A Happy Coming-Out-Story for A Somali Ex-Muslim

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Lil Resse

:denzelnigga: :denzelnigga::denzelnigga: Go ahead saxib

I'll be rocking my diric to work tomorrow :diddyass: these caadan ppl won't even know what hit them
AYYYY GANG SHIT fin stunt on em cadaans like
Dressing like desert dwellers? giving children Arab names instead of Somali names? abandoning our own traditions in favour of their traditions, values and morals.:ayaanswag: The whole concept of following the sunnah of the nabi is basically arabisation. If something doesn't align with the Muslim way of life it's considered "bid'ah" and "backwards" and should forcibly be abandoned.

You're right no forced arabisation occurred to Somalis, we did it to our selves which is even more tragic

Adapt a set of laws and guidelines? Is that what you reduce it to :mjlol: Mate Islam is meant to govern every aspect of life.

The Levant was arabised along with most of the gulf and north Africa. It wasn't just the Berber regions. They tried it with Persia but failed, the only thing that stuck was the alphabet.
how are somalis arabized but not persians? iran is the shia version of saudi arabia. :wtfdis:
How lame :mjkkk: I wanted to argue nacaala

Dressing like desert dwellers? giving children Arab names instead of Somali names? abandoning our own traditions in favour of their traditions, values and morals.:ayaanswag: The whole concept of following the sunnah of the nabi is basically arabisation. If something doesn't align with the Muslim way of life it's considered "bid'ah" and "backwards" and should forcibly be abandoned.

You're right no forced arabisation occurred to Somalis, we did it to our selves which is even more tragic

Adapt a set of laws and guidelines? Is that what you reduce it to :mjlol: Mate Islam is meant to govern every aspect of life.

The Levant was arabised along with most of the gulf and north Africa. It wasn't just the Berber regions. They tried it with Persia but failed, the only thing that stuck was the alphabet.

1. Giving Arabic names to your children is not an Islamic obligation. It’s common for people from all walks of life and beliefs to name their children after those they admire – in this case for us Muslims, it’s the Prophets (AS) and companions (RA).

2. It’s not an obligation to dress like an Arab either.

3. Bid’ah is only regarding that which is related to worship. Culture waa caadhi.

4. I don’t reduce Islam to anything. In fact, I cannot do it any justice even if I were to write a whole volume describing it.

5. A large number of the inhabitants of the Levant were Arab though, so it’s not a surprise that they had an impact on the culture. If you look at the Indian subcontinent and other regions that Islam reached, they still have their cultures and languages because if any Arab has settled among them, they were probably minorities as opposed to the Arabs in the Levant. On top of that, the Levantines were Semites and already had similar dhaqan to the Arabs prior to their conquests.

PS. Who you saying nacaala to?


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Can ya''ll chill for a sec. I have like 5 Atheists continuously and furiously quoting me at once:icon lol::icon lol:. You guys do realize i have life and obligations, i cannot spend all my day responding to these posts.

One person at a time please.:eating:

Where exactly did I write every Muslim is a fundamentalist? I specified fundamentalist in order to separate regular Muslims from the extremist. Your the one that jumped to conclusion. :ayaanswag: Western progranga kulaha...I don't know were you live but people here are harassed and in some cases killed for mere disbelief so I don't know why you think it's such a far fetched idea. Or maybe that's all part of western propaganda as well?

Lol my family didn't alienate me because of my disbelief in god. they accept me. I'm allowed to call other parents who disown their kids backwards

Have you no awareness over what you type down.?:draketf:

@Dhabaal acting like he wouldn't be thrown of the nearest bridge, like the rest of us, by some fundementalist "I'm not like a regular gaal I'm a cool gaal"

Assuming that all muslims are fundementalists. You didn't specify anything all you did was throw out your mere assertive claim as some fact.

It would be like me claiming all secularists are fundementalist like Mao , Stallin and Hitler willing to throw you of the nearest bridge for simply ''Stating you are a muslim'''

I have every reason to think your family is was like that, the fact that you implied that religious families are fundamentalists and start spewing intolerance towards their own kids.

@Dhabaal @Tramo

You two were properly not brought up in a very religious family. In my household being non practicing muslim would have you labelled a kafir with the quickness.

Speak for yourself, i know plenty of religious families who don't disown or derogatorily refer to their kids as kaafir for having doubts. :camby:
there is plenty of issues, maybe you need to revisit the quran and hadith saxib:francis: Sorry but it's detrimental to the somali community in the long run

The audacity :dead: "Don't follow western ajnabi culture only arab ajnabi culture!!!1"

If there is issues or not an issue with the Quran and sunnah, that is your mere personal belief and a cultural view-point. But to say you disbelieve in God based on your disagreements with it is bogus.

