A guy follows his wife with a drone to catch her cheating!

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I would like to understand how evolution produced beings incapable of developing an internal moral code! :patrice:

Was it nurture or nature who left women incapable of deep philosophical thinking and the strength of character to chose between good and evil? :ohhh:
What was the mechanism, :hmm:where do morally challenged women fit in society? What niche did they fill, :umwhat:why were principled women out competed? :wtf:
Why is there no variation across genders? :whoo: What makes men inheriently better???? :win:

Is it leftover evil genes from when Eve ate the apple? :dead:

Women did not compete, when tribe A annihilated tribe B, the men of tribe B were put to the spear while the women were fucked wholesale kkkkkkk.

Somalis have 2 dominant paternal haplogroups, but at least 5 or more maternal haplogroups.


Over time, women have become conditioned to accept the dominant male which naturally leads to women having no compunction against cheating with a richer, better looking, or overall more fit male. It is why conquered women so easily acquiesced to their captors, so their offspring can be fit enough to survive unlike their previous mates who were not.

t. Sexist
Lmaoo :ohdamn:

You see how easy it is to break a rib? That's how easy it is for a womans will to crack when it comes to moral dilemmas :kendrickcry:
Women did not compete, when tribe A annihilated tribe B, the men of tribe B were put to the spear while the women were fucked wholesale kkkkkkk.

Somalis have 2 dominant paternal haplogroups, but at least 5 or more maternal haplogroups.


Over time, women have become conditioned to accept the dominant male which naturally leads to women having no compunction against cheating with a richer, better looking, or overall more fit male. It is why conquered women so easily acquiesced to their captors, so their offspring can be fit enough to survive unlike their previous mates who were not.

t. Sexist

Nacas foqol nacas I was arguing about women and their lack of moral code :dead1:

Not your hunter/gatherer, tribalist qashin wet dreams, please refrain from bringing it up in my presence :damedamn:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Nacas foqol nacas I was arguing about women and their lack of moral code :dead1:

Not your hunter/gatherer, tribalist qashin wet dreams, please refrain from bringing it up in my presence :damedamn:

Educating women was a mistake



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Women did not compete, when tribe A annihilated tribe B, the men of tribe B were put to the spear while the women were fucked wholesale kkkkkkk.

Somalis have 2 dominant paternal haplogroups, but at least 5 or more maternal haplogroups.


Over time, women have become conditioned to accept the dominant male which naturally leads to women having no compunction against cheating with a richer, better looking, or overall more fit male. It is why conquered women so easily acquiesced to their captors, so their offspring can be fit enough to survive unlike their previous mates who were not.

t. Sexist

I thought we only had one paternal haplogroup

Runti even when the expansion happened those south cushites still got to fucking which is why some nilotic and bantu groups sometimes have tribes where the e1b1b clade is representative of like a quarter to even half their crew :dead:

Even when we lose we win lowkey. We take niggas down with us :russ:


Women did not compete, when tribe A annihilated tribe B, the men of tribe B were put to the spear while the women were fucked wholesale kkkkkkk.

Somalis have 2 dominant paternal haplogroups, but at least 5 or more maternal haplogroups.


Over time, women have become conditioned to accept the dominant male which naturally leads to women having no compunction against cheating with a richer, better looking, or overall more fit male. It is why conquered women so easily acquiesced to their captors, so their offspring can be fit enough to survive unlike their previous mates who were not.

t. Sexist
The wholesale rape of women and children as the aftermath of war = acquiescence to you?

Educating women was a mistake

You were born in the wrong part of the world, within the wrong century.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I think he's just memeing on that last part but that white stranglehold is emote worthy


I wonder how this idea of women supposedly feeling a compulsive need to cheat with the stronger, better, richer male fits into the phenomenon of women cheating with "lesser" men than their husbands (the gardener, the dishwasher etc)?

