You need to see this

AUN to your family sxb, I can't imagine having that sort of experience

Isaaqs were always some of the most pro-Somali people around. It may not seem like it now but they were major patriots. There is a reason why the Somali flag was first hung in Hargeisa.

They're a polar opposite to the locals back home in Somaliland today. A lot of brainwashing occurred over these decades unfortunately
My uncle went missing in Galbeed in the 80's fighting communist ethiopia. His body was never found.

My aabo was killed by Ethiopians near the Somaliland border in 2015 AUN.

My family escaped galbeed and went to djibouti to flee the occupation. thats why I have both Djibouti and Somali flags up.

I never once wanted to talk about this shit on here cause its increadibly personal but I hate the lies being spread about my clan espceially by propagandists. I dont want to see retard somalilanders EVER say Isxaaq werent unionists but I also dont want to EVER see retard qabiilist lie about history and trash on the blood my family shed for your fucking flag.

I have college, work, and im getting married so I dont have time to be on forums or twitter much anymore. You niggas now spread this word for me.

AUN to your uncle little brother, and of course there are plenty of isaaqs who believe in Somali unity and brotherhood, keep up the spirit :salute:
Yes it is. No more Oromo accusations I guess :silanyosmile: @CABDULWALI XASAN.
This guy was a top-tier troll, my apologies @Yami this is some rs . AUN to your relatives. I know some of my relatives fought against the ethiopians aswell. Luckily no deaths, but after he got wounded he got sent to hargeisa for medical treatment. Just goes to show how fake this division is
Thats why Im never harsh to the landers, its only gonna draw us apart more in a time we need to be united. Thats what they want!!!


SNM was originally a Somali NATIONALIST group. Its literally in the fucking name lakiin Sacad Muuse with their propaganda tainted the legacy of SNM and my family's hard work.

Even after Kacaan bombed us into obliverion raping us genociding us left right and center Isxaaq were still unionist. My told me stories of how people from across somalia poured into hawd into the refugee camps she was in to give her relief equiment.

Its why everyone rebelled when they did. There's no coincidence that hargaysa was destroyed in 1988 & kacaan got taken out in 1991. Everyone came for Isxaaq back
I never understood the cursing against people Mogadishu who Chased MSB away from Somalia by Landers.

I Believe the Fitna was worse than the Dictatorship preceding it. But i do not blame the people for rebelling against an unjust ruler, i blame the so called leader among Rebels(SNM, SPM, USC, SSDF) that have forsaken the sharia and made country ripe for explotation.
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Inshaalah kheiyr Soomaaliland will be dismanlted soon. Its only used as division among us by Addis Ababa.

Wonder why they came knocking on Berbera door for a port? Eritrea knows their game well and does not bother giving them shit.

Jabuuti railroad to Adiss Ababa is constantly raided by Ciise & Canfari tribal men who hate th government.

The next region they come knocking is ours. Wallahi if war breaks out I will be buying a ticket immediatly and joining the fight. My land in Aware is already gone I won't let Adiss Ababa take Berbera from us next
It's not only Somaliland bro, most if not all federal member states are under Ethiopian influence, just look at the southwest state, PL, Hiraan and Gedo they're all siding with Ethiopia who have intentionally violated Somali sovereignty.... First time I've seen Somaliland and Puntland agree on something, in other words all these self proclaimed states agree on their support for Ethiopia on Somali soil also even building a navy on our coast.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It's not only Somaliland bro, most if not all federal member states are under Ethiopian influence, just look at the southwest state, PL, Hiraan and Gedo they're all siding with Ethiopia who have intentionally violated Somali sovereignty.... First time I've seen Somaliland and Puntland agree on something, in other words all these self proclaimed states agree on their support for Ethiopia on Somali soil also even building a navy on our coast.

Lol some things never change, a century or so ago the various clan sultanates were scrambling to sign protectorate treaties with the colonizers thinking they'd gain an advantage to one up their Somali rivals, only to end up colonized subjects and lose half their territory to Ethiopia and Kenyan.

We're led by the same idiots making the same decisions which will ultimately lead to the same result in the very near future. Our failure to learn from history and our short-sightedness will be the death of us.
Lol some things never change, a century or so ago the various clan sultanates were scrambling to sign protectorate treaties with the colonizers thinking they'd gain an advantage to one up their Somali rivals, only to end up colonized subjects and lose half their territory to Ethiopia and Kenyan.

We're led by the same idiots making the same decisions which will ultimately lead to the same result in the very near future. Our failure to learn from history and our short-sightedness will be the death of us.
Those older leaders were way, way better. The Sayid, Olol Dinle, Kenadiid, Osman Ahmed ect all had more spine and smarts than any of Somalia's current leaders
Lol some things never change, a century or so ago the various clan sultanates were scrambling to sign protectorate treaties with the colonizers thinking they'd gain an advantage to one up their Somali rivals, only to end up colonized subjects and lose half their territory to Ethiopia and Kenyan.

We're led by the same idiots making the same decisions which will ultimately lead to the same result in the very near future. Our failure to learn from history and our short-sightedness will be the death of us.
Indeed shortsighted fools who only care about themselves and little about the future.

