any scholars
define western puppet because you are using that term very loose. ISIS despises everything about the west from it's clothes,music,culture and morals. it's a bit ironic how they hate the west so much while also enjoying parts of american culture
I was mentioning the guy I quoted, ISIS is a western puppet since when have they cared about rulings of any scholars
they are extremists and clearly there is some kind of culture and environment that is allowing young men to become terrorists. It's the Salafi pipeline and the hatred of non muslims that people embed into the minds of children
define western puppet because you are using that term very loose. ISIS despises everything about the west from it's clothes,music,culture and morals. it's a bit ironic how they hate the west so much while also enjoying parts of american culture
is it not odd how they never attack Israel, they are not a direct puppet but they do receive support from western powers, it's in their best interest if the middle east stays destabilized,
is it not odd how they never attack Israel, they are not a direct puppet but they do receive support from western powers, it's in their best interest if the middle east stays destabilized,
we can both agree that european and american imperalists will ravage the middle east and africa till all of the oil is gone.