A girl that speaks 20 languages.

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kkkkkkk that soft spoken akhi talk :drakelaugh:nah I speak it relatively well lol as in I can hold conversations and understand the news, it's at the same level as my somali, which is alright.

Immersion really is the best way to learn tbh. I'm thinking of giving french another go over the next year and then move to france for a little while next summer after I've gained a decent grasp on thee language, like those immersion programs. My friend did that, she spent three months there working and her french improved leaps and bounds. It's only across the channel as well :hmm: thank god for euro passports
Yeah, that's why I don't think i'll ever trade in my passport. Dutch people are kinda cunts about dual-citizenships. 4 Languages, wallahi I rate that. As long as you can hold a convo and follow TV, you can speak it tbh.


I'm fluent in Somali and English due to getting slapped whenever I'd speak Somali at home. My parents were tough on me but my younger siblings don't know any Somali it's very poor. They struggle with long distance phone calls from habbos.
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