Barkhad Abdi To Be In New Movie!

What's with these tags? I feel like the film will be about Somali tahriibayal going through croatia or something to get to Europe. This wecel will deliver another Massive blow to our image in exchange for scrapes. I could care less if the film doesn't involve Somalis.
What's with these tags? I feel like the film will be about Somali tahriibayal going through croatia or something to get to Europe. This wecel will deliver another Massive blow to our image in exchange for scrapes. I could care less if the film doesn't involve Somalis.
Am I missing something? Wasn’t his last role the smuggler in Blade Runner 2049? Has he accepted roles made to look Somalis bad besides the pirates movie?
All incel farax are mad at him for no reason.
nigga why insult fellow Somalis?

You know why they're mad, because these little qajacs go on cadaan websites, to ask other men to rate their looks, and they also cry about their features (whilst looking perfectly normal). Waa wax jiran oo kalsoonida ka maqanyahay, ilaahay ha caafiyo. I wish we had a normal government, and they were forced into military training. That would sort their issues out very quickly.

Sending love to Barkhad even though I do wish all Somalis stayed out of that demonic Hollyweird. But I hate how insecure Somalis dogpile on him, as if all Somali males have to look like supermodels. Shaqo yeesha oo ninkaan islaameed nabad galiya.
You know why they're mad, because these little qajacs go on cadaan websites, to ask other men to rate their looks, and they also cry about their features (whilst looking perfectly normal). Waa wax jiran oo kalsoonida ka maqanyahay, ilaahay ha caafiyo. I wish we had a normal government, and they were forced into military training. That would sort their issues out very quickly.

Sending love to Barkhad even though I do wish all Somalis stayed out of that demonic Hollyweird. But I hate how insecure Somalis dogpile on him, as if all Somali males have to look like supermodels. Shaqo yeesha oo ninkaan islaameed nabad galiya.
People don’t want to admit it but social media has had a profound effect on how some of these younger gen Somalis view themselves all the social media slander is affecting these young men parents should monitor what their kids do and instil confidence in them
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I don’t like the hate he gets he seems like a good dude xenophobic ajanabis have been using him for a decade to attack Somali men clearly it has affected some people mentally

In real life, no woman from any ethnic group, is pulling out or remembering an internet meme, no matter the ethnic group of the man she's with. People's natural energy and charm/kindness/funny etc, shows up and that's what people think about. The internet is NOT real life. Ilaahay dadkaan ha caafiyo.

You know what we need, Somali male influencers online, who rewire the brains of these guys. Not the red-pill khaniis content, but self-love, confidence, MASCULINITY, etc. OR, a good few months in Somalia, that will do the trick.


All praise is due to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Why cant he go into hiding in peace? we don't need to see him in another film where he doesn’t get paid and further tarnish our non-existent reputation.


Plotting world domination
@Kisame add your thoughts on this

The shit I would say would be deemed a hate crime. His ugly ass became the face of somalis for a paycheck smaller than 100k.

You know what we need, Somali male influencers online, who rewire the brains of these guys.

We need better looking content creators overall. Ugly niggas just need to stay away from the cameras for now. That shouldn't be a tough task but sadly these niggas are addicted to social media clout. A lot of young guys also recently started streaming and posting content on tiktok. I just hope these guys don't end up embarrassing us like yusuf7n.

You know why they're mad, because these little qajacs go on cadaan websites, to ask other men to rate their looks, and they also cry about their features (whilst looking perfectly normal). Waa wax jiran oo kalsoonida ka maqanyahay, ilaahay ha caafiyo. I wish we had a normal government, and they were forced into military training. That would sort their issues out very quickly.

Sending love to Barkhad even though I do wish all Somalis stayed out of that demonic Hollyweird. But I hate how insecure Somalis dogpile on him, as if all Somali males have to look like supermodels. Shaqo yeesha oo ninkaan islaameed nabad galiya.
People don’t want to admit it but social media has had a profound effect on how some of these younger gen Somalis view themselves all the social media slander is affecting these young men parents should monitor what their kids do and instil confidence in them

Representation in the media is very important here in the west. Especially when you grow up living in a diverse country. Not every young Somali guy has a strong Somali community to depend on whenever they're feeling insecure. minorities that grow up around their own people tend to always be more confident in themselves compared to minorities that don't.

The media has been telling young Somali people that somalia has been considered the worst shit hole on for over a decade now. They've also made an ugly ass dude the face of Somali people.

Older Millennial and gen X Somali men have simply not cared about our media representation. These guys could have helped fix our reputation by pushing more somalis into media roles but they never gave a f*ck. Gen Z and the children of Gen Z will have to be the main ones to fix this issue here in the west. Staying out of Hollywood is something we can't afford to do. I hate when niggas say this.
The shit I would say would be deemed a hate crime. His ugly ass became the face of somalis for a paycheck smaller than 100k.

We need better looking content creators overall. Ugly niggas just need to stay away from the cameras for now. That shouldn't be a tough task but sadly these niggas are addicted to social media clout. A lot of young guys also recently started streaming and posting content on tiktok. I just hope these guys don't end up embarrassing us like yusuf7n.

Representation in the media is very important here in the west. Especially when you grow up living in a diverse country. Not every young Somali guy has a strong Somali community to depend on whenever they're feeling insecure. minorities that grow up around their own people tend to always be more confident in themselves compared to minorities that don't.

The media has been telling young Somali people that somalia has been considered the worst shit hole on for over a decade now. They've also made an ugly ass dude the face of Somali people.

Older Millennial and gen X Somali men have simply not cared about our media representation. These guys could have helped fix our reputation by pushing more somalis into media roles but they never gave a f*ck. Gen Z and the children of Gen Z will have to be the main ones to fix this issue here in the west. Staying out of Hollywood is something we can't afford to do. I hate when niggas say this.
People think I overrreact when I speak on this how important representation and role models are for young people especially young men however we are already in much better position then 10 years ago
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