A Happy Coming-Out-Story for A Somali Ex-Muslim

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I beg to differ. Camel urine is known to have many healing properties:


P.S. @Dhabaal there's no point in debating with a bunch of biased folk. They're unwavering in their disbelief, let's leave them to their devices.

"Lo! We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or disbelieving." (76:3)
All studies funded by Saudi Arabia. I wonder if they have anything at stake :dead:

Tell me, do you take it a step ahead and add piss to your morning coffee? :damn:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Yet you live in a Gaal country and derive your conspiracy theories from Gaalo.:camby:
motherfuck apostates. Besides, I don't have a problem with Christians & Jews in the Quran they're called the people of the book, but Somali treacherous apostates rats I despise with a passion.


Pepe Trump
I beg to differ. Camel urine is known to have many healing properties:


P.S. @Dhabaal there's no point in debating with a bunch of biased folk. They're unwavering in their disbelief, let's leave them to their devices.

"Lo! We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or disbelieving." (76:3)

First things first, none of those sources can actually be regarded as authentic academic sources.

Secondly, it's highly ironic to accuse us of bias when you yourself show no sign of wavering in your beliefs.

Thirdly, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has told people last year in the Middle East NOT to get into contact with camel urine. It is highly believed that camel urine helped spread the Middle East respiratory syndrome which is also known as camel flu.

There are zero peer reviewed independent scientific sources that can confirm any of the supposed benefits in drinking camel piss.

Why on his noodily goodness, would you drink the piss of a camel?! :mindblown:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East_respiratory_syndrome skip to the 'causes' section.


:kanyehmm: I'm going to wait for you illustrious justification of drinking camel piss. I doubt you've ever drank it of course.
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Pepe Trump
motherfuck apostates. Besides, I don't have a problem with Christians & Jews in the Quran they're called the people of the book, but Somali treacherous apostates rats I despise with a passion.

Naya, we've got freedom of expression! The same one that allows you to express the crazy shit you espouse. You don't like it, then go to the shithole that is the Muslim world! :siilaanyolaugh:



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
May Allah be praised, the most exalted, we your slaves the Muslim love you, our lord may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I'm guessing you don't think theory of gravity to be a fact, or the atomic theory, or the germ theory or the theory of climate change?
Why do they call it darwins theory again? Kkkk talk about the kettle calling the pot black, whatever floats your boat my son.


motherfuck apostates. Besides, I don't have a problem with Christians & Jews in the Quran they're called the people of the book, but Somali treacherous apostates rats I despise with a passion.

Jews and Christians still respect their own people who apostatized. Take Christopher Hitchens for example, he has roasted the religion of his people and every other religion but despite that Israel, America and Britain still gave him a platform. They even have debated with him frequently. That's how a free and open society should operate. Do you think Somalia or Saudi Arabia would invite Ayaan Hirsi Ali for a debate? Yes... to decapitate her..kkkkkkkk. That's the difference between Christians/Jews and Muslims. Don't drink the kool aid sxb. At least take it to a chemist and examine the ingredients.:damedamn:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
They call it the theory of evolution!!:childplease:

answer my points before you try and deflect! :comeon:
Since you believe in darwins theory then you're a Darwinist & take his word as gospel, there's nothing tangible there after all it's merely a theory my son.
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Naya, we've got freedom of expression! The same one that allows you to express the crazy shit you espouse. You don't like it, then go to the shithole that is the Muslim world! :siilaanyolaugh:

So does having freedom of expression mean that you should be intrusive and offensive?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Jews and Christians still respect their own people who apostatized. Take Christopher Hitchens for example, he has roasted the religion of his people and every other religion but despite that Israel, America and Britain still gave him a platform. They even have debated with him frequently. That's how a free and open society should operate. Do you think Somalia or Saudi Arabia would invite Ayaan Hirsi Ali for a debate? Yes... to decapitate her..kkkkkkkk. That's the difference between Christians/Jews and Muslims. Don't drink the kool aid sxb. At least take it to a chemist and examine the ingredients.:damedamn:
Wallahi my research of the so called western society is so thorough that if I was to explain it to you, cognitive dissonance would kick in & you would call me a conspiracy theorist or a loon, nut job. We are living in a time where good is bad, up is down, may Allah the most sublime, the most omnipresent help us his slaves see things as they are & not as they appear to be.

The west, you portray to be as this angel, yet I've never seen angels dropping bombs, Hiroshima & Nagasaki, tell me their Darwinian, are you familiar with the punishment for treason in the USA? It's punishable by death, could you please explain to us how that's different from the shariahs apostasy laws? Which is punishable by death in a Islamic caliphate.

Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, turkey, Somalia and every single so called Muslim country is not practising shariah as the most benevolent, the most wise ordained, every single so called Muslim country which was created by the eauropean colonialists practise usury, in the form of fiat currency, usury is forbidden in Islam, can you please explain to us how saudia Arabia is a Muslim country with its petro-dollar?


The caliphate fell in what today is known as turkey since the mid 1920's, Allah has promised his ummah that he won't leave them without a khalifah no longer than 100 years.
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First things first, none of those sources can actually be regarded as authentic academic sources.

Secondly, it's highly ironic to accuse us of bias when you yourself show no sign of wavering in your beliefs.

Thirdly, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has told people last year in the Middle East NOT to get into contact with camel urine. It is highly believed that camel urine helped spread the Middle East respiratory syndrome which is also known as camel flu.

There are zero peer reviewed independent scientific sources that can confirm any of the supposed benefits in drinking camel piss.

Why on his noodily goodness, would you drink the piss of a camel?! :mindblown:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East_respiratory_syndrome skip to the 'causes' section.


:kanyehmm: I'm going to wait for you illustrious justification of drinking camel piss. I doubt you've ever drank it of course.
This is going to be fair game. The Prophet (SAW) did not specify the ailment(s) for which camel urine can be used as a healing property, he knew of the condition that those Bedouins were suffering from and he prescribed for them camel urine. In Islamic law, camel urine is actually considered najaas, unless you know for sure it can be effective to treat the ailment you’re suffering from, there’s no need in consuming it. I didn’t say it can be used as a healing property for ALL sorts of ailments, I was merely suggesting that it has SOME healing properties that can be used to treat certain ailments. Likewise, if not used with caution, it can make certain conditions worse just like any other medicine.

P.S. The World Health Organisation (WHO) have explicitly stated on their website that “It is not yet fully understood how people become infected with MERS-CoV, which is a zoonotic virus.”


I also wanted to ask you: what do you make of the experiments that were done in the Arab world that proved camel urine has healing properties? Do we dismiss their findings only because they’re Arabs?
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