@Pastoralist why do you agree MX should unite? is that your clan? or are you related to them maternally?
Since you are Dir why would you do 100 on that comment?
I’m sure you agree with that too no? Any unity is welcomed in this country. Are we supposed to wish division onto them?View attachment 331151
@Pastoralist why do you agree MX should unite? is that your clan? or are you related to them maternally?
starting to give up on everything somali nglWhat the hell is wrong with my people
Why is it so hard for them to unite and develop the country !!!!
We are truly a cursed people, endless violence and suffering, and for what ?? This isn’t the 18th century anymore for Gods sake. There are those on here who support this violence, you are the problem !! AUN to the deceased
Me to sxb,starting to give up on everything somali ngl
take heart that most of these qabilists will continue being worthless cretins munching off better western men's achievements and will die as such.Why are you people surprised? You people propagate qabyalaad garbage everyday. You fan the flames. This is what happens. You guys shoulder some of the responsibility. Their blood is on your hands too. Somalia has no hope when pimply kids who can't speak Somali are sounding like their Starbucks-sitting fadhi ku dirir uncles.
Khaire is something special. It should be him going on that 3 day visit to Norway. As president SNA would be #1 source of employment for men and women & AS phase1 wouldn’t fail.
What happens between us which is a few reer baadiiyo on foot with ak 47s can not be compared to cawaans who shoot at eachother zu23s, dshks, etc in open desert with not a tree or even a jingad in sight to the point 60+ are dead and hundreds are injured. This type of cawaanimo hasn't been seen in somalia for quite a whilethis hutu talking about caawnimo
two subs of abgaal can’t even breath in the same air
View attachment 331150
What happens between us which is a few reer baadiiyo on foot with ak 47s can not be compared to cawaans who shoot at eachother zu23s, dshks, etc in open desert with not a tree or even a jingad in sight to the point 60+ are dead and hundreds are injured. This type of cawaanimo hasn't been seen in somalia for quite a while