54 dead after clan fighting in Caabudwaaq


Somalis will go extinct in a few decades by the hands of fellow Somalis.


I hope the qabils these people worship will protect them come the day of judgment.


These clans usually are fighting with others and even in defeat are known causes of fitna but today Allah had placed their armed men against one another in an empty desert plain.

For them a tragedy for us a mercy from Allah.


we need a media push from Somalia made exclusively for anti-qabyalaad. The same way the west made cigarettes hated. Movies, commercials, and hotlines to snitch on anyone discriminating.

also a massive, powerful, mixed Qabil SNA. We already have that except the massive & powerful part.
Unless climate changes and it gets alot rainier and greener this gonnna keep getting worse. A lot of these fights start over boreholes and people trying to dig wells on disputed lands and graze their animals



Shrek Film Smile GIF by Peacock
Maandhow dadkaaga naf aa hayso @Dalalos_ibn_Adali ayaa fahmikara

I've been saying on here this boon clan will be in a dire situation since farmaajo term ended. Triple taxed in Gedo where locals bear the brunt and ganged up on in Galgaduud meanwhile their representatives of FGS & FMS rn are in Muqdisho.

I share no border with you alleged hunter gatherers allaha idinka kor qaado dhibaatada
Maandhow dadkaaga naf aa hayso @Dalalos_ibn_Adali ayaa fahmikara

I've been saying on here this boon clan will be in a dire situation since farmaajo term ended. Triple taxed in Gedo where locals bear the brunt and ganged up on in Galgaduud meanwhile their representatives of FGS & FMS rn are in Muqdisho.

I share no border with you alleged hunter gatherers allaha idinka kor qaado dhibaatada
Stick to posting about your apegaal president and dhulkaada



Can someone tell me why this is happening by the way? Why are the two clans beefing?
First of all there are no two clans fighting, there is a MX sub sub sub sub clan called Bah Ogaden fighting against Dir and Habar Gidir.

How it started
A different MX sub called Bah Hawiyo killed a Dir Nabadoon, the Dir for some reason went for Bah Ogaden who had nothing to do with the killing of the Dir Nabadoon.

This lead to two consecutive battles which landed Dir in the gutter 100+ dead

1. Dir attacked Bah Ogaden(Reer Dalal) settlement Hulkujir close to Xeraale and were totally decimated 20+ killed 60 injured.

2. Dir + HG attacked another Bah Ogaden(Reer Xirsi) settlement Laandheer and were decimated once again 80+ dead, prisoners and weapons captured.

Sharanshuur messed with the wrong MX sub and have paid heavy price :frdfvsb:


These clans usually are fighting with others and even in defeat are known causes of fitna but today Allah had placed their armed men against one another in an empty desert plain.

For them a tragedy for us a mercy from Allah.
Reer Dalal Shuranshuur ku sii jeedo is a mercy from allah bil xaqiiqa yaa ibn cagdheer :pachah1:

But rest assured we only fight when our land is attacked we never attack people in their own land nor do we attack people for no reason.

Yamyam iyo qadaadweyn attacked us twice and we crushed them, let them cry about losing 100+ men, or the POW we have locked up I enjoy their cries no mercy for our enemy.


this is why I strongly advocate against qabiil, why we do we hold on to this outdated destructive system? 50+ men and boys that will never go back to their families, so sad


Reer Dalal Shuranshuur ku sii jeedo is a mercy from allah bil xaqiiqa yaa ibn cagdheer :pachah1:

But rest assured we only fight when our land is attacked we never attack people in their own land nor do we attack people for no reason.

Yamyam iyo qadaadweyn attacked us twice and we crushed them, let them cry about losing 100+ men, or the POW we have locked up I enjoy their cries no mercy for our enemy.
Split yourselves up how you like I dont know the small teeth subclans apart.

Im happy that you fell to rock bottom with HG eating you after trying to turn us into the Abgaal. It sends a good message :banderas:
First of all there are no two clans fighting, there is a MX sub sub sub sub clan called Bah Ogaden fighting against Dir and Habar Gidir.

How it started
A different MX sub called Bah Hawiyo killed a Dir Nabadoon, the Dir for some reason went for Bah Ogaden who had nothing to do with the killing of the Dir Nabadoon.

