You can be African and Arab at same time

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"What's your take on the Somali people?"
"I consider Somalis and Moroccans the same. They're both Muslims. I remember when Morocco and Somalia were the only two African states that rejected colonial-imposed boundaries. We fought for Greater Morocco and Somalia fought for Greater Somalia. In the 1970s, Somalia was very active in Africa scene. They were good campaigners against colonialism. At that time, I thought they could unite Africa but things didn't turn out well, now they can’t unite themselves. I always have a debate with Somalis that come here. When I tell them they are Arabs, some proudly accept others say they are Africans. I tell them, you can be both Arab and African."

(Marrakesh, Morocco)

"Sidee u aragta dadka Soomaaliyeed?"
“Soomaalida iyo Marookaanka isku mid baan u arka. Waa dad wada Muslimiin. Waxaan xasuusta markii Soomaaliya iyo Morooko ee gebigood diideen inee aqbalaan xuduudihii gumeysiga ku so rogay Afrika. Waa labada dalal Afrikaan ah diiday arintaas. Anagana waxaan u doodi jirnay Morooko Weyn, idinkana Soomaali Weyn. Runti, Soomaaliya xiligii 70-dii, olole firfircoon ah muujisay oo waxay aad u diidi jirtay gumeysiga. Anagana waqtigaas waxaan qabnay in Soomaaliya awood u lahayd inee mideyso Afrika laakin nasiib-daro maysan dhicin. Hadda ayaga kala daadsan. Waxaan mar walba dood la gala Soomaali kasta ku arko Marrakesh. Markii aan u sheego iney yihin Carab, baar qaar toos u aqbala, qaarna waxay yiraahdaan inee yihin Afrikaan. Anigana waxaan ku dhaha, Carab iyo Afrika labadaba waad noqon karta. Qasab ma aha inaad mid kala doortid."

(Marrakesh, Morooko)


Morocco = Berber country, significantly Arabized culturally and linguistically.

Somalia = Somali country, not Arabized neither culturally nor linguistically.

Not comparable at fucking all.
Morocco = Berber country, significantly Arabized culturally and linguistically.

Somalia = Somali country, not Arabized neither culturally nor linguistically.

Not comparable at fucking all.

In morocco they still talk their Berber language 80% of them. Main language is French Arab Berber o
For past 45 years Somalis were in bed with Arab especially after1991 most fee to Middle East Yemen Syria Sudan Egypt gulf countries for work studies, wake up guys , the Arab charities come to Somalia all time.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Go back home, the tv show music clothes school learns Arabic nearest countries they go UEA Yemen sudan
TV shows, musical tastes, clothes, learning a language or going to a country makes you Arab?


For past 45 years Somalis were in bed with Arab especially after1991 most fee to Middle East Yemen Syria Sudan Egypt gulf countries for work studies, wake up guys , the Arab charities come to Somalia all time.
Somalia's existed for thousands of years, go back to hunting Oromos or whatever you do on this forum. Islam and Arab aren't two terms which are synonymous with each other. We're Muslim but not Arab, you may identify as one if you want though.

TV shows, musical tastes, clothes, learning a language or going to a country makes you Arab?


Somalia's existed for thousands of years, go back to hunting Oromos or whatever you do on this forum. Islam and Arab aren't two terms which are synonymous with each other. We're Muslim but not Arab, you may identify as one if you want though.


Lol at hunting Oromo, but you guys don't know about new generation of young Somalis who grow at Arab diaspora.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Lol at hunting Oromo, but you guys don't know about new generation of young Somalis who grow at Arab diaspora.
I'm not getting the point you're trying to make? I was born and raised in Sweden, grew up in England, am I Somali or?
@Canuck you get mad at the fact that Oromo claim to be Somali, but you're claiming to be Arab?

Like or not Somalia is in Arab league which culturally org not ethnically because true Arab are only in Arab gulf countries. Do not compare Apple to orange, I never claim to go to Yemen and live there and requesting my historical land like the Oromo do with their fake claim that Somalia is historical land. Or Somalis go to Iraq or Saudi and put historical claims at their land sorry. We are Somalia ethnic who are part of Arab league org to promote cooperation between group of countries who have same background of trading and migration for thousand of years unlike country like Ethiopia which we had wars for past 600 years and being isloted from them.
@Canuck you get mad at the fact that Oromo claim to be Somali, but you're claiming to be Arab?

Arab league has served as a forum for the member states to coordinate their policy positions, to deliberate on matters of common concern. The League's main goal is to "draw closer the relations between member States and co-ordinate collaboration between them. the Arab League facilitates political, economic, cultural, scientific, and social programmes designed to promote the interests of the members.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Somalis were called Berberis in the past. We share that name with our Morrocan brethren.
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