500 Truckers Hunted By FBI for Being Serial Killers!!

Over a bear hell yea 😭😭😭
Now ask yourself Walal would you really choose a bear over a man in real life . You females can keep playing these scenarios but when it comes down to real life none of y’all will choose a bear over a man

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A man has more mental capacity than that bear so he would theoretically inflict more harm. Some men can be opportunistic in a situation like that and will abuse women if they can get away with it. Women carry mace and pepper spray on them for fear of men and not other creatures. That alone should tell you the harm bad men have done to the psyche of women.

Most men are not God fearing that’s another main reason why women would choose that bear as well. Only men that fear standing before their Lord and the hereafter are safe to be around in that situation. And even then they have to overcome their nafs.
Another reason to dislike that profession. There’s a famous sk who used to dump victims on the side of the freeways while he had a whole family. May Allah protect our families in that profession.
A man has more mental capacity than that bear so he would theoretically inflict more harm. Some men can be opportunistic in a situation like that and will abuse women if they can get away with it. Women carry mace and pepper spray on them for fear of men and not other creatures. That alone should tell you the harm bad men have done to the psyche of women.

Most men are not God fearing that’s another main reason why women would choose that bear as well. Only men that fear standing before their Lord and the hereafter are safe to be around in that situation. And even then they have to overcome their nafs.

Just can’t fathom my head around why a chick would choose another human being over a wild animal that’s going to probably maul you alive . Whereas a man chances of being safe are pretty high.

Im not a women so I won’t invalidate your experience or choices with these wild scenarios.
Just can’t fathom my head around why a chick would choose another human being over a wild animal that’s going to probably maul you alive . Whereas a man chances of being safe are pretty high.

Im not a women so I won’t invalidate your experience or choices with these wild scenarios.
That’s the worst a bear will do. A man will keep a woman alive just to torture her. So she suffers greatly before death. It’s easier to make peace with getting mauled to death by a bear than it’s to know another human being would harm you. Going through life as a man is so different as you don’t have to worry about these things.
Yeah bro, a bear will kill you quickly. On December 9, 1915, at 10:30 a.m., a giant brown bear turned up at the home of the Ōta family. Abe Mayu, the farmer's wife, and Hasumi Mikio, a baby being cared for by Mayu, were at the house. Mikio was bitten on the head and killed. Mayu fought back, apparently by throwing firewood, and tried to escape. She was overtaken, knocked down, and dragged into the Imperial Forest of Sankebetsu. According to contemporary descriptions, the scene resembled a slaughterhouse, with blood puddled on the farmhouse floor. It doesn’t seem like a quick death to me🤦🏽
Yeah bro, a bear will kill you quickly. On December 9, 1915, at 10:30 a.m., a giant brown bear turned up at the home of the Ōta family. Abe Mayu, the farmer's wife, and Hasumi Mikio, a baby being cared for by Mayu, were at the house. Mikio was bitten on the head and killed. Mayu fought back, apparently by throwing firewood, and tried to escape. She was overtaken, knocked down, and dragged into the Imperial Forest of Sankebetsu. According to contemporary descriptions, the scene resembled a slaughterhouse, with blood puddled on the farmhouse floor. It doesn’t seem like a quick death to me🤦🏽
a guy could do the same and more
A black bear weighs up to 550 pounds, and a polar bear up to 1600 pounds. Your survival rate is much higher with a man than with a bear. If you choose a bear, you’re low-IQ, a person with rocks in their brain. You can’t do any damage to a bear with a rock or a knife considering how fast they go. The same cannot be said for a man. Your survival rate is high when you have a rock or a knife at your disposal. These conversations are useless since they skip the part of fighting. If you’re talking about preferring to die quickly rather than fighting to see whether you survive, you’re mentally retarded.
i choose bear 💃🏾
Over a bear hell yea 😭😭😭
Now ask yourself Walal would you really choose a bear over a man in real life . You females can keep playing these scenarios but when it comes down to real life none of y’all will choose a bear over a man

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I get it.

