65 per cent of British black Caribbean women are single, 59 per cent have never married

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
This is happening in the African American community the women wake up at 40 realizie they want to get married but can’t find any sutible partners
The women are like 15% more likely to pass their GCSEs too. I wonder why their women never talk about it. Xalimos used to kick up a fuss over a lot less


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Most of them are undesirable looks wise thats why, hate it or love it thats the cold hard facts and carribean men especially jamaican men are more known to marrying out
Caribbeans don’t have a culture of marriage, if you look up the stats of their men you’ll say they too hardly marry compared to the general population.

Comparing them to Somalis is silly. Unless Somalis become gaal or near enough gaal over night, our marriage rates will always be high since we can’t have intimacy or kids outside of marriage.

If madow men weren’t able to get access to their women unless they put a ring on it, most of their women would be married. These women are still having children and intimacy. Somalis on the other hand due to Islam and our culture think it is socially taboo and downright immoral for people to have sex and children outside of wedlock. Most women at least publicly comply and as do the men.

Big difference. Also, it’s not black women, white women aren’t even getting married as much either, people are simply cohabiting more.
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It’s because their men are marrying out in droves, read somewhere that the mixed Carribeans outnumber the black Carribeans
It’s because their men are marrying out in droves, read somewhere that the mixed Carribeans outnumber the black Carribeans
They’re not marrying. Mixed raced kids in the UK with cadaan mothers have the highest rates of unmarried parents. Also the highest rates of single mothers.

Basically Caribbeans in general aren’t marrying and whilst the men get with cadaans their women get with African men and cadaans as well.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Some pretty insane stats. Black African aren't too different, and probably diaspora Somalis will follow similar trends in a decade or two.

So sad while black men are desirable to white women the opposite is not happening leaving black women behind. They are the Indians of the female gender. Its tragic💔


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