How does this idea of women supposedly feeling a compulsive need to cheat with the stronger, better, richer male explain the phenomenon of women cheating with "lesser" men than their husbands (the gardener, the dishwasher)?

Something something beta males, cuck!!11 blahblah fucking simps :yacadiim:

Lol I don't know I've long since given up on understanding PUA and their reasoning


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I thought we only had one paternal haplogroup

Runti even when the expansion happened those south cushites still got to fucking which is why some nilotic and bantu groups sometimes have tribes where the e1b1b clade is representative of like a quarter to even half their crew :dead:

Even when we lose we win lowkey. We take niggas down with us :russ:

Probably traitors that were allowed to f*ck, the Bantus and Nilotes overwhelmed them and left them nothing more than a genetic echo ;_;

@butthurt females



Something something beta males, cuck!!11 blahblah fucking simps :yacadiim:

Lol I don't know I've long since given up on understanding PUA and their reasoning
The funny thing is, they've managed to f*ck themselves raw with their ideology either way:damn:

If you're not rich, than screw u Thundercock cuz Richy Silverspoon - says the woman :umad:

If you're rich, then screw u cuz Richy 'cuz Chad Thundercock - says the woman :umad:

They don't want working or career women 'cuz they want them dependent, and dread them finding better than them.

Meanwhile, studies show the financially dependant spouse is more likely to cheat than women who bring in some money.

Wallahi it's a "rock and hard place" ideology, the constant state of insecurity and dread over their relation to other men as well as to how womankind perceives them.
The funny thing is, they've fucked themselves raw with their ideology either way:damn:

If you're not rich, than screw u Thundercock cuz Richy Silverspoon - says the woman :umad:

If you're rich, then screw u cuz Richy 'cuz Chad Thundercock - says the woman :umad:

They don't want working women 'cuz they want them dependent and dread them finding better than them.

Meanwhile, studies show the financially dependant spouse is more likely to cheat than women who bring in some money.

Wallahi it's a constant "rock and hard place" ideology, constant state of insecurity and dread over their relation to other men as well as to womankind perceives them.
It's not that man. You don't get it. You think you do, but you don't. When a women is every little bit as ambitious and career-oriented as you are, it's kind of a turn off. Those characteristics are usually considered "masculine". It's like a man who is very feminine and timid in his nature, would you be attracted to such a man? Hell no.

Like I said before on this forum: we want a society of feminine women.

Opposites attract; hence the need for polarity.


It's not that man. You don't get it. You think you do, but you don't. When a women is every little bit as ambitious and career-oriented as you are, it's kind of a turn off. Those characteristics are usually considered "masculine". It's like a man who is very feminine and timid in his nature, would you be attracted to such a man? Hell no.

Like I said before on this forum: we want a society of feminine women.

Opposites attract; hence the need for polarity.
This is a joke, and u know it. There's nothing inherently feminine or masculine about about having a career. It's no secret men who want 100% stay-at-home wives (no ifs, ands, or buts) want so for control reasons, for dependency.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
There is actual truth to that. Financially independent women are the best thing for someone who is also financially independent.

Equality means two people are bringing the same amount to the table and thus have the same to lose
This is a joke, and u know it. There's nothing inherently feminine or masculine about about having a career. It's no secret men who want 100% stay-at-home wives (no ifs, ands, or buts) want so for control reasons, for dependency.
I said women who are as career-oriented as men traditionally are, yacni one that puts her career before everything (kids, etc).

There's nothing wrong with being a career woman (if they can maintain their feminine traits and place more emphasis on their natural roles as care-givers and home-builders) but the majority of them tend to be very masculine. I've observed women, especially my female relatives with careers. Anyone who is attracted to something like that is a low-key in my book.

Imagine a ambitious, loud-mouthed, assertive naag; who is everything but as physically strong as you are - one that will throw your kids in a daycare while she strives for that pay rise.

Boner kill

And any man who's genuinely emotionally dependent on a woman is also a wasteman
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