A Somali guy slammed a Somali girl on the ground, gave her seizure.

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@Cadmus these hoes ain't worth your time. Shes your run of the mill atheistic self-hating 17 year old girl.

She'll call Muslims violent terrorists one second then the next say you can't blame the Atheistic Communists killing of 100 million people on Atheists and Atheism:pachah1::bell:
She's clearly immature. Teenagers in the west, as well as as Africa, are socially conditioned to call themselves "East African," in order to remove future objections to the coming African superstate with the country "East Africa."


Ignorance is really a curse.
@Cadmus these hoes ain't worth your time. Shes your run of the mill atheistic self-hating 17 year old girl.

She'll call Muslims violent terrorists one second then the next say you can't blame the Atheistic Communists killing of 100 million people on Atheists and Atheism:pachah1::bell:
Probably a BLM SJW too boot screaming "black lives matter," not knowing Trump AND george Soros funds them.

Imagine being manipulated to demonstrate hahahahahaha



Black lives matters, suuure


I laugh everytime I see those idiots on the news.


@Cadmus these hoes ain't worth your time. Shes your run of the mill atheistic self-hating 17 year old girl.

She'll call Muslims violent terrorists one second then the next say you can't blame the Atheistic Communists killing of 100 million people on Atheists and Atheism:pachah1::bell:

Spreading your idiocy I see:mjlol::pachah1:

@Cadmus I am half raw-meat eating Ethiopian half spear chucking Kenyan - you have hit (with a spear), a very raw nerve of mine.


Sure Bud. All the best.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
But he is one of the few willing to write essays with proper citation

Gotta give credit where it's due

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
This is a stretch.

Somalis are inherently divisive. The only time unity is had is against an outside force, the sad irony of that being that you're either fighting amongst yourselves or against another force, leaving no room for peace and true growth and development.

I'm pretty sure the very active, shit-stirring users on here are Somali.

Instead of devising tales of make-believe negative cyber Ethiopian/Kenyan entities, the problem should addressed honestly lol.
Wallahi you live up to your name.
"She-troll in training" tell me vix why the hatred for Somalis? From your post you really seem to have a xarash for Somali people.
But he is one of the few willing to write essays with proper citation

Gotta give credit where it's due
Geeljire was very arrogant teenage and was not mature like Cadmus and most of threads were about history & Somali females who married foreigners. Cadmus is adult not arrogant smart kid like geeljire who is into Somali politics.


Wallahi you live up to your name.
"She-troll in training" tell me vix why the hatred for Somalis? From your post you really seem to have a xarash for Somali people.
Did I lie?

If the shit-stirrers on here are anything other than Somali, I will eat my left sock. Stop trying to shift the blame to others, it's pathetic.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
You are embarrassing yourself with this level of ignorance. Blaming your own people who went from the most powerful country in Africa, to the 2nd poorest nation within 20 years, show's that you know not, what you speak of.

First of all, "make-believe cyber entities."




This one is from the University of Toronto

From the mouth of the Habashi themselves


The f*ck you talking about. "Make-believe" kulaha. Naa go and read a bit instead of just blaming your people for everything.

I've only been a member for two days now and I'm already fed up with these self-hating Somalis.

I can perfectly understand if you don't know something, but when you blame our people based on nothing but your own opinion, that's a problem, that's called smearing. I would love to hear it if you have something constructive to say, even if it's critical. Just back it up.

The reasons why are country has been purposefully destroyed





As for our people being "divisive."

Reasons for Black hawk down. U.S forces killed almost 200 Sultans and elders who gathered to broker peace in Xamar, across ALL QABILS.

No natural succession that we are accustomed to when handing over an elder/sultan leadership position is what created the qabyalaad.

From the New York Times


"The hunt for Aidid was a fiasco. In July helicopters under United Nations command fired high-explosive TOW missiles into a house where a meeting of Habr Gidr clan elders was being held. There were 250 casualties, including 54 dead, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross. Four Western journalists who rushed to the scene were also killed, by a furious mob. ''The journalists' deaths focused worldwide anger on the Somalis,'' Bowden writes, ''but in Mogadishu the shock and outrage was over the surprise attack.'' This was not the only massacre perpetrated from the air. Aidid, defiant and uncaptured, became a folk hero, and the United Nations, particularly its helicopters, became widely hated in Mogadishu."

From the Wall Street Journal


Even before October 3 the US military were casually brutal about the number of dead and injured among the Somalis, whom they referred to contemptuously as “Sammys” or “Skinnies.” They regularly lobbed mortar shells into the city from the UN compound. They hit hospitals and homes killing an unknown number of civilians. No attempt was even made to count the number of casualties when troops opened fire on crowds.

The single action that did more than any other to cement Somali hostility and to unite the different clan factions in Mogadishu against the Americans was the massacre of a meeting of Habr Gedir clan elders on July 12, 1993. They had convened their meeting to discuss peace proposals Admiral Howe had put to them the previous day. Cobra gunships armed with TOW missiles and 20 mm cannons attacked the house, with ground troops finishing off the wounded."

From this above, to this---> http://www.globalresearch.ca/ethiopia-has-become-an-anglo-american-proxy-in-the-horn-of-africa/4446

Yes, many selfish, greedy and disastrous mistakes have been made by Somali politicians, but as young people, we have the power in our hands. We outnumber old Somali people 70/30%. We are more educated than them. This not about being divisive or even qabyalaad.

I firmly believe that it's a matter of old against the old and feeble. Every region is run by old people. Old people who used to work with one another during Siad's days.

We have the power to change things for the better. The day everyone holds their OWN elders and sultans accountable and demands that they deal with other clans from a place of love and progression rather than from a place of SCARECITY, combined with job creation, that's the day we'll have peace

I love our people, whatever they are and where ever they are. All of our ancestors played a part, in us being here today and we may not have much, but my god do we have a lot of things to be proud of that others can't even compare to. Look at how we support our own people across continents with no state institutions to back us up!
That can only happen through thousands of years worth of weaving complex support systems and social fabrics.

Our problems stems from Scarecity, not qabyalaad.

And don't finish an already lacking statement with "lol," you won't be taking seriously.

Now I still love you as a fellow Somali, and mean no disrespect. If you're hasbashi or Kenyan, enjoy the financial cumbling+social anarchy that awaits you within the next year. I have my xaalwo (f*ck popcorn) and Shaani ready.

Bal arag :qri8gs7:This guy dropped a truth bomb in here.
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