Haha this reminds me of the times where i use to always post ways to fix Somalia on here1 : all shabab’s controls of the majority of agricultural land
2 : separtist
3 :’s global image
4 : federalism
5 : traitors
Isn’t it coincidental that al shabab controls majority of fertile land?
No it isn’t!
With all shabab’s controlling majority of our fertile land’s the UN (/
) are guaranteed that the Somali govt stays dependent on foreign aid
Any govt that wants independence must fix that
The separatist are primarily meant 2 function as a stick to keep mogadishu in line whenever it wishes to act independently
But also functions as a means to keep other powers away from that region
Govt must Dismantle snm and the current social fabric of snm controlled areas!
The propaganda against Somalia serves 3 purposes
1st : it keeps foreign investment/tourism away wich directly increases’s dependence on western aid
2nd : it justifies western intervention in
3rd : it tries to demoralize & demotivate somalis by hurting their pride
Any serious govt should immediately counter that by inserting somalia’s goal of rebranding their global image into the current global affairs & see where’s goal of rebranding itself fits into that so as to when that global issue gains more legitimacy
s image will too!
I think its obvious federalism was designed to chop up somalia and plunder each region of somalia without the fed govt being able to do anything about if but also as like with the separatist as a stick to keep the FGS in line and to influence our elections!
Any serious govt should immediately dismantle federalism on day 1 despite the consequences wich any competent govt can easily predict will be!
Couple of warlords making videos of how they will do this and that
Just dismantle it & deal with the warlords which aren’t many!
Traitors should be dealt with in a way that traitors have always been dealt with
Any individual or group/organistion that wishes 2 create unrest and destroy the social cohesion just so that a foreign power takes over doesn’t deserve any sympathy and should be all trialed!
All of Somalia’s problems can easily be solved through unity
The power of unity can easily deal with all these issues but without an efficient leader that has legitimacy these issues will be hard to tackle
Islam/Soomaaliniimo is the only way we can achieve that currently
.Back when i was naive and did not understand how screwed and hopeless somalia is
I think we should call this phase:Somalia syndrome