A guy follows his wife with a drone to catch her cheating!

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@VixR That is all besides the point. The election proved the creators of the movement (i.e white women) have largely abandoned it by clearly voting for a man who refused to deny any of the charges the media made against him over a woman that embodied the feminist movement and was the natural conclusion of it. These include your bosses, neighbors, and colleagues. I am sure they wouldn't have such an issue with going back to the way things were, where life was a lot more simpler, natural, and dare I say more fulfilling than it is for them today.

To put it more succinctly, no one can take a Somali or other feminist seriously given how white women who have been the largest benefactors of the movement abandoned it in favor of tradition and conservative/family values. It really drives home just how useless of a movement is, and as I have said before, that most women are not believers in the feminist movement. :denzelnigga:
An absurd conclusion as to border on maniacal, but not surprised considering your first post rife with the same trend of logical fallacies.

You can join @Layth with his concubine wet dreams, or whatever version of that you desire.

Clinton was doomed from the start. Despite my insistence on Trump's idiocy, I'm frankly glad she wasn't the first US female president. And if that rubs you the wrong (or right) way and makes u cast some grand aspersions :manny:
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