Zionist Jew Debates Honourable Somali Man on Palestine

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The last suugo bender
Any religious claim to the land is absurd so you should judge both sides on their merit: 300m Arabs occupying a land mass larger than the US and 7m people occupying a place the size of Rhode Island. 197 Jews won Nobel prizes out of a total of 800 awarded. And these awards are mostly in physics, chemistry and other important sciences without which your sorry ass wouldn't have a computer to post this nonsense. Guess how many Arabs won te prize for achievements for contributing to human development? ZERO.

Oh and before you start going on about how west just gave them the prize to spite Muslims, most of these were German Jews who were hated more than any other group on earth.

No offence but one shouldn't have to contribute ANYTHING to live and survive , i couldn't care less if i haven't contributed to physics or bloody chemistry me being born shouldn't be a burden payable by contributing to Physics etc i can contribute to society by being a plumber or farmer if i so wish. This argument of noble prizes is bullshit tbh. Btw what did you contribute to society and can i see how many noble prizes you've won?......... yh no.

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