Younger generation Somalis are opportunists and cold

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Of course everyone is an opportunist but I've seen young Somalis who will snake their way into just profiting $10 or fake relationships with people for years to reach their goal that wasn't worth the energy and time.

And what makes it worse is that they are not appreciative after receiving what they get.

I have seen Somalis disrespect or cut ties with people who fed and sheltered them when they experienced tough times. And forget about them when those people needed help.

What makes the younger Somalis cold and opportunist?


On Hiatus
You give young Somalis too much credit. They wish they were opportunists, but alas, they exert all of their energy on frivolous things. Some Somalis are xaasid tho.
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What makes the younger Somalis cold and opportunist?
I don't think that applies to most young Somalis. For those who are opportunists, I would say they're the product of their environment and people they associate with. Besides, there are opportunists in every ethnic group. I would go further and say, when it comes to per capita, there are more cadaan opportunists than Somalis or minority groups.

bilan M

I dont know mayb fear, its sad tho. Young somali nowdays r so inseacure. U meet young girl and she be speaking perfect sing somali songs, going to weddings and the nxt month ull c her in a niqaab hangin with the islamic hipsters quran bashing every1 and the following month she might got herself an average job and ull spot her in a bar pretending she does knw her qabil and sayn things like 'oh my somali sooo bad'
When I mean opportunities, I mean people to take advantage of a simple situation but in a evil way. Like taking advantage of good hearted people who tried to help them but not showing any appreciation and are cold when they get what they want.


Somalis tend to think this behavior is being smart blame there parents:donkey:
As for me I never ask for help from anybody but if someone gave me help when am down I will feel like shit if I didn't help them when they're struggling:kanyeshrug:


On Hiatus
I know what you meant. It's like the people who ask for your help, but then act like they're somehow using you. Too bad I don't help those kinds of people.



Don't be so surprised.

We are the generation, we were either born in a western country or raised from a young age.

We are the result of psuedo Somali western society.

bilan M

Yea my post was addressing amn issue i have noticed amongst da somali young. U r right tho, i think west has that afFect on all miniorites back home things r different . Its the dog eat dog mentality.
Don't be so surprised.

We are the generation, we were either born in a western country or raised from a young age.

We are the result of psuedo Somali western society.

It happens in Somalia too. The older generation even does it.

Many people take over all the land that their dead parents left and leave nothing for their diaspora siblings.

Or a diaspora sibling builds a home only for their local siblings to rent it to other locals without their diaspora sibling knowing and they pocket the $300 monthly rent. But they were only supposed to look after the house or just live in it. Or in a few years time they take over the house like its theirs

bilan M

It happens in Somalia too. The older generation even does it.

Many people take over all the land that their dead parents left and leave nothing for their diaspora siblings.

Or a diaspora sibling builds a home only for their local siblings to rent it to other locals without their diaspora sibling knowing and they pocket the $300 monthly rent. But they were only supposed to look after the house or just live in it. Or in a few years time they take over the house like its theirs

Its one the signs of day of judgement. Hypocracy will increase among muslim communities


It happens in Somalia too. The older generation even does it.

Many people take over all the land that their dead parents left and leave nothing for their diaspora siblings.

Or a diaspora sibling builds a home only for their local siblings to rent it to other locals without their diaspora sibling knowing and they pocket the $300 monthly rent. But they were only supposed to look after the house or just live in it. Or in a few years time they take over the house like its theirs

I've seen that happen within my own family. Not my siblings per sa, however I've come to the conclusion that these sorts of attitudes are raised from underlying jealousy.

Disporas are seen as the "accomplished"

Those of whom living back home may feel obligated to take over anything that's situated back home thus not giving a shit regardless. And that's where these situations created!

Regardless of ethnicity, these types of traits and characteristics are universal. Don't be surprised. Everyone wants to survive.
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