Secondly i never implied which culture you could follow, Just like i told @VixR you can make choices as an independent thinking human beings with your own will.
Well yes you do have a choice as an independent thinking human, just saying rejecting your culture in totality is almost akin to rejecting heritage , (i.e Somali identity).

Because an identity does not live outside the culture that cradles it. Culture is what characterizes a community, no community exists without it.

Islam doesn't mean Arab nor is it the ownership of Arabs. Arabs are people who are christian, jewish, pagan ,atheists or agnostics and a minority in Islam.

only arab ajnabi culture!!!1"

''Ajanabi Arab culture'' kulaha, it would just as stupid as saying Europeans are middle eastern Hebrew wannabes for following Christianity or Chinese & Tibetian Buddhism is a foreign Indian religion.

Or better yet Japanese are culturally Chinese because of Confucianism. :westbrookwtf: GTFO with that Arabophobia.

Its like you are implying you would follow Islam only if it originated in Somalia.

Which leads me to my final point, Atheism doesn't mean that you automatically adopt a EuroCentric understanding of reality. Using disbelief in God as a weak cop out for you to leave a life-style you don't like or a agree with.
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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Boowe if we are to have a discussion how about a little intellectual honesty. The agnostic shtick isn't fooling anybody :siilaanyolaugh:

As for my "reductio ad absurdum" I think its a perfectly legitimate argument, As far as I know there is no scientific evidence of fairies gods and goblins. And until there is i will treat it as an absurdity

Agnosticism simply means nothing can be known or not known about the existence of God. Don't fret just because i am not part of your Atheist hate group. :lolbron:

If you want to debate about intellectual honesty talk to your boy @The_Cosmos the guy told me, even though he label's himself as atheist, that really he's agnostic not because he doesn't know if there's a god or not, but because he's never seen god, he's an atheist. This is a cop out. It's taking a stand but giving yourself a comfort zone. almost like a knight saying "I am going to kill the dragon. I am enough of a man to do, but I need to take my teddy bear with me or it's not happening":zhqjlmx:

reductio ad absurdum is logical fallacy. --->> https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/151/Reductio-ad-Absurdum

So your saying it is legitimate to make an invalid argument as long as it conveniently gives you the illusion of debunking something while in reality not actually doing it .

A common form of argument which seeks to demonstrate that a statement is false by showing that a false, untenable, or absurd result follows from its acceptance, relying on zero proof or facts. In short...

A BELIEF SYSTEM.:drakelaugh:Example:, Since evolution can't be proven, and appears to be a work of Science Fiction, why don't you also believe in Bigfoot, or the Lockness Monster or even Star Wars?

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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
The idea of a God is absolutely in the exact same position as the idea of something like a unicorn. Both are absurd concepts. The only reason people take the concept of God seriously is because millions of people actually believe in that shit. The reason why people dismiss unicorns is because there was no indoctrination from a young age twisting their minds to believe nonsense. In simple terms, both are, from your reasoning, unfalsifiable.

Redactio ad absurdum is a completely valid form of argument.

Check my reply to @McLovin

reductio ad absurdum is a logical fallacy. --->> https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/151/Reductio-ad-Absurdum

Your saying it is legitimate to make an invalid argument as long as it conveniently gives you the illusion of debunking something while in reality not actually doing it .

A common form of argument which seeks to demonstrate that a statement is false by showing that a false, untenable, or absurd result follows from its acceptance, relying on zero proof or facts. In short...

A BELIEF SYSTEM.:drakelaugh:

Example:, Since evolution can't be proven, and appears to be a work of Science Fiction, why don't you also believe in Bigfoot, or the Lockness Monster or even Star Wars?

Agnosticism simply means nothing can be known or not known about the existence of God. Don't fret just because i am not part of your Atheist hate group. :lolbron:

If you want to debate about intellectual honesty talk to your boy @The_Cosmos the guy told me, even though he label's himself as atheist, that really he's agnostic not because he doesn't know if there's a god or not, but because he's never seen god, he's an atheist. This is a cop out. It's taking a stand but giving yourself a comfort zone. almost like a knight saying "I am going to kill the dragon. I am enough of a man to do, but I need to take my teddy bear with me or it's not happening":zhqjlmx:

reductio ad absurdum is logical fallacy. --->> https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/151/Reductio-ad-Absurdum

So your saying it is legitimate to make an invalid argument as long as it conveniently gives you the illusion of debunking something while in reality not actually doing it .

A common form of argument which seeks to demonstrate that a statement is false by showing that a false, untenable, or absurd result follows from its acceptance, relying on zero proof or facts. In short...

