500 Truckers Hunted By FBI for Being Serial Killers!!


The only true Yankee here
I got a cousin that's a trucker. Bro use to send vids of these chicks walking around in our family Whatsapp group :dead:

In all the vids he sent all the women were hideous. Truckers gotta be downbad if they're spending money on those women
Fob truckers have lots of secrets my dad and his friends were all truckers and they all had second wives and famlies. My uncle who was a trucker and I was named after had 4 divorces .:snoop:

A bear has ZERO interest in raping or torturing you. Even if they get violent, it will probably be a quick death.

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I get it.

A bear will either leave you alone depending on the type of bear or kill you and that’s it.

A strange man can torture you and defile you and THEN kill you.

Let’s be real, it’s a no brainer why.

I personally would choose a man and that’s simply because I’m delusional enough to think I’m smart enough to take one down via element of surprise ect.
I think most people understand that it’s good to be weary of men and to keep interactions minimal and keep a comfortable distance in order for men to understand your position towards them, however this level of fear mongering will do more harm to women than it will benefit them.

Choosing a bear over a man implies that men are more dangerous than bears, if we’re to believe this then no women should go out of their house at all, no women should be anywhere near the vicinity of men at all as if they’re living in a zombie apocalypse. Let’s just reverse the roles of the hypothetical for a moment, imagine there was thousands of bears within your close proximity in your comfortable little home, these bears will constantly be encountered and sometimes will be in massive packs, would you ever leave your home? So, thousands of bears in your proximity within a city or thousands of men? The bear vs man hypothetic is nothing but misandry.

Again, it’s good to be generally weary of men, but most men are reasonable human beings and even the ones who aren’t will behave reasonably due to societal pressure in most environments. In other words don’t find yourself in situations were a man CAN take advantage of you but even then you’ll most likely be fine.
I think most people understand that it’s good to be weary of men and to keep interactions minimal and keep a comfortable distance in order for men to understand your position towards them, however this level of fear mongering will do more harm to women than it will benefit them.

Choosing a bear over a man implies that men are more dangerous than bears, if we’re to believe this then no women should go out of their house at all, no women should be anywhere near the vicinity of men at all as if they’re living in a zombie apocalypse. Let’s just reverse the roles of the hypothetical for a moment, imagine there was thousands of bears within your close proximity in your comfortable little home, these bears will constantly be encountered and sometimes will be in massive packs, would you ever leave your home? So, thousands of bears in your proximity within a city or thousands of men? The bear vs man hypothetic is nothing but misandry.

Again, it’s good to be generally weary of men, but most men are reasonable human beings and even the ones who aren’t will behave reasonably due to societal pressure in most environments. In other words don’t find yourself in situations were a man CAN take advantage of you but even then you’ll most likely be fine.
Women depending on how secure the society is, don’t fear men in public settings in which there is law and order. It’s a completely different story when it’s a quiet and dark place without witnesses. You said it yourself, societal pressure is what makes many depraved men behave. Imagine when it’s in a middle of nowhere? Within no ‘society’? Questioning why women would fear men in that scenario shows how much you don’t understand how it feels to be a woman.

I don’t think you realize how much women fear strange men in secluded or quiet areas. I’ll give you an example. If I’m walking home at night on an empty and quiet street and I saw a figure of a man in the dark, I’d internally freak out. I can’t help it but a part of me is terrified which is why at night if I’m coming back and I can’t take an Uber I usually get a male member of my family to pick me up. Ask your mum, ask any woman close to you for that matter. It doesn’t make us misandrists. Automatically we go into fear mode. That’s for all women.
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Women depending on how secure the society is, don’t fear men in public settings in which there is law and order. It’s a completely different story when it’s a quiet and dark place without witnesses. Questioning why women would fear men in that scenario shows how much you don’t understand how it feels to be a woman.

