Lord Flacko
Phrased wrong my bad but you get my drift.
Phrased wrong my bad but you get my drift.
Nobody is stopping you from wearing Diric or any other "traditional Somali clothing"You're always bootyclapping for arabs I swearTheir fucked up modesty culture for one, you best believe I'd be rocking diric in the streets of Hargeisa if I could get away with it
Sadly our ppl have been brainwashed into acting like animals at the sight of a bare arm
I thought we has no significant admixtures and must of what we share with other middle eastern folk and other Africans outside the East is basically what they took from us
I know Berbers are Moore groups are the closer ones but I thought that was due to their genes not changing much after branching off
I dunno I might be wrong on this
We Wuz Banu Hashim :siilaanyolaugh:It's complete booty clapping propaganda. Horn of African civilisations are some of the oldest in the world and predate Arabs. Ever since the advent of Islam, Somalis have been claiming Arab ancestry.
It's called Human migration and the out of Africa into Africa again migration to be exactIt's complete booty clapping propaganda. Horn of African civilisations are some of the oldest in the world and predate Arabs. Ever since the advent of Islam, Somalis have been claiming Arab ancestry.
Nobody is stopping you from wearing Diric or any other "traditional Somali clothing"
Nigga if you actually read that, you'd realize he said Somalis are the result of "pre-history West Eurasian admixture" which happened before there ever was anything called an Arab. Recent admixture is very little. There was not widespread mixing with actual Arabs.@Mohamud this basically http://anthromadness.blogspot.no/2015/07/horn-africans-mixture-between-east.html?m=1
The author, who is Somali, has his own blog where he goes in depth about the genetic history and makeup of ethnicites http://anthromadness.blogspot.no/?m=1
Ok, this got boring.
1. Giving Arabic names to your children is not an Islamic obligation. It’s common for people from all walks of life and beliefs to name their children after those they admire – in this case for us Muslims, it’s the Prophets (AS) and companions (RA).
2. It’s not an obligation to dress like an Arab either.
3. Bid’ah is only regarding that which is related to worship. Culture waa caadhi.
4. I don’t reduce Islam to anything. In fact, I cannot do it any justice even if I were to write a whole volume describing it.
5. A large number of the inhabitants of the Levant were Arab though, so it’s not a surprise that they had an impact on the culture. If you look at the Indian subcontinent and other regions that Islam reached, they still have their cultures and languages because if any Arab has settled among them, they were probably minorities as opposed to the Arabs in the Levant. On top of that, the Levantines were Semites and already had similar dhaqan to the Arabs prior to their conquests.
Nigga if you actually read that, you'd realize he said Somalis are the result of "pre-history West Eurasian admixture" which happened before there ever was anything called an Arab. Recent admixture is very little. There was not widespread mixing with actual Arabs.
Also, as for your "Arabs are helping us comment", bullshit. They don't give a shit about us. We're both Muslims, and a lot of Arabs are nice people, but when it comes to international politics there's no such thing as friends. Only allies and enemies, which can change from one year to the next depending on the situation. These nations stand by and even make secret deals with Israel while their Palestian "brothers" languish in the world's largest open air prison. If that's how they treat their fellow Arabs, why the f*ck would they care about us?
We're all Muslims, but lets face it, the "Ummah" is the biggest joke in the world. We can connect with non-Somali Muslims on a personal level and be good, close friends with them. But at the international level, that shit goes out the window. Somalia can only rely on itself.
As an educated female, I cannot and will not accept a lifestyle or religion that tells me I'm inherently inferior to a man. I have my own income, I live alone, I have traveled alone. I refuse to accept that I am somehow less intelligent or less capable than a man, and that is what accepting Islam requires.I don't see any reason to pretend to practice aspects of a culture/religion just to please my family
One of the first things Islam did was to demolish all these artificial barriers in the famous verse: "O Mankind we created you from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made you in to nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)." It is significant that the verse started with gender discrimination. The message is unmistakably clear that men and women are in the sight of their creator equal, the only way one can be better than the other is by being more righteous.
...You sure you're not a Muslim
Well Islam doesn't say that Men or women are inferior to one another, but that they are mutually superior. It's not like Christianity which blamed Eve for down-fall of man.
In Islam puts more importance and value in women then men actually, , why do you think the quran says that Heaven lies beneath the feat of your mother? Islam has given a woman such special and distinguished position that nor other culture or civilisation has given her and that ought to be the envy of men.
Islam does not prevent women from having their own income. The average Muslim woman today may not quite understand the noise made about economic empowerment, her income, dowry and wealth is hers. She doesn't have to take the consent of her parents,husband or anybody.She never has to have join-account with her husband and not be able to decide what do with the wealth.
I am a muslim and i will always be one , i love this culture. Nothing compares to the amount of inclusion, compassion and communal love i recieve from my fellow Muslims. Islam is about the balance between self-preservation and selflessness.
I will never worry about being pressured into making my life about material progress and pleasure and risk being excluded and lose hope or meaning in my life as a result of failure.
I follow Islam out of love not out of fear or being forced, but out of genuine love. It is part of me.
YooooI am a muslim and i will always be one , i love this culture. Nothing compares to the amount of inclusion, compassion and communal love i recieve from my fellow Muslims. Islam is about the balance between self-preservation and selflessness.
I will never worry about being pressured into making my life about material progress and pleasure and risk being excluded and lose hope or meaning in my life as a result of failure.
I follow Islam out of love not out of fear or being forced, but out of genuine love. It is part of me.
These fucking niglets and their constant calacaal about Arabs not helping usNigga if you actually read that, you'd realize he said Somalis are the result of "pre-history West Eurasian admixture" which happened before there ever was anything called an Arab. Recent admixture is very little. There was not widespread mixing with actual Arabs.
Also, as for your "Arabs are helping us comment", bullshit. They don't give a shit about us. We're both Muslims, and a lot of Arabs are nice people, but when it comes to international politics there's no such thing as friends. Only allies and enemies, which can change from one year to the next depending on the situation. These nations stand by and even make secret deals with Israel while their Palestian "brothers" languish in the world's largest open air prison. If that's how they treat their fellow Arabs, why the f*ck would they care about us?
We're all Muslims, but lets face it, the "Ummah" is the biggest joke in the world. We can connect with non-Somali Muslims on a personal level and be good, close friends with them. But at the international level, that shit goes out the window. Somalia can only rely on itself.
Working with Israel isn't viable at the moment. If Somaliland and Somalia sided with Israel they'd f*ck over their economy.
The Arabs are our main investors and 99% of our livestock sales which counts for 60% of our GDP and 70% of our workforce, aswell as 90% of our overall exports being to the Arabs. The Berbera deal is with the Arabs, the Makhiir University is funded by the Arabs, the Arabs have paid for Somali Military Stations, police stations, hospitals and given vehicles and weapons to state police. They've even flown in victims of Al Shabaab attacks for free life-saving treatment in UAE.
Wallahi the Arab Bootyclapper shit is getting on my nerves as they've been extremely helpful and generous towards us.
I am a muslim and i will always be one , i love this culture. Nothing compares to the amount of inclusion, compassion and communal love i recieve from my fellow Muslims. Islam is about the balance between self-preservation and selflessness.
I will never worry about being pressured into making my life about material progress and pleasure and risk being excluded and lose hope or meaning in my life as a result of failure.
I follow Islam out of love not out of fear or being forced, but out of genuine love. It is part of me.
Thanks for the compliment bro, but it's not like it's rocket surgery or something. Anybody with a cursory knowledge history and half a brain can see it. Just like how anybody can see that Stannis of the house Baratheon, the first of his name, is the one true king of Westoros.A bow in humbleness to your superior reasoning.
I completely agree, Somalis can only rely on each other. Religious politics will only create more confusion and madness. We are tribalistic species and nations and borders mean everything. Somalia should have associates and no friends.