

Plotting world domination
This is gonna sound really evil.. but I don’t think most can be ”fixed”… who would want them ? A bunch of fobs with no degrees/careers, most are really ugly/short (malnutrition really fxd them over 😭). I can’t see qurbojoog women going for them when they can just find a well-adjusted qurbojoog kid, neither will most ajanabis. Here in Scandinavia most of them are either single (never married) or divorced.

Most of them will be stuck working in warehouses or driving trucks for the foreseeable future. It's a shitty way to live honestly. These men are part of the system that helps drive the nation though.
America literally depends on immigrants to do the low wage and shitty jobs American citizens don't want.

A lot of the fast food spots around me are packed with Mexicans. The ones without citizenship tend to work a lot of overtime just to cover rent and bills.

Yeah blaming fobs for your shortcomings atleast they work hard and take care of their families back home while most of you guys born there are in the gangs or in prison rotting away

Be honest. We all know the truth. It's only a small minority of Somali men that are criminals.
Most of them will be stuck working in warehouses or driving trucks for the foreseeable future. It's a shitty way to live honestly. These men are part of the system that helps drive the nation though.
America literally depends on immigrants to do the low wage and shitty jobs American citizens don't want.

A lot of the fast food spots around me are packed with Mexicans. The ones without citizenship tend to work a lot of overtime just to cover rent and bills.
You see how you don’t like to be stereotyped the same way you always dunk on fobs

Be honest. We all know the truth. It's only a small minority of Somali men that are criminals.
The only way to stop this behaviour is to have at least one good Somali male representation that isn’t known for being “funny”.

Somali guys always copy each other. Once they see one popular guy representing them well, they’ll wanna be like him.
Every ethnicity copy each other. South Asians are hive mind central, there’s about 2 million of them and all they care about is cricket and cars.

The difference is their role models are doctors and corporates. Whereas our role models are social media content creators. Wtf is that.

I’ve said it before but it’s so stupid, they don’t know what they’re doing is diluting others peoples spaces. They style their videos in the same way as who they try to emulate so they end up becoming competition.

The funniest part is the exceptions though, somali kids will want to become pro footballers despite no one good ever coming from our community. But they won’t do long distance running despite there being plenty of success from diaspora kids there smh
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Plotting world domination
I feel like the older generation dressed well and groomed themselves based on the pictures I’ve seen of my male relatives from back in the day.

Somali men being online heavily today has destroyed their rep. We have too many attention seeking clowns. The ones seeking to improve their physical appearance still make self deprecating jokes and tie it to our ethnicity. I’ve rarely seen Somali girls do this.

Its sad to see the embarrassing behaviour I saw in school from somali guys is now being seen by millions of people online.

What were these guys doing in school???


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Every ethnicity copy each other. South Asians are hive mind central, there’s about 2 million of them and all they care about is cricket and cars.

The difference is their role models are doctors and corporates. Whereas our role models are social media “content creators. Wtf is that.

I’ve said it before but it’s so stupid, they don’t know what they’re doing is diluting others peoples spaces. They style their videos in the same way as who they try to emulate so they end up becoming competition.

The funniest part is the exceptions though, somali kids will want to become pro footballers despite no one good ever coming from our community. But they won’t do long distance running despite there being plenty of success from diaspora kids there smh
The blame is on father's who left somalia and arrived in the west expecting to be the same father theirs was to them and everything would be okay. I'd say another 5-10 yrs, if we see no new somali male role models, we're ducked till the next Gen grows up. It's so sad how programed the average mf is huh
The blame is on father's who left somalia and arrived in the west expecting to be the same father theirs was to them and everything would be okay. I'd say another 5-10 yrs, if we see no new somali male role models, we're ducked till the next Gen grows up. It's so sad how programed the average mf is huh
There are role models but they don’t choose to follow them. Look how many diaspora ustadh there are now. We’re in an era of TikTok too, there are somali lawyers/dentists/doctors/models/artists on there if you can find them.

But they want to be doing hazard vs salah debates smh
"Life will not get better for these niggas anytime soon and social media will be their outlet. Rip to somali male rep"

"I clocked that all the incels who show up on these platforms and those who are aggressively trolling on social media are mostly a bunch of fobs who’ve been here 5-15 years 💀 the most aggressive incels I’ve seen online are fobs in the UK."

Got attacked on here once because I said fobs have it tough. A lot of those guys pretty much have to start all over here in the west and are essentially stuck at the bottom of society.

