Things I have observed during my time in Mogadishu. We have no ministry of education as we once had. Many children don’t go to school. There are private schools that some individuals open (without any guidelines) and they cost a lot of money for already struggling families. We have many kids addicted to glue. Criminals roam the streets and it’s wild out there. The president is a thief and recently had hundreds of millions of dollars frozen in Swiss bank. Everyone is trying to screw you out of your money somehow. But the saddest thing of all is seeing the young people growing up in Somalia without education. All this is because of greed and corruption. There are a lot of new buildings that have gone up in recent years, but the place is filthy, garbage littered everywhere. We use to have robust farming industry and good water systems. But now all that has been destroyed and we import our fruits and veggies.
Woman are dying giving birth, because we have some random Egyptian dr operating privately at the hospital and no ministry of health to look into what is going on in the hospitals. Somalis need to really need to open their eyes and look to the future. There is a lot of potential but if the young people have no opportunity for education, the future of Somalia is doomed.
Woman are dying giving birth, because we have some random Egyptian dr operating privately at the hospital and no ministry of health to look into what is going on in the hospitals. Somalis need to really need to open their eyes and look to the future. There is a lot of potential but if the young people have no opportunity for education, the future of Somalia is doomed.