3,100 yr old remains from Tanzania resemble modern Cushites/Horners

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So please explain to me how the Khoe resemble modern Cushites/Horners. Are you talking about the Cushitic violet in the Nama?

The program called 'admixture' (the bars above) is inaccurate and often confuses shared ancestry or drift as admixture. All Khoisan have Cushitic admixture, even the full yellow '!Kung/Juǀ'hoan San'. It's mentioned in the study.
The program called 'admixture' (the bars above) is inaccurate and often confuses shared ancestry or drift as admixture. All Khoisan have Cushitic admixture, even the full yellow '!Kung/Juǀ'hoan San'. It's mentioned in the study.




''This supports the hypothesis that the Savanna Pastoral Neolithic archaeological tradition in eastern Africa is a plausible source for the spread of herding to southern Africa. Even the Juj’hoan San group with the least genetic affinity to eastern Africans (Ju_hoan_North), have 9% ± 1% of their ancestry most closely related to Tanzania_ Luxmanda_3100BP, consistent with previous findings that the ancestries of all present-day San and Khoe were affected by agropastoralist migrations in the last two millennia (Pickrell et al., 2014).''

page 65
''This supports the hypothesis that the Savanna Pastoral Neolithic archaeological tradition in eastern Africa is a plausible source for the spread of herding to southern Africa. Even the Juj’hoan San group with the least genetic affinity to eastern Africans (Ju_hoan_North), have 9% ± 1% of their ancestry most closely related to Tanzania_ Luxmanda_3100BP, consistent with previous findings that the ancestries of all present-day San and Khoe were affected by agropastoralist migrations in the last two millennia (Pickrell et al., 2014).''

page 65

So what the article really says is that the Khoisan were once located much further north in East Africa, indicating that they were pushed south first by Cushites and later by Bantus. Ties in also with the Khoisan archaeology in Northeast Ethiopia and the E1b1 connection of Mota man to the Sandawe.

Also note this:


"Groups I and II are essentially restricted to Africans and appear to be the most divergent clades within the tree. They show a patchy distribution, with high frequencies among isolated hunter-gatherer groups and in some peoples of Ethiopia and Sudan. Such a distribution was interpreted as the survival of some ancient lineages through more recent population events (Underhill et al. 2001). In particular, Group I, observed in 43.6% of the Khoisan (usually considered to be descendants of an early African population), is present in all of the Ethiopian samples: its frequency is 10.3% in the Oromo sample and 14.6% in the Amhara sample of the present study, and is 13.6% in the ethnically undefined sample reported by Underhill et al. (2000). In contrast, it was not found in the Senegalese."

13.6% of the population of Ethiopia has the same marker as 43.6% of the Khoisan.



13.6% of the population of Ethiopia has the same marker as 43.6% of the Khoisan.

You are an absolute moron.

Ethiopians only have the East African-specific version of A, namely A1b1b2b (M13) that's over 40,000 years old. It has nothing to do with the Khoisan who have their own type of A that's over 130,000 years old (A-L602, A-M51, etc).
You are an absolute moron.

Ethiopians only have the East African-specific version of A, namely A1b1b2b (M13) that's over 40,000 years old. It has nothing to do with the Khoisan who have their own type of A that's over 130,000 years old.

Same link:


"In conclusion, the present study underscores the complexity and substructure of the Ethiopian Y-chromosome gene pool. First, the presence of different Y-chromosome haplotypes belonging to African-specific Group I in all groups of Ethiopians and in the Khoisan (at frequencies of ∼13% and 44%, respectively) confirms that these populations share an ancestral paternity, as was previously suggested by the 49a,f data (Passarino et al. 1998), and it indicates that Group I was part of the proto-African Y-chromosome gene pool. The virtual absence of this clade in the other African ethnic groups suggests that they could derive from a more recent ancestral population that went through a long period of differentiation before expansion. In addition, Group II, the next closest to the NRY genealogy root and typically an African group, is shared by Ethiopians and the Khoisan but to a lesser degree. In the case of Group II, the split responsible for the differences observed between Ethiopian and Khoisan haplotypes is also old. Second, most of the Ethiopian Y chromosomes, the rest of the Khoisan Y chromosomes, and the majority of the Senegalese Y chromosomes belong to Group III, which is also mainly African but whose precursor is believed to be involved in the first migration out of Africa (Underhill et al. 2001). Third, the remainder of the Ethiopian Y chromosomes (Groups VI, VIII, and IX) may be explained by back migrations from Asia."



Native American Q and West European R have a much closer TMRCA than Khoisan A and Ethiopian A do. They are not closely related.