A bear will either leave you alone depending on the type of bear or kill you and that’s it.

A strange man can torture you and defile you and THEN kill you.

Let’s be real, it’s a no brainer why.

I personally would choose a man and that’s simply because I’m delusional enough to think I’m smart enough to take one down via element of surprise ect.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

The FBI is reportedly on the hunt for over 500 serial killer truckers who operate "mobile killing chambers" across the US, according to a new book. The law enforcement agency has information suggesting that more than 1,000 victims have been brutally murdered by serial killers who are truck drivers, likely targeting sex workers who frequent truck stops.

Convicted serial killer Bruce D Mendenhall was arrested in July 2007 in Tennessee and found guilty in 2010 of the murder of Sara Hulbert after his truck matched CCTV footage from the night his victim was murdered at the same truck stop. After his conviction, it emerged that he used to subject his victims to torture before they were murdered, with the back of his truck containing latex gloves, a rifle, and sharp weapons. It was described as a "killing chamber" by investigators.

He is reported to have sexually tortured women before killing them, with blood stains of the victims and their DNA discovered in his truck, which led to his arrest. One woman whose DNA matched was Carma Purpura, 31, a mother-of-two who was last seen at a truck stop in Indianapolis, Indiana, almost 300 miles away.

Her mobile phone and bank card were also found in Mendenhall's truck, reports the Mirror. Blood evidence inside his truck indicated Mendenhall was responsible for her murder, yet he remained silent about the whereabouts of her body. It wasn't until four years later that her remains were discovered.

The father of two was initially apprehended for the slayings of Ms Hulbert and 25-year-old Samantha Winters, whose body was found encased in plastic and duct tape in a bin after being shot in the head. When confronted by a Nashville Metro Police Department detective near his vehicle during the search for the murderer, they asked if he was the man they were looking for. His eerie response was: "If you say so."

Mendenhall received convictions for the murders of both Ms Hulbert and Ms Winters, and was subsequently charged with the murder of Ms Purpura. He is also under suspicion for the deaths of at least five other women, including sex worker Robin Bishop and hitchhiker Belinda Cartwright, who are believed to have been struck by his truck.

In a recent book by ex-Assistant Director of the FBI Frank Figliuzzi, it's suggested that there could be between 400-500 truck drivers involved in such killings over the past 35 years. These killer truckers are thought to target victims on motorways, secluded spots, and hotels, with estimates of more than 850 women feared to have been abducted and killed by various drivers.

Dellmus Colvin said he 'enjoyed' killing people (Image: Ohio Department of Corrections)
The crime hotspots in the US include Raleigh, Nashville, Memphis, Little Rock, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Albuquerque, and Flagstaff. The country has a million truck drivers, with the largest age group being 45 to 54, and nearly 10 percent confess to daily drinking. Over 70 percent are white, while just 12 percent are black.

The FBI's Highway Serial Killings Initiative (HSK) has charted truck-stop killings across the US, covering all major interstate routes. One route stands out as a particular hotspot.

This route runs from Wilmington, North Carolina, to Barstow, California, passing through Raleigh, Nashville, Memphis, Little Rock, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Albuquerque, and Flagstaff - this is the infamous I-40.

One case under investigation involves Dellmus Colvin, who was arrested in 2004 after it was estimated he'd killed between 47 and 52 women, almost all of whom were sex workers. He claimed not to have kept count of his murders, but following his conviction for seven murders, he is now held in Lebanon Correctional Institution in Ohio.

Colvin, known as the 'Interstate Strangler', told investigators he wrapped the bodies in plastic sheeting and duct tape, but denied having sex with them. He admitted to enjoying killing, a claim police believed due to his laughter during interviews as he recalled the murders.

The infamous 'mobile killing chamber' (Image: iD)
In a particularly morbid incident, he took a call from his mother while he was in the act of murdering a woman and confessed that he enjoyed watching his victims die. "I always sleep well at night," he revealed.

