🚨 Breaking News! The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, was targeted in the southern suburb of Beirut. It's still unclear whether he is💀or not

Developing.. Apparently 6 airstrikes on the same spot on Beirut, some say they heard 10.
This is not even their usual drone "double tapping" anymore, 6-10 strikes on the same civilian dense area, there is a massive hole in the ground zero spot. How can you conduct yourself like this and expect me to see you as anything but barbaric!
went from the "axis of resistance" to axis of cucks. israel stays on their necks. in any direction, being humiliated daily has to be the worst feeling. :pachah1:
Hit Israel with an EMP and disable the iron dome. Then get to throwing them bombs like footballs. These yahuuds need to get dealt with in the worst way.


Forza Somalia!
Why aren't Ayrabs fighting back?
There are two factions:
- Irans: Hezbullah Yemen Syria
- And Ayrab states who are anti Iran side.

Seeing Hezbullah disarmed and harmed is in the interest of those arab states, especially Saudi arabia.

Syria can't do nothing, Israel used to bomb them every 2 months, Yemen is ruled by militant group that consist of maniac who doesn't know how to organize, they usually respond after weeks.