3,000 Puntite warriors to join Federal Army

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Don't bother with this enslaved one, he is the one we are trying to free from the shackles of gumeeysi, the barking harmless clueless dog

Mad that I exposed how deranged Habar Gidir is? :dabcasar:

Son of Sacad, the only clan to bow to another clan's leader. This constant talk of slave and owner just reveals how weak and broken your psyche is.
One question?

Ninka Sarta Saaran yaa weeye?

(Suldaan Cali weeye)

Ninka dhulka jooga yaa weeye?

Waa your naked awoowe who can be seen in this image. Frame it. :icon lol:

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Isn't it your beloved HG that is constantly fighting Dir in Central Somalia.
HG and dir constantly fighting in central somalia? :icon lol:

The last time we had conflict was almost 15 years ago and it was been a small sub sub sub clan of reer nimcaale & dir in dooxada golol.

Also stop peddling fiction about leelkase; here are their elders stating they have nothing to do with gaalkacyo conflict.:nvjpqts:
Afhayeenka oo ku Sugan Galdogob ayaa Sheegay in Puntland Dooneyso in ay isku Dirto Labo Beelood oo Gaalkacyo daggan Leelkase iyo Sacad.
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HG and dir constantly fighting in central somalia? :icon lol:

The last time we had conflict was in 15 years ago and it was been a small sub sub sub clan of reer nimcaale & dir in dooxada golol. http://www.irinnews.org/report/44845/somalia-over-40-killed-fighting-central-region

Also stop peddling fiction about leelkase; here are their elders stating they have nothing to do with gaalkacyo conflict.:nvjpqts:



Stop trying to associate yourself with Tanade Daarood, they were nicked "Derbi Daarood" because they act like a wall against you parasites.
You are in conflict with everyone, even each other.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Apparently the United States of America is planning on creating an independent military institution separate from the government similar to Egypt due to failure of federalism, how long it's taken to fight Al Shabab and the threat from Russia. Imagine Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Ethiopia, Somalia all controlled by Russia.

Yep, you heard it from me first. In 10 years time, we will have another dictator. At least we've become relevant again. :mjkkk::rejoice:
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Wallahi enough is enough we HG must and only if Somalia is going to balkanized should strengthen our border, as the below Chatham World Politics in London suggests, Small Northern tip of Mudug is still disputed which is a shame on Galmudug as it is their terriritory and should clarify it as such.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
As long as they take orders from Farmaajo and not inkaarqabe Gaas I welcome them. But I would monitor their movements and strictly deploy them in cities where they wont clash with the locals, perhaps Baidoa where Beerdoofar was once stationed.

Farmaajo should also be careful not to place them in influential high ranking posessions, even non Bermuda triangle members, vital critical info should not be told lest Gaas runs to Ethiopia
Every single Somali clan that shares a 'border' has had conflicts and "dislikes" each other. Isn't it your beloved HG that is constantly fighting Dir in Central Somalia, in Merca. Marehan in Central Somalia, Majerteen/Leelkasse in Gaalkacyo. You were even fighting Ogaadeen near the border. In one year alone, you were beefing nearly every Somali clan and continue to do so.

There is no other clan in Somalia that has simultaneous wars with other clans. Don't make me post the multiple reports. You are the common-denominator in all Somali wars.

Meanwhile, your MJ boogeyman only has conflicts with HG, who happens to have beef with everyone, even the shushumoow loving cadcads. :ivers:
Get out of here with your pathetic revisionism.
HG is living in peace and cooperation with Qubeys and Marehan.

Marehan recently got free land even in Cadaado and Qubeys live peacefully with HG in Galmudug. You never hear about any escalation.

In Gaalkacyo there were only some clashes more recently in a shares city with decades of peace. It's died down and PL have even lifted their blockade.

Some territorial fighting in Mustahil and Gode Zone twenty years ago is nothing.
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HG is living in peace and cooperation with Qubeys and Marehan.

Marehan recently got free land even in Cadaado and Qubeys live peacefully with HG in Galmudug. You never hear about any escalation.

In Gaalkacyo there were only some clashes more recently in a shares city with decades of peace. It's died down and PL have even lifted their blockade.

Some territorial fighting in Mustahil and Gode Zone twenty years ago is nothing.

Are you going to pretend that there wasn't a conflict in Saaxo with Wagerdhac ? Or that you didn't have a conflict with Ogaadeen liyuu? Or the non-stop conflicts in Marka and Gaalkacyo??

The land you supposedly gave Marehan was a few years ago and that was to encourage them to join Galmudug. Didn't stop you from trying to steal their land in Saaxo did it.

Even your so called Irrir Brothers, Surre (Dir), in Tawfiiq- Mudug joined Puntland.

What is it with you HG fellas and lying? You think we can't read all the news reports, even from your own websites.

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Are you going to pretend that there wasn't a conflict in Saaxo with Wagerdhac ? Or that you didn't have a conflict with Ogaadeen liyuu? Or the non-stop conflicts in Marka and Gaalkacyo??

The land you supposedly gave Marehan was a few years ago and that was to encourage them to join Galmudug. Didn't stop you from trying to steal their land in Saaxo did it.

