A guy follows his wife with a drone to catch her cheating!

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

You do realize some people have actual interests in their fields right? Like some women genuinely want to be nurses and physicians. It's a passion and they are therefore capable of instilling actual knowledge and experience in her kids.

Raising kids full time becomes absurd once they're 4-5 because they're almost full time students by that point. You might as well have a legit career.

Damn Layth. You need to step outside the bubble sxb. You're on a path to marrying a dumbass woman with no real world experience the rate you going :birdman:

Also putting your career ahead of your kids isn't masculine. It's stupid. Every parent should make their kids and significant other a priority above all else.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Humanity has survived for 150,000 years with men as the breadwinners and women as nurturers. This is one gender role that is universal. To debase that would be to fundamentally alter the family unit which will obviously lead to societal collapse.



You ppl are going against the research and the general good of society with your archaic, insecure beliefs.

It was a mistake to have educated women. They should be shackled at home, 'cuz having a career turns them into unfeeling, masculine men. The sky is falling! :susp:

Well, good luck.
Lmaooo look at how threatened they are!:mjlol:


:susp: Babies

Humanity has survived for 150,000 years with men as the breadwinners and women as nurturers. This is one gender role that is universal. To debase that would be to fundamentally alter the family unit which will obviously lead to societal collapse.


Breadwinner kulaha nigga you're broke, you're going to be stuck in a council house forever with a single income :ufdup:



Boner kill
I don't understand how it is you truly believe the majority of career women would be OK with this image.

The truth is, that is not the case, but propaganda from likeminded individuals such as yourself photoshopped that crying baby aside the smiling career woman in an effort to demonize working women. If anything, I'm surprised they picked a smiling woman (afterall she's supposed to be a loudmouth assertive naag, u'd think they would've found a yelling banshee), but then I guess a smiling one fits their sinister plotline better (look baby cry, she laff = badt womminz).
I don't understand how it is you truly believe the majority of career women would be OK with this image.

The truth is, that is not the case, but propaganda from likeminded individuals such as yourself photoshopped that crying baby aside the smiling career woman in an effort to demonize working women. If anything, I'm surprised they picked a smiling woman (afterall she's supposed to be a loudmouth assertive naag, u'd think they would've found a yelling banshee), but then I guess a smiling one fits their sinister plotline better (look baby cry, she laff = badt womminz).
Women who put their careers first should be concubines wallahi (they can do that voluntarily).

There's wisdom behind why I'm saying this.

Friends with benefits is basically the woman as concubine minus the labour (all they have to do is put it on contract), women can negotiate the terms of contract.


Women who put their careers first should be concubines wallahi (they can do that voluntarily).

There's wisdom behind why I'm saying this.

Friends with benefits is basically the woman as concubine minus the labour, they can negotiate the terms of contract.
Your thirst for the very aspects you hate about Western society are made abundantly clear:hemad:

Go to Iran, their short-term marriages are pretty much like Friends with Benefits + the One Night Stand rolled into (supposedly minus the haraam):mjlol:
Your thirst for the very aspects you hate about Western society are made clear:hemad:

Go to Iran, their short-term marriages are pretty much like Friends with Benefits + the One Night Stand rolled into supposedly minus the haraam :mjlol:
Mut'ah marriages are not permissible whilst concubinage is. I know most career-oriented women would accept this proposal. They don't want to build a home so they might as well be concubines


Mut'ah marriages are not permissible whilst concubinage is. I know most career-oriented women would accept this proposal. They don't want to build a home so they might as well be concubines
Do u now?
Does it upset u that much? :mjlol:

How do you keep from dropping from an aneurysm in Brexitstan with all it's fire-breathing working women and all, and all it's crying newborn babes? So. Many. Potential. Concubines. How dare they prefer marriage to my superior plan! How dare they FWB!
Mut'ah marriages are not permissible whilst concubinage is. I know most career-oriented women would accept this proposal. They don't want to build a home so they might as well be concubines

How sad :icon lol:

Tell me how would you ask a female to become ur concubine? Do u just walk up and propose to them? :ummhmsmiley:

This thread. :cryinglaughsmiley:

And here I thought I was a chauvinist male pig. Some of ya'll are on some caveman shit.

