Yemenis Restaurants In Puntland

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Well I know for sure you guys don't pay your soldiers so I'm sure there's more charity going on

Whether u like it or not MAJERTEN ARE THE RICHEST CLAN IN SOMALIA U DONT BECOME POLITICALLY POWERFUL AND POOR, THE POORER U R THE LESS POLITICALLY RELEVANT U R. THATS THE FACTS. We turned MOG into a capital when we settled there, while hargeisa looked like a village in the 60s and u had dust on ur face when ur adeers was controlling u, u became a human under majerten and not an animal. U dont ever faan to me waryaa when i know how hargeisa looked under your leadership in the 60s not a single building at all and people slept outside. Not a single home even under your beautiful british somaliland, not a single
fuckin HOUSE.


How dare you talk when u walked into paradise which is when majerten settled before that
it was shitty two tuulo town hamar daye and hamar. It only became human with the advent
of majerten.

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That's what we do to idoors in puntland ask gamadiid he left like humble man and sultan of isaaq he left with humbleness. That's what we do to idoors in puntland, we send them home humbly. Don't ever speak waryaa duufle weji boorleh waxad ahayd somali dhan ba taqan you fuckin peasant piece of shit, you became a civilized person under us, you were living sniffing each other asses under trees in hargeisa which couldn't even erect one damn building under it's own leadership. You were crying to come to somalia thats why we never went to your hargeisa what is there to go too look at that shit hole, u needed us waryaa we never needed u. U became something under us and everything u have today is due to us, not yourself. Now back the f*ck up when u come to Puntland land of kings.
Everything this Coonsman guy says is one lie after another.

MJ are poor people who live in tuulo's , there is no MJ city worth mentioning like Isaaq Hargeisa or Hawiye Mogadishu. There isn't a single company based in Puntland worth mentioning

And as far as I'm concerned if you can't pay your soldiers you're broke as f*ck


Everything this Coonsman guy says is one lie after another.

MJ are poor people who live in tuulo's , there is no MJ city worth mentioning like Isaaq Hargeisa or Hawiye Mogadishu. There isn't a single company based in Puntland worth mentioning

And as far as I'm concerned if you can't pay your soldiers you're broke as f*ck

Your right everything I say is not true, noone ever agrees with me, that's why im nicknamed in my town and people who know me as af-naareed where-as my ina adeer was called af-cilmi he was a big time abwaan and my former president was af-walinjo mr farole and our somali memorable president was called af-wayne, notice we love taking the name af in our nicknames, just a whole lotta flame coming out of here and monkeys be burning!!!!
Yeah who is we. Clearly just the Punani's are doomed when they think elevators are a mark of development , and that they're the only ones who have it

:lolbron: I was shocked the little punani Coonsman even brought that up


Yeah who is we. Clearly just the Punani's are doomed when they think elevators are a mark of development , and that they're the only ones who have it

:lolbron: I was shocked the little punani Coonsman even brought that up

as usual u missed the point, point being ur buildings are chinese knock offs low quality sheeeeeeeeeeeet and looks terrible inside and 3rd world conditions, i compared it to the chinese knock off apple iphone looks ok on the outside but once u open it up, its all shit. Where-as Puntland have the best hotel in somalia grand hotel and the best business building golis, hands down. All u got is low grade shit in the numbers, we got high grade shit not a single one of your pathetic chinese knock offs has been seen inside cause u know its shit and chinese low grade.

In other words for ur drugged out ass, that one golis building is worth 10 shitty buildings u going around with. That one grand hotel is worth 10 hargeisa hotels which are really motels. Quality boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy not quantity of chinese shit.

We could add 10 hotels from hargeisa wallahi and it would be worth less then grand hotel, I know for a fact cause the inside of grand and it's amenities are EXPENSIVE AS f*ck. Where-as hargeisa stuff it's like a 3rd world conditions inside.


I dare u to show yourself.
As far as my opinion goes. Anyone can come to Somalia as long as they respect us. Our ways, our culture, be law abiding people.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
In adeer marka hoore Naa ha igu yeerin. Yes "We" all of us we are doomed. Hadaadan fahmiin. Iska daa.

ina adeer gacaliso don't be faint hearted. I don't see a we. I see dr osman who is bah dir defending beesha's honour from peasant khat chewer and you called them both doqomo. @Reiko please tutor your cousin
ina adeer gacaliso don't be faint hearted. I don't see a we. I see dr osman who is bah dir defending beesha's honour from peasant khat chewer and you called them both doqomo. @Reiko please tutor your cousin
Ina adeer gacaliye, malaabow my boowe. Qofku haduu qof uu ka sareeyo uu la muurmo. isakaa ka doqon san. Adba waad aragtay dadkan wax ba si ka ah. No matter how many times you try to educate them they'll still be in denial. He shouldn't stoop to his level. Waxaan iri ha uu qaadan in aan ku racsanahay dhoocilka liyaraahdo Oday nacnacda uu waado. @Reiko doesnt have to educate me.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Ina adeer gacaliye, malaabow my boowe. Qofku haduu qof uu ka sareeyo uu la muurmo. isakaa ka doqon san. Adba waad aragtay dadkan wax ba si ka ah. No matter how many times you try to educate them they'll still be in denial. He shouldn't stoop to his level. Waxaan iri ha uu qaadan in aan ku racsanahay dhoocilka liyaraahdo Oday nacnacda uu waado. @Reiko doesnt have to educate me.

Ina adeerey shan karooney, shaxshaxley. I stand corrected. I want to retire from this game and I want to pass the torch to the next generation. I've never seen a dumb cismaan maxamuud except @Cognitivedissonance


Reformation of Somaliland
You too are soo funny, didn't look at your convo but I see the jist of it getting heated for no reason and cursing each other.

Can we just have healthy debates no need to get angry and emotional. If you need to boost how great something is then it's not really that great.

Brothers Fear Allah


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Whether u like it or not MAJERTEN ARE THE RICHEST CLAN IN SOMALIA U DONT BECOME POLITICALLY POWERFUL AND POOR, THE POORER U R THE LESS POLITICALLY RELEVANT U R. THATS THE FACTS. We turned MOG into a capital when we settled there, while hargeisa looked like a village in the 60s and u had dust on ur face when ur adeers was controlling u, u became a human under majerten and not an animal. U dont ever faan to me waryaa when i know how hargeisa looked under your leadership in the 60s not a single building at all and people slept outside. Not a single home even under your beautiful british somaliland, not a single
fuckin HOUSE.


How dare you talk when u walked into paradise which is when majerten settled before that
it was shitty two tuulo town hamar daye and hamar. It only became human with the advent
of majerten.

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