I don’t think you realize how much women fear strange men in secluded or quiet areas. I’ll give you an example. If I’m walking home at night on an empty and quiet street and I saw a figure of a man in the dark, I’d internally freak out. Ask your mum, ask any woman close to you for that matter. It doesn’t make us misandrists. Automatically we go into fear mode. That’s for all women.
You keep talking about feelings without talking about the reality, I know women are hyper aware of being in situations alone with men, it’s literally built into their system to be scared but you know that the reality is you’ll be fine 95% (and I’m being generous here) of the time, your fear is your problem to deal with not men’s, in other words you need to rectify your irrational fear and bring in closer in line with reality instead of blaming men for constantly punishing you in your fantasies. In other words when your alone in a situation with a man you should be thinking about keeping calm and getting away with the situation knowing you’ll likely be fine instead of thinking you’ll be r*pped and killed with your flesh being consumed by the sadistic monster who’s near you.

Your point about how much you fear men is literally part of my original point, I ask you to reread it again without bias please.
You keep talking about feelings without talking about the reality, I know women are hyper aware of being in situations alone with men, it’s literally built into their system to be scared but you know that the reality is you’ll be fine 95% (and I’m being generous here) of the time, your fear is your problem to deal with not men’s, in other words you need to rectify your irrational fear and bring in closer in line with reality instead of blaming men for constantly punishing you in your fantasies.

Your point about much you fear men is literally part of my original point, I ask you to reread it again without bias please.
Why do fathers fear men as well when it comes to their daughters?

Men abusing, r-wording and killing women
Is incredibly common.

Don’t downplay it. It isn’t a fantasy nor is it irrational. The world isn’t safe for women.

I can’t believe I need to explain this to you.
Why do fathers fear men as well when it comes to their daughters?

Men abusing, r-wording and killing women
Is incredibly common.

Don’t downplay it. It isn’t a fantasy nor is it irrational. The world isn’t safe for women.

I can’t believe I need to explain this to you.
I have female relatives and I might have a daughter in the future, I’ll choose the man in the situation over the bear for all my female relatives and for my potential future daughter, so will you, if you were really faced with this choice.

most R-words and killing happen towards people that know each other and not in random situations where’s it’s extremely rare, these murder documentaries are literally poisoning the brain of women.

It’s absolutely a fantasy and completely irrational for the most part. If you told me that’d you’d be scared to be robbed and potentially physically assaulted (not sexually) if you refused to give valuables in certain areas I’d give much more credence to that point, but that would apply to men just as much as women.

again, you think you’re being feminist with this point but you’re literally only holding women back and making them irrational constantly high strung individuals if you keep pushing the point.

I’m not saying don’t warn women of suspect men and not to watch out for men in shady situations but be more nuanced in your education.
I have female relatives and I might have a daughter in the future, I’ll choose the man in the situation over the bear for all my female relatives and for my potential future daughter, so will you, if you were really faced with this choice.

most R-words and killing happen towards people that know each other and not in random situations where’s it’s extremely rare, these murder documentaries are literally poisoning the brain of women.

It’s absolutely a fantasy and completely irrational for the most part. If you told me that’d you’d be scared to be robbed and potentially physically assaulted (not sexually) if you refused to give valuables in certain areas I’d give much more credence to that point, but that would apply to men just as much as women.
Statistically it isn’t a fantasy. Look at statistics world wide for women being killed and r-worded by men.
Statistically it isn’t a fantasy. Look at statistics world wide for women being killed and r-worded by men.
Show me, I guarantee you that the majority of cases will be between people who know each other, also show me the killing stat too, I wanna see how many women were killed by men, watch the percentage be less than 1% let alone killed by random men.

it’s actually so sad that you’d die on this hill when you know it’s complete BS for the most part.
Statistically it isn’t a fantasy. Look at statistics world wide for women being killed and r-worded by men.
Femicide rate per country https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/femicide-rates-by-country

The highest is El Salvador at 13.8 women per 100,000 women that’s 0.0138%
I grossly overestimated the amount of people killed by femicide by orders of magnitude, even then we all know that most of these killing was between a man and women who knew each other.

The r-word statistics are harder to find considering it’s harder to identify the nature of these cases compared to killing but it’s obviously going to be higher yet I guarantee again that most cases will be between people who are already in a relationship and if not people who know each other.

nayaa, stop this BS.
Femicide rate per country https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/femicide-rates-by-country

The highest is El Salvador at 13.8 women per 100,000 women that’s 0.0138%
I grossly overestimated the amount of people killed by femicide by orders of magnitude, even then we all know that most of these killing was between a man and women who knew each other.