Ethiopian A split from Khoisan A around the same time as Papuan M/S split from Euro-American R/Q.

Don't be fooled by the letter, Ethiopian A is not Khoisan at all.
Native American Q and West European R have a much closer TMRCA than Khoisan A and Ethiopian A do. They are not closely related.

Ethiopian A split from Khoisan A around the same time as Papuan M/S split from Euro-American R/Q.

Don't be fooled by the letter, Ethiopian A is not Khoisan at all.

This is well beyond "A" in sophistication.

Same study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC384897/

"The present study reveals that (1) only the Ethiopians share with the Khoisan the deepest human Y-chromosome clades (the African-specific Groups I and II) but with a repertoire of very different haplotypes; (2


Phylogenetic tree of the Y-chromosome haplotypes and their percent frequencies in the two Ethiopian groups (Oromo and Amhara) and in the Senegalese of the present study, compared with the frequencies in the Ethiopians and Khoisan previously reported by Underhill et al. (2000). Numbering of mutations is according to Underhill et al. (2001): those examined in the present study are shown in boldface type; those inferred or reported by Underhill et al. (2000) are shown in italics. Haplotype numbers in the present study are shown in boldface type; those in italics are from Underhill et al. (2001). Group numbers refer to groups reported by Underhill et al. (2001). The frequency values in parentheses correspond to the subclassification of the haplotype defined only by the M89 mutation in the report by Underhill et al. (2000)"
Moron, this is the latest tree with the most up to date TMRCA's:



Ethiopian A formed in the Paleolithic (over 40,000 years ago). It's not Khoisan.

Haplogroup "A" in Africa.



The items on the chart I gave above were all M- subgroups of "A".


"In Ethiopia, one study has reported finding haplogroup A-M13 in 14.6% (7/48) of a sample of Amhara and 10.3% (8/78) of a sample of Oromo.[22] Another study has reported finding haplogroup A3b2b-M118 in 6.8% (6/88) and haplogroup A3b2*-M13(xA3b2a-M171, A3b2b-M118) in 5.7% (5/88) of a mixed sample of Ethiopians, amounting to a total of 12.5% (11/88) A3b2-M13.[18]"


"The clade achieves its highest modern frequencies in the Bushmen hunter-gatherer populations of Southern Africa, followed closely by many Nilotic groups in Eastern Africa. However, haplogroup A's oldest sub-clades are exclusively found in Central-Northwest Africa, where it (and by extension the patrilinear ancestor of modern humans) is believed to have originated. Estimates of its time depth have varied greatly, at either close to 190 kya or close to 140 kya in separate 2013 studies,[5][8] and with the inclusion of the previously unknown "A00" haplogroup to about 270 kya in 2015 studies.[9][10] The clade has also been observed at notable frequencies in certain populations in Ethiopia, as well as some Pygmy groups in Central Africa, and less commonly Niger–Congo speakers, who largely belong to the E1b1a clade. Haplogroup E in general is believed to have originated in Northeast Africa,[11]
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Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
AlhamduliLah I am a Muslim and I do not have cuqdad from my Bantu Brothers. May we live side by side as friendly neighbors and not enemies. If you teach the next generation of Somalis to hate other people I promise you they will land in the same place we are today. If we teach them these things they might be willing to commit atrocities against other ethnicities. As Muslims, we must accept our brothers because we all came from Adam and Hawa and there is no such thing as race. I hope you guys can erase the evil and hatred from your hearts and Inshaallah we will get out of our position.

Disclaimer: I don't care what you say about the midgets (raw meat-eaters). You can make fun of them all you want. In fact, $%-#@ Habeshas! If you date and mingle with these lowlifes then you are a traitor. @#$! PAHGs!

Disclaimer #2: No, I'm not a "cuck".

Disclaimer#3: There is such thing as race! We are not related to neanderthals and Yajuj wa Majuj (Indho Yar)
news article: https://phys.org/news/2017-09-ancient-human-dna-sub-saharan-africa.html

study: http://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(17)31008-5

@Bahal @AbdiJew @sophisticate @Grant and others.

What a joke that Bantus in Somalia try to claim they lived there before us, when ancient bones from Tanzania don't even relate to Bantus!

''native'' Bantus to Somalia is a total hoax and anti-science.

How come Somali's never picked up the habit of Agriculture, even Bantu's managed that. The reason Africa is mainly Bantu is because they were the earliest to develop agriculture, which allowed for massive population growth. Even till this day Somali's avoid agriculture and are still cattle ranchers.

Notice how the people who are starving in Somalia are all ethnic Somali's, the Bantus are unaffected due to Agriculture. Its adapt or die for our people unfortunately.:francis:
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