A Somali guy slammed a Somali girl on the ground, gave her seizure.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
This is beyond sickening. What kind of guy lay hands on a girl like this, I'm so mad.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
They were fighting and she got body slammed. I've seen worse :zhqjlmx:
Seriously? I'm surprised by your post. It doesn't matter if they were fighting, he shouldn't slammed her on the ground like that, she could have died from the seizure.

This is sickening, and if you've seen worse than this, I hope you were a man enough to step in and kick the guy's ass.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Seriously? I'm surprised by your post. It doesn't matter if they were fighting, he shouldn't slamed her on the ground like that, she could have died from the seizure.

This is sickening, and if you've seen worse than this, I hope you were a man enough to step in and kick the guy's ass.

I'm not saying that it was ok for him to do that, but if you try to fight a man then you better know how to swing :manny:

:westbrookwtf: @ step in and kick his ass. I'd stop the fight, but I wouldn't take sides.
Maybe it's just me, but why does it say "somali guy," I can't see any somali.

I'm new here, is that a requirement or something in order to post cadaan related stuff?

Either way, disgusting behaviour. That's the young thug worshipping segment within this generation for you, fluidity between genders removes the old barriers of chivalry. Sickening.
I guess the parents weren't home. No neighbours either? Why were they letting them behave like animals ffs.
Anyway, why would you stand around and let them fight only to jump in once one of them has the upper hand? Like wtf is wrong with people? There were plenty enough people to restrain them both.
I'm guessing for click-bait reasons lool

Maybe it's because i'm new, but as much as we see negative things done by our people (which everyone does but we're always highlighted,) this actually shocked me as that's a new low, than it turns out to be the most cadaan private gated community kid in america, probably California.

Makes you wonder about the state of mind of the poster. Why the self-hate.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Maybe it's because i'm new, but as much as we see negative things done by our people (which everyone does but we're always highlighted,) this actually shocked me as that's a new low, than it turns out to be the most cadaan private gated community kid in america, probably California.

Makes you wonder about the state of mind of the poster. Why the self-hate.

Come back with your original nick. :camby:


Maybe it's because i'm new, but as much as we see negative things done by our people (which everyone does but we're always highlighted,) this actually shocked me as that's a new low, than it turns out to be the most cadaan private gated community kid in america, probably California.

Makes you wonder about the state of mind of the poster. Why the self-hate.
You came to the wrong forum friend 90% of people on this site are attention seekers Somali image means little to them as long as they feel important the #1 culprit for this is the site owner/mod @AbdiJohnson :manny:


Not your typical Farah
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