Even your so called Irrir Brothers, Surre (Dir), in Tawfiiq- Mudug joined Puntland.

What is it with you HG fellas and lying? You think we can't read all the news reports, even from your own websites.

Isaaq, Darood, Hawiye and primarily Ogaden all have had conflicts with the Ethiopian puppet unit Liyuu Police.

"The land you supposedly gave Marehan" what is supposedly about it?:ivers:

No shit the land given was to boost cooperation and friendliness. Why fucking else?:ileycry:

And Qubeys Surre are a part of Galmudug and happily so.

Son small conflicts here and there are inevitable in Somalia. You're using them like they're something unique to one clan or that they are caused by one clan.

And peace talks were held in Cadaado between Wagerdhac and HG Salebaan 7 years ago. Relations have only improved and no cuqdad is held by any clan as Salebaan would later give land in luscious Cadaado to Marehan aswell as support Farmaajo en masse.

You're trying to paint a fake picture. Anybody could to the same to any big clan since your examples are so broad and non-specific.
Fake picture? :comeon: Why are you pretending that this is in the past?


Saaxo- ongoing fight between Mareexaan and habar gidir
renewed since 2014



2016 (HG website, deny this!)


^ from your own Habar Gidir website.

As for Tawfiiq, Surre Dir land-- Puntland troops are there with permission from Dir. (Galmudug kulaha lmao)


Marka-NON STOP!! Even today.

Gaalkacyo, warkiisa daa

Beenta jooji.


In the space of ONE year (2016), you were beefing Daarood & Dir AT THE SAME TIME. Same shit in 2017.

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Fake picture? :comeon: Why are you pretending that this is in the past?


Saaxo- ongoing fight between Mareexaan and habar gidir
renewed since 2014


Fake news from Bosaso.
2016 (HG website, deny this!)


^ from your own Habar Gidir website.
You can read right? Tell me where in this article it says there were fighting between Habar Gidir and Marehan.

Tip: Not mentioned at all. What is mentioned is the Governor of Mudug telling PL not to interfere in the Galmudug territory of Saaxo. Nigga probably just Google'd "Saaxo dagaal" and ran with the first article he found:mjlol:

Salebaan and Wagerdhac have made peace and wagerdhac have alot of MPs in Cadaado.

As for Tawfiiq, Surre Dir land-- Puntland troops are there with permission from Dir. (Galmudug kulaha lmao)


As I said, Qubeys Surre that live in Hobyo District, Bacadweyne District and Galgaduud.
Degmada Bacaadweyne ee Koonfurta Gobolka Mudug Waxaa lagu soo Afjaray Caleemo Saarka Suldaanka Cusub ee yeelaneyso Beesha Qubeys ee kamid ah Beelaha Dega Galmudug,

Xaflada Ayaa ka Dhacday Bartamaha Magaalada Waxana ka Qeyb Galay Gudomiye ku Xigeenka Barlamaanka Galmudug Xareed Cali iyo Madaxweynihii Hore ee Galmudug Maxamed Axmed Caalin iyo Wasiirka Waxbarasha galmudug Sidoo kale Waxaa Qeeb ka ahaa Wafdi Balaaran oo Xildhibaano ah,

Goob Banaanka Magaalada ayaa lagu soo Dhaweeyay iyadoo Soo Dhaweyntooda Wafdiga ay Ka Qeyb Qaateen Arday iyo Shacabka Magaalada,

Soo Dhaweyn kadib Waxaa Bilaabatay Xaflada Waxana Halkaasi ka Hadlay Madaxda kala Duwan ee Goobta ku Sugneyd kuwaasi oo Hambalyo u Diray ugaaska Cusub iyagoo ale ugu Baryay in uu Noqdo Mid Shacabka isku Mideeya kuwa Galmudug iyo Kuwa Beesha uu Matalo,

Dhanka kale Masuuliyiinta Gobolka iyo ugaaska Cusub Ayaa Dhankooda Goobta ka Hadlay Waxayna ugu Horeyn u Mahadceliyeen Masuuliyiinta Waqtigooda u Horay iyagoo intaasi kadib Jeediyay Hadalo ku Aadan Soo Jireenka Ugaaska iyo Hanaanka uu soo Maray,

ugaaska oo Dhankiisa Hadlay Waxa uu Balanqaaday in uu Noqondoono Ugaas Guud oo Waxweyn ka Badala Hormarka iyo Wada Jirka Shacabka Galmudug Gaar Ahaan Beesha Qubeys,
Since you can't read I'll translate for you. "Galmudug Ministers, Parliament leader and other officials attended the inauguration of a Qubeys Sultan."
And they got a warm welcome.

