It is definitely less wrong than what you believe in. You may not like it when I say that but it's true.Isn't this what you and your crew are doing btw. By vomiting the pre-opinions you receive from basement dwellers on reedit and use it to frequently harass and insult others on here for their belief?
Not only the fact that you people openly displayed how little you know about the so-called religion you disagree with. Fox News ,Ayaan Hirsi ,Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris are not a good source of information on Islam or experts in Theology.
Thats like asking KKK members to explain African Americans.
Lastly i am not imposing anything on anyone, Just making my own case. As ive told your pals @dhegdheer and @VixR as independent thinking human beings you are free to make your own choices and believe what you like.
But you cannot act like these things are universal or empirical because they are not.

The fact that you feigned agnosticism just to debate on our level proves that you know that already.
You had to hide your faith because deep down you know it is a difficult thing to argue for. It's irrational by its nature.
You may be one of us after all. Come out aboowe you know u want to