A gofund me for one of our sick(mental issues) users

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I think rooble has been emotionally scared by a xalimo that he was in mad love with, that left him bitter & confused, it might be that he's got some deep rooted issues about his looks so he lashes out on females online.
always talking about another mans looks, come out of the closet already wadaad walan :wtfguccimane::reallymaury:


Suldaanka Gobyare
@Cognitivedissonance When you arrived on this forum you wear moaning and attacking every girl and then you got domesticated by them cause you're a that wishes to be a woman. When I read your comments , one can sense the seriousness in them.

gay cognitive.png

You are a flaming homosexual and even tend to insult like a estrogen filled chump. Stop wasting my time kaa tahay was!

I'd chop your head off if you were my son I swear.


Im Am Barkhad now
@Cognitivedissonance When you arrived on this forum you wear moaning and attacking every girl and then you got domesticated by them cause you're a that wishes to be a woman. When I read your comments , one can sense the seriousness in them.

View attachment 1817

You are a flaming homosexual and even tend to insult like a estrogen filled chump. Stop wasting my time kaa tahay was!

I'd chop your head off if you were my son I swear.

Did this nigga just invite another man to his bootyhole




A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Did this nigga just invite another man to his bootyhole


Soo dhawoow boowe at your own peril lol you didn't get the gist of it you momma's boy, you ain't street smarts you goose necking dope feen Somali old dirty bastard look alike lol


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
As it goes, you're suffering from extreme malnutrition, I think people should put some money together for you so you may have a warm meal for the coming weeks.
I have never laughed so hard in my life, thank you so much!! So has anyone donated to my gofund me page? I need 10 grand ASAP, that would sort out my mental health issues. I'll be back later to see if you tight Somalis put your hands into your pockets, PayPal is fine. See you soon xx


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I have never laughed so hard in my life, thank you so much!! So has anyone donated to my gofund me page? I need 10 grand ASAP, that would sort out my mental health issues. I'll be back later to see if you tight Somalis put your hands into your pockets, PayPal is fine. See you soon xx
I was going to chuck some change into the pot but the guy taking the donations on your behalf looks like a dope feen so I thought bun that blud.
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