What are you then? Don't sidestep that question please.
A lot of people are disgruntled and want out of Ethiopia. Numerous groups want to secede. The way Ethiopia is run and the power at the hands of one group is not sustainable. Ethiopia will collapse in our lifetime.
I will let you in a little secret. Do you know what sustains us, as a united entity? It is an 'Onion' nature in us. We have so many layers. The fact that you (it's not only you, but so many even European so called "experts" ) believe we get to be disintegrated is a motivation for us to be much more united. We always get amused with that illusion, and always laugh, when those who hate us keep chasing it. They abandon everything that they are supposed to do to better themselves and wait for our disintegration year after year after year after year..it's really quite amusing.