🧬Chunkz's 23andMe DNA results


♚Sargon of Adal♚
That's true but the Oromo would have to have had Bantu DNA. I've heard from multiple people that many Boranas in Northern Kenya have Bantu DNA.
The Borana spread southeast and Northwest while the Barentu spread Northeast while absorbing small groups along the way, at most you won't find anything beyond 1.5% congo/central African in the region, the border clans usually intermixed with local Bantus and Nilotes in Kenya.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Our farmers who settled in riverbanks of Juba and Shabele are mostly from other African countries. Most Somalis have waxooga yar oo Jaréèr ah in their DNA😆
Speak for yourself, you heathen. I’m %100 Somali Alhumdulilah. I was bored during Covid and got the DNA test done 💀

Angry Downton Abbey GIF


Sidii roon Raba og
Speak for yourself, you heathen. I’m %100 Somali Alhumdulilah. I was bored during Covid and got the DNA test done 💀

Angry Downton Abbey GIF

I see! Your family were far away from the riverbanks. Our farmers are generous feeding us with bananas, mangoes, papayas, watermelons. And occasionally they spread their DNA wakhtiga dabshidka.
The Borana spread southeast and Northwest while the Barentu spread Northeast while absorbing small groups along the way, at most you won't find anything beyond 1.5% congo/central African in the region, the border clans usually intermixed with local Bantus and Nilotes in Kenya.
I saw an Oromo guy say that they've assimilated Pokomo. If I remember correctly, he was referring to Oromo tribes in Northern Kenya who are considered "pure" by many.
This is baffling me. I heard that he’s HJ from Burco area and reer abti is Ciidagale, both inland subs. So how on earth he didn’t get 100% I don’t know.

He might have some benadiri ancestry? I’ve seen them get Bantu + Indian before. Honestly I don’t have a clue
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Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
I see! Your family were far away from the riverbanks. Our farmers are generous feeding us with bananas, mangoes, papayas, watermelons. And occasionally they spread their DNA wakhtiga dabshidka.
Bit confused bro 💀
Are you Somali sxb, or a Somali Bantu brother ?
These DNA tests are only useful if you are from the new world. Its a waste of money if you are old world and you hail from one ethnicity.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
These DNA tests are only useful if you are from the new world. Its a waste of money if you are old world and you hail from one ethnicity.
“We have to weed out the impure individuals”

crack GIF

I imagine this is what these folks look like 😂


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
If i were Chunkz i would not have shared that .02 Congolese. His reputation is over