"where are they gonna find spouses? Qurbojoog women don’t want them neither do ajanabi."

Western xalimos usually don't want them but they still find a way to land ajnabis. Some even resort to becoming passport bros.
You really need to stop commenting on Somali affairs. You lost that right the moment you became what you are.
You and @Lightshow remind me of those type of people who hype up fat and ugly people who genuinely need to change themselves but instead you worsen their situation and make themselves feel good/accomplished about themselves in their current situation.
View attachment 342699

"Wow! your so good looking! who told you that your ugly?" 🤦‍♂️
Maybe not everyone is a superficial materialist.

The guy has bushy eyebrows but not a unibrow. His eyebrows are not touching, although close to it.

Lets be real here, modern people like you are extremely surface level. You are stuck on such stupid triviality that it would be funny if not so debilitating.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
There are role models but they don’t choose to follow them. Look how many diaspora ustadh there are now. We’re in an era of TikTok too, there are somali lawyers/dentists/doctors/models/artists on there if you can find them.

But they want to be doing hazard vs salah debates smh
Tbh most young men don't really have the passion to go into these fields. If a somali lawyer showed up on tiktok, got mini famous, most young somali men would still not be too in it. We need an overly masculine, real or not, somali men with a lot of money that's good with words and knows how to mix entertainment with useful advice. Think a somali tate but without the scandalousness attached. And honestly I believe young somali men need to stop going into stem and try and become part of this big wave of youth that are capitalising on social media to make lacag. Sxb we all know several niggas going into or already in uni, there's enough to match our delinquent numbers in my opinion. We need more abrasive, rich, young somali men because this is the age of making money, not curing cancer. Education is so overrated as it is.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
You really need to stop commenting on Somali affairs. You lost that right the moment you became what you are.

Maybe not everyone is a superficial materialist.

The guy has bushy eyebrows but not a unibrow. His eyebrows are not touching, although close to it.

Lets be real here, modern people like you are extremely surface level. You are stuck on such stupid triviality that it would be funny if not so debilitating.
Going on social media and flaunting your surface levels of wasted potential is a problem that needs to be acknowledged when we don't have well known popular somalis to clap back in real time
And honestly I believe young somali men need to stop going into stem and try and become part of this big wave of youth that are capitalising on social media to make lacag. Sxb we all know several niggas going into or already in uni, there's enough to match our delinquent numbers in my opinion. We need more abrasive, rich, young somali men because this is the age of making money, not curing cancer. Education is so overrated as it is.
Looool we do. The problem is they’re all bums


Plotting world domination
Tbh most young men don't really have the passion to go into these fields. If a somali lawyer showed up on tiktok, got mini famous, most young somali men would still not be too in it. We need an overly masculine, real or not, somali men with a lot of money that's good with words and knows how to mix entertainment with useful advice. Think a somali tate but without the scandalousness attached. And honestly I believe young somali men need to stop going into stem and try and become part of this big wave of youth that are capitalising on social media to make lacag. Sxb we all know several niggas going into or already in uni, there's enough to match our delinquent numbers in my opinion. We need more abrasive, rich, young somali men because this is the age of making money, not curing cancer. Education is so overrated as it is.

"Tbh most young men don't really have the passion to go into these fields"

Real talk I'm happy we got a lot of Somali stem bros now but ngl it's pretty obvious a lot of our parents weren't exactly raising young Somali men to become engineers, doctors, or lawyers.

As a teen I straight up had no interest in these fields even though I had uncles in these professions. I thought their fields of work was boring.

I always had a certain career goal though so I never had any intentions on being a bum. I just had no major interest in those fields growing up. There was a slight interest when I was a little kid. I wanted to build robots but that dream disappeared when I found a cooler career goal.

I do feel like I could have been an engineer or doctor if I got mentored properly as a child.i started college off as an computer science major but automatically switched to IT. Those engineering courses were killing me. I wasn't prepared for that shit. Had to teach myself how to study meanwhile most of my classmates came to college prepared since they had intentions of becoming an engineer since the age of 12. I just attempted it because I heard the lacag was good.

Thankfully it all worked out for me


Be careful when you mate with someone. Picking a spouse with a family history of terrible genetics will finish off your seed. Also conversely the ugly Somali males (not average they have hope) should do us a favour and not mate all together so those genes can die off. Also be a good role model and instil love of one's nation state and race in your kids at an early age so they can never self deprecate like this.