A BELIEF SYSTEM.:drakelaugh:Example:, Since evolution can't be proven, and appears to be a work of Science Fiction, why don't you also believe in Bigfoot, or the Lockness Monster or even Star Wars?

The Latin term reductio ad absurdum literally translates to, “reduction to the absurd.” In formal logic, the reductio ad absurdum is actually a legitimate argument, but it is often applied fallaciously. The fallacy follows the idea that if the premises of someone’s argument are taken as true, then it necessarily will lead to absurd conclusions.(https://pseudoastro.wordpress.com/2009/12/11/logical-fallacies-reductio-ad-absurdum/)
The Latin term reductio ad absurdum literally translates to, “reduction to the absurd.” In formal logic, the reductio ad absurdum is actually a legitimate argument, but it is often applied fallaciously. The fallacy follows the idea that if the premises of someone’s argument are taken as true, then it necessarily will lead to absurd conclusions.(https://pseudoastro.wordpress.com/2009/12/11/logical-fallacies-reductio-ad-absurdum/)
The premisses that the arguments for a God are based on are actually quite sound/solid. What premise is there that supports the idea that unicorns can exist? "Then it will necessarily lead to absurd conclusions", the paralogism is strong with these two LMFAO. Reductio ad absurdum cannot be applied in this scenario as all criterias are not fulfilled to make a valid comparison.

Edit: we know the premisses that the arguments for a God are based on. But can we draw the same conclusions for the existence of unicorns and other mythical creatures based on the same premisses that the arguments for a God are based on? How preposterous!
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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
The Latin term reductio ad absurdum literally translates to, “reduction to the absurd.” In formal logic, the reductio ad absurdum is actually a legitimate argument, but it is often applied fallaciously. The fallacy follows the idea that if the premises of someone’s argument are taken as true, then it necessarily will lead to absurd conclusions.(https://pseudoastro.wordpress.com/2009/12/11/logical-fallacies-reductio-ad-absurdum/)

Also called MARGINALIZING. All based on Reductio ad absurdum (Latin: "reduction to absurdity") that is neither proof or facts. It is indeed Logically fallacious when it is presented as proof or a fact for if god exists or not.

Metaphysical questions such as "Who am I?", "Are properties accidental or essential?", "How does mind relate to matter?", "Do universals exist?", "How can we justify using induction itself?", "Is there an objective moral normativity?", "Do numbers and ideas have an independent existence?", "What distinguishes alive and dead matter?", "What does it mean to know?", and whatever... are not falsifiable and therefore not entirely in the domain of empirical science.

Why not use these examples or even the existence of ''Conciousness'' or does ''Extrentrentials aka Aliens exist in other Planets''?. The fallacy is when you always lean on ''absurdity'' instead of something rooted in reasoning.

Example:, Since evolution can't be proven, and appears to be a work of Science Fiction, why don't you also believe in Bigfoot, or the Lockness Monster or even Star Wars?

Because believing in the existence of God or Evolution does not lead to absurdity.
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The premises that the arguments for a God are based on are actually quite sound/solid. What premise is there that supports the idea that unicorns can exist? "Then it will necessarily lead to absurd conclusions", the paralogism is strong with these two LMFAO. Reductio ad absurdum cannot apply in this scenario as all criterias are not fulfilled to make a valid comparison.
I'm tired of entertaining what ifs. If god is real let that nigga strike me down right now :abuxyga:

If I don't answer in a while then my fate is sealed


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Like God got enough time to mess with one dude

He's gotta rig the 2016-2017 NBA season against Durant


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
If God exists then God is beyond human understanding , God is infinitely different from us in His thoughts and ways.
Saaxiib a common argument for this is, If God exists then God is beyond human understanding , God is infinitely different from us in His thoughts and ways.
This apologetic disguised as agnostic shtick is really lame my nigga. Just be you if you are a believer


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
This apologetic disguised as agnostic shtick is really lame my nigga. Just be you if you are a believer

I'm a apologetic because i am not a bigot? Just because i am not intolerant to difference i apologize for something?. Agnostic doesn't imply you follow a certain belief system or a ideology.

I am not like you , i don't deliberately ignore aspects that are unfavorable to my point of view. I don't selectively seek out information that only tells me what i want to hear.

I am not on Reddit all day searching for stuff that only caters to my biases.
I'm a apologetic because i am not a bigot? Just because i am not intolerant to difference i apologize for something?. Agnostic doesn't imply you follow a certain belief system or a ideology.

I am not like you , i don't deliberately ignore aspects that are unfavorable to my point of view. I don't selectively seek out information that only tells me what i want to hear.

I am not on Reddit all day searching for stuff that only caters to my biases.
I didn't expect taqqiyya from you out of all people @Geeljire.:mjkkk:
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