Yo, Eid.

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Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
How does one forget the eat?..

I was in a rush to go to prayer and then came back and went to sleep. Then I was in a rush to go to familiar so didn't eat and when I got there I was helping serve everyone that I forgot to eat and by the time everyone went home the food was finished and no point eating now because it's late where I am.

And that's why I'm a size 6. Food ain't my priority. :francis:

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
i had the muslim version of Jewish Christmas. instead of going to my families and doing nothing (except talking to annoying family members) i decided to order chinese and do nothing in my house. most chilled out eid i've had so far.
Same here except i had no family around me to celebrate :mjcry:


Stay real in the everything fake era
Bruh tell me why somali girls go from a 6 to a 10 on eid.... my dick was confused the whole day smh :frdfvsb::4uzpnkt:
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