Galmudug MPS said:
15 Cabdiwali Aadan Cali (Surre/Fiqa-muxumad Balanbale/Xeraale)

16 Cabdirizaaq Xuseen Maxamuud (Surre/Fiqa-muxumad Balanbale/Xeraale)

17 Bashiir Axmed Xuseen (Surre/Cabdalla Saleebaan)

18 Xareed Cali Xareed (Surre/Qubeys)

19 Canab Maxamed Cosoble (Surre/Qubeys) Xarardheere

20 Cabdullahi Xersi Maxamed (Surre /Qubeys)

66 Cabdinasir Ahmed Yuusuf (Surre/Qubeys)

78 Cabdiqani Aadan Gargaar (Surre/Cabdalla)
And you can see here that Qubeys are not the only Surre who participate in Galmudug.
And Surre as a whole have more MPs than my sub clan even.

You're out of your element.
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I can keep posting evidence about your land conflict with Mareexaan and HG trying to expand into Wardheer.


^ Xawaadle website just in case you try to pretend it's PL websites.

First you claimed that these conflicts are in the past and when I present evidence, you try to change the subject. Kulaha "they made peace". When? Stick to your imaginary timeline.

As for Dir, the ones who neighbour both Puntland and Galmudug are part and parcel of Puntland aka Tawfiiq district. I am not talking about the ones in South Mudug.

Beenaale. Ilaahay ka xishood. :camby:
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To conclude,

In a few months time, Habar Gidir will launch another attack on a neighbourly tribe or try to deep- fry another Dir woman, I can't wait to see how you guys try to deny that.


To conclude,

In a few months time, Habar Gidir will launch another attack on a neighbourly tribe or try to deep- fry another Dir woman, I can't wait to see how you guys try to deny that.

Especially when AY airport in south Galkacyo gets renovated, they'll starts their usual destructive antics.
Especially when AY airport in south Galkacyo gets renovated, they'll starts their usual destructive antics.


Instead of admitting that they are fighting everyone, they try to change the topic to political unions. So what if Mareexaan and Dir are part of Galmudug, that doesn't negate the fact that HG is trying to steal everyone's grazing land.

Pathological liars. :icon lol:

Are you retarded?:ileycry:

First you say HG and Marehan are clashing on Saaxo and link to a story about Galmudug and Puntland having a territorial clash in Saaxo, with nothing to do with HG and Marehan.
I call you out on your ignorance of the article you linked and then you go ahead and link two more talking again about Galmudug and Puntland having a territorial clash in Saaxo, and you're still claiming it's actually about HG fighting Marehan and trying to extend into Werder?:drakewtf:

You are beyond stupid. Are you even reading the articles you're listing? :heh:
First you claimed that these conflicts are in the past and when I present evidence, you try to change the subject. Kulaha "they made peace". When? Stick to your imaginary timeline.

As for Dir, the ones who neighbour both Puntland and Galmudug are part and parcel of Puntland aka Tawfiiq district. I am not talking about the ones in South Mudug.

Beenaale. Ilaahay ka xishood. :camby:

These conflicts are in the past. Peace has been made a long time ago in Cadaado and relations have only improved mashaallah.
Only you have tried to switch the narratives.

How come there are Surre from Northern Mudug in our Parliament if they supposedly are a part of Puntland?
Qubeys are in Southern Mudug and Galgaduud.

Cabdalla, Salebaan Cabdalla and Fiqa Mohamud are all a Surre and all a part of Puntland according to you yet you'll find them in Galmudug's Parliament
Makes you wonder who they're representing:hmm:

Go ahead and link more supposed articles, it's free target practice for me kkkkk:icon lol::icon lol::icon lol::icon lol:
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
This is a good move masha Allah ruunte waa wax lugu farxo insha Allah those soldiers will be sent to cadado to combat yajuuj & majuuj habar gidir who know nothing but to reek havoc and mayhem total anichists who will sell or loot everything in their path. 25 years and they still can't govern themselves forget about leading the nation.
Mr dassjhishe how do you feel about Puntland arresting, torturing and calling your Suldan Al Shabaab sympathizer for speaking out against the alleged torture of Al Shabaab captives?:ooh:

Are you retarded?:ileycry:

First you say HG and Marehan are clashing on Saaxo and link to a story about Galmudug and Puntland having a territorial clash in Saaxo, with nothing to do with HG and Marehan.
I call you out on your ignorance of the article you linked and then you go ahead and link two more talking again about Galmudug and Puntland having a territorial clash in Saaxo, and you're still claiming it's actually about HG fighting Marehan and trying to extend into Werder?:drakewtf:

You are beyond stupid. Are you even reading the articles you're listing? :heh:

These conflicts are in the past. Peace has been made a long time ago in Cadaado and relations have only improved mashaallah.
Only you have tried to switch the narratives.

How come there are Surre from Northern Mudug in our Parliament if they supposedly are a part of Puntland?
Qubeys are in Southern Mudug and Galgaduud.

Cabdalla, Salebaan Cabdalla and Fiqa Mohamud are all a part of Puntland according to you yet you'll find them in Galmudug's ParliamentView attachment 15372

Go ahead and link more supposed articles, it's free target practice for me kkkkk:icon lol::icon lol::icon lol::icon lol:

Who the hell is fighing Habar Gidir in MAREEXAAN territory if not Mareexaan? Saaxo is Mareexaan territory? Using the blanket name "Puntland" does not negate that.
Go back to sniffing glue. :ufdup:
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