A Somali girl explains why she's marrying a revert.

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
That feel when you're a gaal and you're not bothered by this perennial gender war between Somalis. It's like stepping outside of the matrix.:ohhh:
A gaal is not part of the Somali community they've committed treason against Somalis waa cadowga ummada somali'eed.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Xalimos from broken homes with physically absent fathers and/or present but emotionally unavailable fathers, have grievances. They are normally longing for Somali male attention, which is why they must explicitly state why the Somali man is a contemptible specimen vs. their ajnabi white knight which they erroneously believe will fill the void that aabo dearest left behind. The funny thing is they seek validation from Faraxs and wish to justify their decisions long after they've reached the point-of-no-return with an ajnabi. If they did not have hang-ups they would move on without looking back. Silence would show they are confident and unperturbed, however that isn't the usual response.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Suddenly, we got professional researchers on xalimos :cryinglaughsmiley:

This is very important research, we must understand why the As Long As He's Muslim™®®* phenomenon exists solely in the Somali community. What triggers this phenomenon, what drives it, what can be done to alleviate its disastrous effects?

These are all important questions that must be addressed lest we find ourselves a meme race.


A gaal is not part of the Somali community they've committed treason against Somalis waa cadowga ummada somali'eed.
I don't share anything with Somalis, outside perhaps quintessential facial features and language. So I was never part of the Somali community, so how can I even commit treason? Don't you have to immerse and be apart of this imagined ''Somali community'' before you can decide to leave it behind?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I don't share anything with Somalis, outside perhaps quintessential facial features and language. So I was never part of the Somali community, so how can I even commit treason? Don't you have to immerse and be apart of this imagined ''Somali community'' before you can decide to leave it behind?
I take it that your family are Chinese smh the genius of this one is unparalleled.


I take it that your family are Chinese smh the genius of this one is unparalleled.
Yeah but I'm not them....right? Just because you were born into this imagined Somali community by virtue of your parents, doesn't mean you will share the same views and archaic beliefs of this supposed community, thus not making you part of it. A mind has his own volition, you know.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Well I for one am as Somali as it gets.

Under the thin veneer of so called civilization, I am a nomad, as harsh and unforgiving as the land my ancestors were carved from.



Meticulously calculated...........
beesha Sspot waad ku xad'kudubtay ninyahow
i demand the ''funny'' button back
if i completely disagree with certain things but somehow laughed, how could i possibly ''like'' it? makes no sense.
if someone is getting roasted and i found it hilarious does not mean i support the offender or i enjoy someone getting karbashed, i simply found it funny.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Are you a nag? or Nin? like seriously why are you twisting my own words and lying I said something I didn't? Since you clearly have some comprehension issues I will try to write it in simpler way so you can understand.

This is what I wrote:

I didn't personally say that Somali men are promiscous even though some might as well be, but that wasn't the point of my post. Let me explain!!

When these women go to the welfare office aka benefit office they get asked where is the father of your child? The people that work there ask this to get the man to pay for his own children. This puts the woman in a position to deny the father of her own child. Saying i'm not married when she is. So since the number of Somali women doing this increased and they somehow keep getting pregnant the kufar mock them now, hence the question' isn't promiscuity forbidden in your religion, how do you have kids out of wedlock'?

The kufar don't know that these people are playing them they just wonder how a woman who looks like a Muslim would sit there and say such a thing.

I also didn't say all Somali men do this, but i'm sure if a proper research was conducted the numbers would be alarmingly high.

It's actually the wives that pressure their husbands to say that they are separated in order to get welfare. They want a double income household without actually working. When you're separated it is the females that get money and nothing changes for the men in terms of income. Therefore you can conclude that the women benefit from such arrangement.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Yeah but I'm not them....right? Just because you were born into this imagined Somali community by virtue of your parents, doesn't mean you will share the same views and archaic beliefs of this supposed community, thus not making you part of it. A mind has his own volition, you know.
Forever remain dazed & confused effectively shunned, disowned granted persona non grata by Somalis in general cause our love for Islam is integral.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Well I for one am as Somali as it gets.

Under the thin veneer of so called civilization, I am a nomad, as harsh and unforgiving as the land my ancestors were carved from.

Gaal ba tahay yaro gaal Somali ah wax ladaho Ma jiro, islaminimo waa somalinimo boowe


not so sad after all
This is very important research, we must understand why the As Long As He's Muslim™®®* phenomenon exists solely in the Somali community. What triggers this phenomenon, what drives it, what can be done to alleviate its disastrous effects?

These are all important questions that must be addressed lest we find ourselves a meme race.
Forget, your research, I have insiders knowledge and can let you all in on it for a $mall fee.
I'm not sure about the numbers but as it's usually the case that when a man marries out people rarely bat an eyelid while when a woman does it it's an epidemic. Stop worrying about who some random xalimo(or random farah) marries, it's not like you will run up and marry all of em. In fact for me it's been reverse I've seen more farahs marrying out but in the xalimos case it's usually very skewed towards one subdemographic(made up word I know) and that's the ultrareligious ones.
dude most of the Somalis that marry out are female
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