The r-word statistics are harder to find considering it’s harder to identify the nature of these cases compared to killing but it’s obviously going to be higher yet I guarantee again that most cases will be between people who are already in a relationship and if not people who know each other.

nayaa, stop this BS.
Don’t be silly many murders of women go unsolved in third world countries and you’re right most women are killed by a man they they know. Be it husband, male friend, and neighbor ect so it’s basically a man in close proximity to a woman.

In the UK alone 3 woman a week are killed by their partners.

So you’re right. It’s not strange men women should fear but also the ones closest to them? Is that what we should preach? As a man you’re 11% more likely to be killed by a family member/friend whilst a woman it’s a whopping 80%.

Strange men don’t kill women at a higher rate simply due to proximity. If a woman is much more likely to die at the hands of a man she’s closest to over even a road accident, we have issues. Crying misandry ect isn’t going to change anything. The reason why strangers don’t kill women at equally high rates as let’s say a man a woman fully knows is that for centuries society has taught women to be very cautious. You’re accusing me of misandry but you should fear what my father says when it comes to strange men. This ‘irrational fear’ is what keeps women safe and that fear is something taught to women by family in order to decrease women’s proximity to strange men. Why do you think in our religion we have protective measures such as women not being allowed to travel alone? Granted, society has become better since in the ancient past, women had to deal with not only being r-worded but being trafficked into sex slavery if bandits didn’t kill her.

R-word is even included since one in four women report being assaulted by which is a lot and most women fear to report it ect.
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Don’t be silly many murders of women go unsolved in third world countries and you’re right most women are killed by a man they they know. Be it husband, male friend, and neighbor ect so it’s basically a man in close proximity to a woman.
Still with the BS, okay.

Most reasons for death are not mysterious around the world period, missing persons cases are still rare and factor into it so many different reasons as to why people go missing that killed women make up a minority of it, again your playing with numbers that are insignificant and creating speculation on those number when you don’t know jack.
In the UK alone 3 woman a week are killed by their partners.

So you’re right. It’s not strange men women should fear but also the ones closest to them? Is that what we should preach? As a man you’re 11% more likely to be killed by a family member/friend whilst a woman it’s a whopping 80%.
I’m sure much more women are cheating on their partners each week than men killing them, should Everyman be scared their women is going to cheat on them? Should we also preach men to check the phone of women constantly and never let them out of the house in fear of cheating? Stop with the fear mongering with these ridiculously low numbers when I could make a better argument statistically that men should be fearful of women cheating.

Again complete BS. Literally fantasies in your mind
Strange men don’t kill women at a higher rate simply due to proximity. If a woman is much more likely to die at the hands of a man she’s closest to over even a road accident, we have issues.
No this is complete BS. It’s not due to proximity, it’s due to jealous behaviour and toxic relationships, there will also always by a very minor percentage of men who’ll be willing to kill their partners over something due to them feeling a certain way, these men won’t have those feelings for random women.

I can’t believe that your intelligence is so low that you couldn’t even recognize that point.
Crying misandry ect isn’t going to change anything.
You’re being misandrist period, especially if you think there’s a good chance a man will act like a beast as soon as he gets the chance, either that or you’re just exposing your deep fantasies and considering them to be reality.

Reality check, men aren’t the savages you make them out to be in your fantasies, please keep that stuff to yourself.
The reason why strangers don’t kill women at equally high rates as let’s say a man a woman fully knows is that for centuries society has taught women to be very cautious.
Its also cause men tend to be more involved in things like gang violence, which ends up in innocent men being more likely to be killed due to mistaken identity or general proximity (a friend of a gangster might be targeted cause they were seen together etc) but yes your point that women don’t find themsleves in high risk areas is also another big reason why, I guess both reasons are tangentially related
You’re accusing me of misandry but you should fear what my father says when it comes to strange men. This ‘irrational fear’ is what keeps women safe and that fear is something taught to women by family in order to decrease women’s proximity to strange men.
No women aren’t taught that men will kill them and r-word them with any chance they get, most people teach their children better more nuanced advice when it comes to safety, also the ones who get taught that men will destroy them at any chance tend to be high anxiety people growing up with mental health complications due to massive fear put into them.
Why do you think in our religion we have protective measures such as women not being allowed to travel alone? Granted, society has become better since in the ancient past, women had to deal with not only being r-worded but being trafficked into sex slavery if bandits didn’t kill her.
I’m pretty sure as a women you’re allowed to operate within your vicinity and go places, as for travelling the main purpose is due to travelling being much harder for women than it is for men, exhaustion and women being generally weaker than men means they need a mahram or husband to take care of them, they’ll likely fall sick in journeys compared to men, they’ll likely be unable to carry luggage compared to men, they’ll have more trouble moving around long distances in general compared to men, they might have their per*od in that time making everything worse etc, this is why women can’t travel alone without a mahram, even today travelling is much harder for women than it is for men, this is the duty men have to do for women most of the time anyway.

The other main reasons is that when you’re travelling you’ll have to deal with a bunch of men who’ll be asking for the legitimacy of your presence, no one back in the day would ever take a women seriously if they travelled alone and people would be suspicious, having to rub so many shoulders with men in such travels is better left for a mahram/ husband to deal with instead of a women.
R-word is even included since one in four women report being assaulted by which is a lot and most women fear to report it ect.
Sexual harassment isn’t the same as being R-worded, I’ve been sexually harassed by females at least 5-6 times in my life, especially when I was younger and had little knowledge of my boundaries (they likely had little knowledge of boundaries too)

being r-worded is much more rare but even then you’re making one great mistake, you’re again not counting the fact that the assaults don’t distinguish between people who know each other and people who don’t.

Please give me statistics about being assaulted by a random stranger.
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Still with the BS, okay.

Most reasons for death are not mysterious around the world period, missing persons cases are still rare and factor into it so many different reasons as to why people go missing that killed women make up a minority of it, again your playing with numbers that are insignificant and creating speculation on those number when you don’t know jack.
In many parts of the world, women’s death at the hands of men in their families aren’t taken seriously, especially in third world countries. Even honor killing cases are brushed under the carpet.
I’m sure much more women are cheating on their partners each week than men killing them, should Everyman be scared their women is going to cheat on them? Should we also preach men to check the phone of women constantly and never let them out of the house in fear of cheating? Stop with the fear mongering with these ridiculously low numbers when I could make a better argument statistically that men should be fearful of women cheating.
Are you seriously comparing death to cheating? Dead women tell no lies. 3 women every week in one country isn’t low.

Plus, more men cheat than woman tbh. So even with that argument, women would have to be in fear more and tbh it’s a silly point as I’d much rather be alive and cheated on than be killed.

What an incredibly mad and dumb point.

If you’re going to make comparisons, how about we make comparisons based on the way people die rather than two things that don’t have any relations to each other.
Again complete BS. Literally fantasies in your mind

No this is complete BS. It’s not due to proximity, it’s due to jealous behaviour and toxic relationships,

there will also always by a very minor percentage of men who’ll be willing to kill their partners over something due to them feeling a certain way,
I don’t think it’s minor when 137 women are killed every hour around the world tbh. In America it’s 3 women a day. It’s a lot and it doesn’t happen to men hardly. It’s to the point that a woman is much more likely to be murdered at home.
these men won’t have those feelings for random women.
It isn’t just jealousy but control. Hence why you find that in many third world countries like India and Pakistan, uncles, fathers and brothers kill the women in their families at stagggering rates. You also have high rates of gang r-words there and of many cases of women walking around being taken advantage of and murdered and many of these men walk free.

It’s misogyny. The thing is, in certain parts of the world the incidents are incredibly high and aren’t take seriously due to the culture. Educate yourself on this.

Furthermore, my proximity point makes complete sense. Why do you think a prostitute who spends most of her time around men alone are much more likely to be killed rather than a woman who keep herself to her herself? That in itself shatters your argument
I can’t believe that your intelligence is so low that you couldn’t even recognize that point.
LOOOL, imagine calling someone dumb and not realizing that women who are in lifestyles in which they spend alone time with strange men have the highest murder rates?! Are you okay?

Also, don’t lecture me on something you have no clue about. Many abused women are killed for simply daring to disobey their husbands irrational orders. Chalking every DV case to do with murder to jealousy is indeed the real case of Low IQ.
You’re being misandrist period, especially if you think there’s a good chance a man will act like a beast as soon as he gets the chance, either that or you’re just exposing your deep fantasies and considering them to be reality.
I can’t predict which man would be good and which one would be bad. If I’m a misandrist so are most women who do fear men and have done for centuries. So is society at large and many fathers.

The fact of that matter is this. Most assaults, rapes, murders ect are committed by men and that you can’t even debate me on this. Why wouldn’t any sane woman be fearful of being alone with a strange man she doesn’t know and hence can’t predict what type of man he is? What all for the sake of your poor feelings? This is what these debate comes down to. You feel like your feelings as a man is more important than women’s safety.
Reality check, men aren’t the savages you make them out to be in your fantasies, please keep that stuff to yourself.
I don’t think all men are savages, but there are enough men in this world have and do behave this way which is why as a woman it’s important to keep yourself safe and your lectures means nothing. Abuse against women and r-word of women and assault is incredibly common. Why do you think when society breaks down and there is no law and order that’s one of the first things that happen to women? Unfortunately some men are only held by fear of society.
Its also cause men tend to be more involved in things like gang violence, which ends up in innocent men being more likely to be killed due to mistaken identity or general proximity (a friend of a gangster might be targeted cause they were seen together etc) but yes your point that women don’t find themsleves in high risk areas is also another big reason why, I guess both reasons are tangentially related
It is. Prostitutes have incredibly high murder rates. Like incredibly so. They’re in close proximity to strange men. Their murder rates are higher than women who are murdered at home by men they know.

No women aren’t taught that men will kill them and r-word them with any chance they get,
That wasn’t my point. We don’t believe all men would kill them. It’s just that when it comes to a strange man and being alone with one, you can’t predict his actions. That is it. No one thinks all men are bad!
most people teach their children better more nuanced advice when it comes to safety, also the ones who get taught that men will destroy them at any chance tend to be high anxiety people growing up with mental health complications due to massive fear put into them.
Why is it that parents will talk to their kids about speaking to strangers, not trusting random men, who are parents and people in general more afraid of men vs women? Why is that? Most r-word and murders are overwhelmingly committed by men, this isn’t something you cannot contest. You really can’t.

Btw, I don’t believe that most men are evil waiting to kill women. My point is, there are many cases of women being killed and assaulted and that women should be cautious. I don’t know why that bothers you and it’s insane.

I’m pretty sure as a women you’re allowed to operate within your vicinity and go places, as for travelling the main purpose is due to travelling being much harder for women than it is for men, exhaustion and women being generally weaker than men means they need a mahram or husband to take care of them, they’ll likely fall sick in journeys compared to men, they’ll likely be unable to carry luggage compared to men, they’ll have more trouble moving around long distances in general compared to men, they might have their per*od in that time making everything worse etc, this is why women can’t travel alone without a mahram, even today travelling is much harder for women than it is for men, this is the duty men have to do for women most of the time anyway.
Yes you’re right, women are generally weaker and random men can take advantage of women’s weaknesses especially in the past when the world was incredibly dangerous.

Tbh women traveling now is easy.

The other main reasons is that when you’re travelling you’ll have to deal with a bunch of men who’ll be asking for the legitimacy of your presence, no one back in the day would ever take a women seriously if they travelled alone and people would be suspicious, having to rub so many shoulders with men in such travels is better left for a mahram/ husband to deal with instead of a women.

Sexual harassment isn’t the same as being R-worded, I’ve been sexually harassed by females at least 5-6 times in my life, especially when I was younger and had little knowledge of my boundaries (they likely had little knowledge of boundaries too)
Im sorry to hear that and it’s probably why my views are triggering you. You’ve dealt with the worst of women and obviously feel that women are just as abusive.
being r-worded is much more rare but even then you’re making one great mistake, you’re again not counting the fact that the assaults don’t distinguish between people who know each other and people who don’t.