Weren't u throwing a fit in the other thread as well? :lolbron: Something about how western girls are spoiled and traditional ones back home are the answer :drakelaugh:


Gaalkacyo Gangster
How sad :icon lol:

Tell me how would you ask a female to become ur concubine? Do u just walk up and propose to them? :ummhmsmiley:

Weren't u throwing a fit in the other thread as well? :lolbron: Something about how western girls are spoiled and traditional ones back home are the answer :drakelaugh:
Difference is, I wasn't serious. I mostly have beef with third-wave, check your privilege types. I have no problems with ambitious, strong women.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
@Bahal being his usual self, I won't be surprised if he starts a campaign called grab her by the yanyur, oh wait, Trump already took that slogan. :drakelaugh:


What happened to him and some other guys on here, I'm genuinely curious? How's hooyo doing, you guys?

Literally run-for-the-hill type characters on here:ivers:

My opinion blackens by the day, and I'm sorry but it's having a clean sweep type effect (not that I ever have high expectations in reference to humanoids anyway) :damn:
@VixR @dhegdheer How does it make you all feel that working, educated women with careers voted in droves for an apparent "misogynist" and "entitled" man who has never held political office in his career and does not at all believe in feminism over an ostensibly qualified woman who has been in public office for decades and ran on agenda of feminism (mandated equal pay, maternity leave, etc)?

Feminism was blown to smithereens on that night. Not even the group that created it (i.e white women) would accept a woman leading their nation. They, through their actions and vote, reaffirmed the nature of gender roles. It is time for some soul searching. :hemad:


@VixR @dhegdheer How does it make you all feel that working, educated women with careers voted in droves for an apparent "misogynist" and "entitled" man who has never held political office in his career and does not at all believe in feminism over an ostensibly qualified woman who has been in public office for decades and ran on agenda of feminism (mandated equal pay, maternity leave, etc)?

Feminism was blown to smithereens on that night. Not even the group that created it (i.e white women) would accept a woman leading their nation. They, through their actions and vote, reaffirmed the nature of gender roles. It is time for some soul searching. :hemad:
Soul searching kulaha:hemad:

Nice propoganda you got there. I didnt even vote for her. I didn't vote at all. Because she's a woman, I should've voted for her, 'cuz that's the essence of feminism right? At the end of it, as I contemplated voting that last day, I didn't believe in either candidate. You can put whatever spin on that u like, but it changes nothing, nor does it prove your stance. The truth of it is, Clinton had a ton of baggage, and ppl were leaning anti-establishment.


If Clinton's loss affirmed the "nature of gender roles", I wonder what of the opposite, election or rule of female presidents and rulers since time? They are anomalies to be ignored, or unduly criticized in a manner never the case with male regents since time:mjlol:

Going forward, I support Trump myself. He is our President Elect; his success equals our success. But no, I shouldn't, 'cuz he's a misogynoir, right? And were I to believe in his general ideas and policies, as a female, I shouldn't vote for him 'cuz "grab 'em by the pussy", right? :mjlol:
@VixR That is all besides the point. The election proved the creators of the movement (i.e white women) have largely abandoned it by clearly voting for a man who refused to deny any of the charges the media made against him over a woman that embodied the feminist movement and was the natural conclusion of it. These include your bosses, neighbors, and colleagues. I am sure they wouldn't have such an issue with going back to the way things were, where life was a lot more simpler, natural, and dare I say more fulfilling than it is for them today.

To put it more succinctly, no one can take a Somali or other feminist seriously given how white women who have been the largest benefactors of the movement abandoned it in favor of tradition and conservative/family values. It really drives home just how useless of a movement is, and as I have said before, that most women are not believers in the feminist movement. :denzelnigga:
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