A.i is certain Somalis are black but Ethiopians aren't


♚Sargon of Adal♚
You are the most stupid somali on earth


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Tigrayans are 50% Eurasian Somalis are only 38% Eurasian so the bot was not lying ya bloody negro. Even Omotic Wolayita is more Eurasian shifted then you 🤣
Tigrayans are 50% Eurasian Somalis are only 38% Eurasian so the bot was not lying ya bloody negro. Even Omotic Wolayita is more Eurasian shifted then you 🤣
Somalis are around 45% Eurasian. The Wolayta are the most African shifted of the major groups in the Horn lol
Jokes aside, overall, Cushitic and Semitic speaking Horners are a very nit tight group genetically. I can't imagine there are too much difference in phenotype and to the untrained eye (mostly ajnabis), we basically look the same


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🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
I've met Somalis in the West and they're not as dark as Dinkas

Don't be crass. :ufdup:

Being light isn't an automatic compliment


It is to Somalians. There's a major colourism issue in the community. Cadeey is a compliment while being called madow is a calamity. You're contributing to the problem. They should accept their reality of being dark skinned. This is a sickness they have.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Somalis are around 45% Eurasian. The Wolayta are the most African shifted of the major groups in the Horn lol

I was mistaken by 3%. Still the most madow cushites though no denying that :mjdontkno: