‘Somali’ murtads aren’t Somali

Are Somali gaals somali?

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No, 'Murtad' Somalis are just Murtads. Difference in religious beliefs does not discard one as 'un-Somali'.

Are they Kaafirs? Yes, and Allah (SWT) will deal with them on Judgement day. But they're still ethnically Somali, but not culturally.

Ok, let me now give you an example,

Many Somalis that are born in the diaspora are Muslim, but they are culturally western & progressive, and not at all culturally Somali. Heck, most of them can't even string a sentence of Somali together. Does that now make them not Somali anymore? No, it doesn't. They may be culturally lost, but their heritage and lineage is Somali and will always be.
I always remind religious extremists that they are living in the west. Okay then your not a westerner if your not Christian so off you go back to Somalia. What are you waiting for :mjlaugh:


Weren’t you one of the people angry that France banned hijabs for under 18s in public places. You expect the west to be tolerant of religions but want complete religious intolerance back home. :heh:
When did I say that I don’t tolerate other religious beliefs? Gtfo with your strawman. :camby:
That’s not how it works retard. I tolerate other religious beliefs.

Really? So you're ok with churches being built in Somalia for the Christians practising in secret? I don't think you are.

Catholics in Indonesia were bombed this Palm Sunday at church. They did nothing wrong. Everyone has to look behind their shoulder.
That’s not how it works retard. You can’t just build up strawmen. I’m religiously tolerant.
This sounds really tolerant :mjlaugh:
“To be Somali is to be Muslim. Islam is basically what unites as an ethnic group, plus it’s deeply engrained within our culture. A Somali without Islam is just another madow IMO.”

okay simple question if your so religiously tolerant are somali Christians and atheist Somali ?:camby:
There are various factors that play into ethnicity, ancestry is only part of it, tradition and culture, language, and even religion because it ties to the way of life and historical consequences that lead to the outcome of where a group is and what values they carry. To say religion is not part of what Somali is is dishonest. The notion that ethnicity has nothing to do with religion is a foreign concept, a product of secularization.

Sure, we can expand what Somali is to include whatever people that don't fit the conventional way of life of what it means to be part of the ethnic group, but that's different from acting like it always was the case, because, like it or not, Islam is at the core of a Somali ever since the known history of Somalis, everything past that has been forgotten and didn't get carried on strongly.


This sounds really tolerant :mjlaugh:
“To be Somali is to be Muslim. Islam is basically what unites as an ethnic group, plus it’s deeply engrained within our culture. A Somali without Islam is just another madow IMO.”

okay simple question if your so religiously tolerant are somali Christians and atheist Somali ?:camby:
What does this have to do with religious tolerance?
Kicking out your own son just because he’s another religion. Bro just log off :mjlol:
Let me guess, you’d let your daughter hoe around as long as she practises safe sex?
How bout if ur son became jewish

id Rather my son be atheist then be a jew:kodaksmiley: