A Somali girls that's obsessed with Korean band boys.

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@IamTheAlphaNow I love our faraxs as they are - Mo Farax thin. The achievement gap between Somali girls and guys will be closed by a younger crop of millennial babies ( born 95' and up). So, there's no need to sweat it. If you're old like yours truly and are not looking to marry a different age cohort, then I suggest you look for something age-appropriate and dapper across the pond or in a different area code. :win:

@Somali_Tycoon - Simply put, you're a freak. :camby:
I love our faraxs as they are - Mo Farax thin. The achievement gap between Somali girls and guys will be closed by a younger crop of millennial babies ( born 95' and up). So, there's no need to sweat it. If you're old like yours truly and are not looking to marry a different age cohort, then I suggest you look for something nice and dapper across the pond or a different area code. :win:

Man I only want a Somali-Canadian I can't understand the rest of yall.:troll:


:willsmith:Boy no black girl does that issh go after white es if you about that.
That's a wrap


@IamTheAlphaNow I love our faraxs as they are - Mo Farax thin. The achievement gap between Somali girls and guys will be closed by a younger crop of millennial babies ( born 95' and up). So, there's no need to sweat it. If you're old like yours truly and are not looking to marry a different age cohort, then I suggest you look for something age-appropriate and dapper across the pond or in a different area code. :win:

@Somali_Tycoon - Simply put, you're a freak. :camby:

Very much true


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Man I only want a Somali-Canadian I can't understand the rest of yall.:troll:

Sxb, if you want you could always attend those networking workshops for young professionals "wherever you're from". Some dudes use that as a front/opportunity to chop xalimos via exchanging cards, it happened to a friend of mine. Haven't quite bothered, as I feel uncomfortable going somewhere with an agenda. I would prefer to go strictly to network. I hear people have also graduated from accosting on Facebook to LinkedIn. Check it out. Reference checks are required, though.
Sxb, if you want you could always attend those networking workshops for young professionals "wherever you're from". Some dudes use that as a front/opportunity to chop xalimos via exchanging cards, it happened to a friend of mine. Haven't quite bothered, as I feel uncomfortable going somewhere with an agenda. I would prefer to go strictly to network. I hear people have also graduated from accosting on Facebook to LinkedIn. Check it out. Reference checks are required, though.

:camby:I see what you're saying and like you I can't with an agenda. I am not about the life of chasing a guy like all these Xalimos are.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:camby:I see what you're saying and like you I can't with an agenda. I am not about the life of chasing a guy like all these Xalimos are.


I get what you're saying it seems uncomfortable and planned.

Q. Why are men so opened to meeting hablaha anywhere?

@Idol sorry for the detour. I think some kpop isn't bad, but it's manufactured with a legion of boy bands and girl groups. Is it racist if I can't tell the difference between them. If it wasn't for hairstyles/ wardrobe I'd be confused. And people say Somalis look alike.
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I don't mind being approached but in the middle of a Somali gathering..no thanks. Yo but to be honest being approached by some randomo is creepy as f*ck. Don't fucking ever do that just don't. Man some should write these guys a friggin play book and make our lives easier.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The average penis length of Koreans is 3.8 inches or 9.6 cm and dats erect



So telling you to do better for yourself is telling you to be gay. Let me let you in on a secret most Somali girls don't go for the pretty boys of the band. The go for the hot well dressed band members. This is also why the Korean wave is so big, each band has one guy to fill the niche.
They all look gay no offense. And have a gay type of atmosphere no matter how it's put.
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