Please give me statistics about being assaulted by a random stranger.
This is the issue so many women get assaulted and don’t even bother to report it. Btw in certain places like Egypt women I think a whopping 90-something % have reported being assaulted outside of their house.

globally women being assaulted is a massive issue especially in some societies and the more misogynistic a society the more you see this and the more women fear speaking out.
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In many parts of the world, women’s death at the hands of men in their families aren’t taken seriously, especially in third world countries. Even honor killing cases are brushed under the carpet.
Source for numbers please.
Are you seriously comparing death to cheating? Dead women tell no lies. 3 women every week in one country isn’t low.
Way to miss the point, I compared them to show how hysterical you’re being.
Plus, more men cheat than woman tbh. So even with that argument, women would have to be in fear more and tbh it’s a silly point as I’d much rather be alive and cheated on than be killed.
Again, you missed the point. Overall more women cheat than men kill women, please stick to the point at hand.
What an incredibly mad and dumb point.

If you’re going to make comparisons, how about we make comparisons based on the way people die rather than two things that don’t have any relations to each other.

I don’t think it’s minor when 137 women are killed every hour around the world tbh. In America it’s 3 women a day. It’s a lot and it doesn’t happen to men hardly. It’s to the point that a woman is much more likely to be murdered at home.
Okay, that sounds incredibly low to me compared to the general population of the areas you talk of let alone the WORLD.
It isn’t just jealousy but control. Hence why you find that in many third world countries like India and Pakistan, uncles, fathers and brothers kill the women in their families at stagggering rates. You also have high rates of gang r-words there and of many cases of women walking around being taken advantage of and murdered and many of these men walk free.
Give me statistics to back up your claims, I’m not saying it doesn’t happen more frequently in certain areas, but even then these killings are incredibly rare.

It’s misogyny. The thing is, in certain parts of the world the incidents are incredibly high and aren’t take seriously due to the culture. Educate yourself on this.
Educate yourself, you’re the one who said “proximity” is what causes men to kill women as if a man will kill random women who just happens to be around the area, now you completely changed your point. LOL
Furthermore, my proximity point makes complete sense. Why do you think a prostitute who spends most of her time around men alone are much more likely to be killed rather than a woman who keep herself to her herself? That in itself shatters your argument
You’re contradicting yourself at this point, your initial point was about the idea that a man will kill a women randomly if he has an opportunity to do so, even if they don’t know each other now you’re saying it’s about men controlling their relatives but also prostitutes are randomly killed, make up your damn mind, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

btw prostitutes aren’t randomly killed they’re specifically targeted by killers as they attract the worst people, e.g. the most degenerate of men come to prostitutes and get to know them and a minority end up being killed by them, nothing about this is random. These prostitutes advertise themselves and their bodies, they know they’re attracting the lowest of the low men. This example isn’t comparable to a woman ending up in a random situation with a man alone at all.
LOOOL, imagine calling someone dumb and not realizing that women who are in lifestyles in which they spend alone time with strange men have the highest murder rates?! Are you okay?
Again how is this comparable to your initial point that ending up randomly alone with a man will likely end in death??? Complete BS you’re spewing here.
Also, don’t lecture me on something you have no clue about. Many abused women are killed for simply daring to disobey their husbands irrational orders. Chalking every DV case to do with murder to jealousy is indeed the real case of Low IQ.
You’re the one that made the proximity argument, which you now know is complete BS, at least you changed it to a more coherent point, which agrees with my initial point that women aren’t as likely to die in a random situation with a man as with the people they know, thanks for proving my point I guess?
I can’t predict which man would be good and which one would be bad. If I’m a misandrist so are most women who do fear men and have done for centuries. So is society at large and many fathers.

The fact of that matter is this. Most assaults, rapes, murders ect are committed by men and that you can’t even debate me on this. Why wouldn’t any sane woman be fearful of being alone with a strange man she doesn’t know and hence can’t predict what type of man he is? What all for the sake of your poor feelings? This is what these debate comes down to. You feel like your feelings as a man is more important than women’s safety.
You’re projecting hard now, I don’t care if a women wants to run away from me if she shes me in the street just by my self, that’s her mental issues to deal with, you on the other hand need to act as if there’s mass random R-words and killings happening all the time and it’s a great social issue, you’re trying to appeal YOUR poor feelings onto everyone else. Having constant fantasies that men are randomly violating you is a YOU problem, don’t make it everyone else’s.

Please give me statistics for how many women are randomly violated and killed, I think most people (a lot of women included) understand that it’s just women being hysterical and airing out their wildest fantasies for the world to see and nothing more, it's either that or just plain misandry
I don’t think all men are savages, but there are enough men in this world have and do behave this way which is why as a woman it’s important to keep yourself safe and your lectures means nothing. Abuse against women and r-word of women and assault is incredibly common. Why do you think when society breaks down and there is no law and order that’s one of the first things that happen to women? Unfortunately some men are only held by fear of society.
Sources please, at this point I’m just going to ask for sources, specially how many women are randomly R-worded and killed.

It is. Prostitutes have incredibly high murder rates. Like incredibly so. They’re in close proximity to strange men. Their murder rates are higher than women who are murdered at home by men they know.
These men are NOT, strange men, they’re clients and these women attract the most filthy of men, they know this you know this we all know this, your initial point had nothing to do with this.
That wasn’t my point. We don’t believe all men would kill them. It’s just that when it comes to a strange man and being alone with one, you can’t predict his actions. That is it. No one thinks all men are bad!

Why is it that parents will talk to their kids about speaking to strangers, not trusting random men, who are parents and people in general more afraid of men vs women? Why is that? Most r-word and murders are overwhelmingly committed by men, this isn’t something you cannot contest. You really can’t.
You’re arguing for arguments sake now, obviously parents teach their kids about safety, however the level of fear you would put into them, you’d think all men are savage animals, no parent teaches their kids that men are wild animals who are more dangerous than bears, that was your initial point, not about trust and makings general precautions to make yourself safe.
Btw, I don’t believe that most men are evil waiting to kill women. My point is, there are many cases of women being killed and assaulted and that women should be cautious. I don’t know why that bothers you and it’s insane.
“Many cases” source.

The advice instead would be there’s a chance you could find yourself in dangerous situations so keep away from those situations and theres a small chance you could be a victim if you find yourself in that situation.

However, these situations aren’t random, like finding yourself in a elevator alone or in a nice neighbourhood at night, instead it’s finding yourself in situations where predators lurk like nightclubs, bars, shady neighbourhoods, parks alleyways and backstreets etc. be real please.
Yes you’re right, women are generally weaker and random men can take advantage of women’s weaknesses especially in the past when the world was incredibly dangerous.

Tbh women traveling now is easy.

Im sorry to hear that and it’s probably why my views are triggering you. You’ve dealt with the worst of women and obviously feel that women are just as abusive.
It’s not that deep, one time a girl just sat on my lap and wouldn’t get off, another time one slapped me from the back. These don’t bother me in the same way it’d bother a women especially now that I’m older.

Also I don’t believe women engage in abuse the same way men do. Men obviously engage in more violent crimes like assault but women are more likely to engage in things verbal abuse, cry bullying, pitting the community against a person and gaslighting etc. basically the type of abuse that leads to social ostracism rather than violence.
This is the issue so many women get assaulted and don’t even bother to report it. Btw in certain places like Egypt women I think a whopping 90-something % have reported being assaulted outside of their house.

globally women being assaulted is a massive issue especially in some societies and the more misogynistic a society the more you see this and the more women fear speaking out.
I’m sure in places like Egypt that rates are going to be higher than reported but unless you got statistical evidence about random assaults compared to the population you can’t really make your point, it’s it half of all women? 30% 10% 1% or 0.1% or 0.01% all in all you can’t make generalities when the evidence (statistics of women being randomly killed and assaulted) doesn’t corroborate your claim (women are at a high risk when they’re randomly alone with a man).
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