This lead to two consecutive battles which landed Dir in the gutter 100+ dead

1. Dir attacked Bah Ogaden(Reer Dalal) settlement Hulkujir close to Xeraale and were totally decimated 20+ killed 60 injured.

2. Dir + HG attacked another Bah Ogaden(Reer Xirsi) settlement Laandheer and were decimated once again 80+ dead, prisoners and weapons captured.

Sharanshuur messed with the wrong MX sub and have paid heavy price :frdfvsb:
horrible all around wallahi. Bah Hawiyo so wrong for all of this

Garaad Awal

Former African
First of all there are no two clans fighting, there is a MX sub sub sub sub clan called Bah Ogaden fighting against Dir and Habar Gidir.

How it started
A different MX sub called Bah Hawiyo killed a Dir Nabadoon, the Dir for some reason went for Bah Ogaden who had nothing to do with the killing of the Dir Nabadoon.

This lead to two consecutive battles which landed Dir in the gutter 100+ dead

1. Dir attacked Bah Ogaden(Reer Dalal) settlement Hulkujir close to Xeraale and were totally decimated 20+ killed 60 injured.

2. Dir + HG attacked another Bah Ogaden(Reer Xirsi) settlement Laandheer and were decimated once again 80+ dead, prisoners and weapons captured.

Sharanshuur messed with the wrong MX sub and have paid heavy price :frdfvsb:
The next purge movie should be a documentary filmed in your region. No govt, no laws just anarchy. Bunch of xoolo massacring each other.

Hear I thought the Biicide HJ vs Sacad Yoonis HY massacres in SL were bad but atleast the SL army arrives & forces them to stop their hostilities. You guys are drastically more animalistic (higher casualties) and have no govt stationed troops to stop this. Hundreds of people dying early every year for no reason, sickening wallahi.
The next purge movie should be a documentary filmed in your region. No govt, no laws just anarchy. Bunch of xoolo massacring each other.

Hear I thought the Biicide HJ vs Sacad Yoonis HY massacres in SL were bad but atleast the SL army arrives & forces them to stop their hostilities. You guys are drastically more animalistic (higher casualties) and have no govt stationed troops to stop this. Hundreds of people dying early every year for no reason, sickening wallahi.
To be fair you're all Isaaq. Makes it easier to settle disputes
I don't know if this has been posted, but let me get you guys upto speed.
This is what these idiots are fighting over.


What is here that warrants 50+ people's death? I wouldn't even argue over a desert like this.
First of all there are no two clans fighting, there is a MX sub sub sub sub clan called Bah Ogaden fighting against Dir and Habar Gidir.

How it started
A different MX sub called Bah Hawiyo killed a Dir Nabadoon, the Dir for some reason went for Bah Ogaden who had nothing to do with the killing of the Dir Nabadoon.

This lead to two consecutive battles which landed Dir in the gutter 100+ dead

1. Dir attacked Bah Ogaden(Reer Dalal) settlement Hulkujir close to Xeraale and were totally decimated 20+ killed 60 injured.

2. Dir + HG attacked another Bah Ogaden(Reer Xirsi) settlement Laandheer and were decimated once again 80+ dead, prisoners and weapons captured.

Sharanshuur messed with the wrong MX sub and have paid heavy price :frdfvsb:
No hawiye are fighting lol . Fiqimaxamed bah salebaan is sub sub sub sub sub of surre is fighting all off Marexaan galmudug. Fiqimaxamed bah wargardhac and bah majeerteen can start a new front at luuq and dollow lmao. The dagaal is a stalemate .

Garaad Awal

Former African
To be fair you're all Isaaq. Makes it easier to settle disputes
The fighting between those tribes is bitter as they have a tradition of blood feud. My point is that it isn’t settled, they are forced to stop by the presence of the army. This is also what the British army in SL used to do back during the procterate days, essentially being a sort of police and having the ability to threaten both sides with violence if they don’t cease. Sub-Saharans are indeed cursed
I don't know if this has been posted, but let me get you guys upto speed.
This is what these idiots are fighting over.


What is here that warrants 50+ people's death? I wouldn't even argue over a desert like this.
Marehaan moriyaans blocked off the road linking xeraale to huurshe Road.