Following his conviction, he provided information to officers about the resting place of several of his victims but declined to share any details regarding murders committed in states where execution is an available punishment. Another notorious killer is Robert Ben Rhoades, known as one of the initial truck stop killers.

Rhoades is guilty of torturing and killing at least two couples in Texas and Illinois in 1989 and 1990. Data based on his truck routes suggest he could have sexually abused and tortured over 50 women between 1975 and 1990. The ruthless murderer had a distinctive trait all his victims had their pubic hair shaven off.

Like Mendenhall, Rhoads converted the rear of his truck into a traveling torture chamber. He kept women imprisoned behind its steel door in handcuffs, piercing their bodies with fish hooks.

Many were sex workers; however, his last victim, Regina Walters, was not. She was just 14 years old.
In 1990, Regina escaped from her troubled family home in Pasadena, Texas, along with her boyfriend Ricky. The pair were picked up near Houston by Rhoades.

Robert Ben Rhoades played a role in the killings (Image: Illinois Department of Corrections)

Tragically, Ricky's life was ended swiftly with a gunshot to his head. Regina, meanwhile, was held captive and brutally assaulted for several weeks. "I made some changes. I cut her hair," Rhoades taunted Regina's father over the phone. The young woman's body was later found at a remote farmhouse in Illinois, having been strangled to death.

Dr Celia Williamson, a social work professor at the University of Toledo, highlighted that sex trafficking among truck drivers is not an uncommon occurrence. "Truck-stop and street-level prostitution has its own culture, its own language, and its own processes," she informed Figliuzzi.

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She emphasized the power imbalance favoring the truck drivers, stating: "It's not a pleasant experience for a girl to put her face in the lap of a trucker who's been driving for ten hours". However, the girls are often desperate for money, with those under the control of a pimp facing violence if they don't meet targets, while addicts risk being denied their drugs.

Sex workers who report sexual assaults are frequently dismissed, even when it's concerned friends reporting the disappearance of a sex worker or suspected murder. Dr Williamson poses the question: "Should a male-dominated police force even be investigating such things?"

But there remains one deeply unsettling unanswered question, that even the FBI doesn't have the answer to currently. Just how many other truckers are carrying around weapons, or driving mobile torture chambers? And how many women's bodies have simply never been discovered?

Imagine a farah becomes one of them. I will personally be their pen pal friend from Prison
I have a theory why it's predominantly white males that are serial killers. Have you noticed their victims are mostly women.
It's extreme pathological misogyny the real type not the one femenists keep harping about.
Is believe its to do with culture , white males have a greater respect for authority and more willing to conform. This opens them up to brainwashing and in this case feminization.
Implanting female thought patterns, attack on masculinity usually leads to a violence.
It has been observed in some children that when feminised they get hyper violent , more viscous and ruthless than any child has the right to be.

African Americans, Hispanics do not respect authority as much as whites and all the brainwashing through media and school system is like white noise that you ignore.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
I remember hearing this in a true crime podcast in the pandemic. Thought it was just rumours all this time


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
There are Xalimo truck drivers working in ND oilfields making $3k a week after tax.

Same in Canada. I couldn't believe the number of Xalimo truck drivers and trades workers when I worked in the oil and gas industry when I lived out west 8-9 years ago. The trades workers were tomboys and stood up for themselves against anti-women hate by the cadaans and Ali Beysteens. Money is amazing but the work is not for everyone. One of them ended up representing the Somalia basketball team lol
Same in Canada. I couldn't believe the number of Xalimo truck drivers and trades workers when I worked in the oil and gas industry when I lived out west 8-9 years ago. The trades workers were tomboys and stood up for themselves against anti-women hate by the cadaans and Ali Beysteens. Money is amazing but the work is not for everyone. One of them ended up representing the Somalia basketball team lol
The ones in ND get free housing too so they hardly spend any money. It’s good for someone that wants to make a quick $100k for a year but they will have ti burn some bridges and that will hurt them later if they decide to come back.