A Somalian model calls Ethiopia 'Home' in Vogue

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I understand your concerns, but in the world of politics, every country looks after their interest. And if Somalia can't look aft its own, then someone else will, in this case Ethiopia.

Btw most of the general ethiopian population are poor and repressed by the government.

Ethiopian people let stay in their country and stop flocking to Somalia taking jobs for us killing our kids and on top of claiming to own historical our country Somalia to them


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Yeah @AceofSom is right. Shacabka Ethiopia are most poor and fairly decent people. The problem we have is the government which is run by one group of people.



we were looking for our interests until your country meddling in our affairs and did genocide one after other clearly we will never agree you are defending system that occupied Somalia in 2006 and destabilize us I understand you are Ethiopian but all we ask leave us remove your army from Somalia let us live in peace

lol, you serious? Listen to me, before you make emotional accusations you need to learn how politics works, especially in the international arena. Theirs no such thing as friends or enemies, its only interest. Ethiopia is making sure that Somalia never challenges its hegemony in the Horn of Africa, as long as Somalia is weak, Ethiopia will be the regional power.

Now if Somalis are disorganized, corrupted, and qabil-ridden, can you blame the Ethiopians for that?
I understand your concerns, but in the world of politics, every country looks after their interest. And if Somalia can't look aft its own, then someone else will, in this case Ethiopia.

Btw most of the general ethiopian population are poor and repressed by the government.

Just leave our country Somalia



Ethiopian people let stay in their country and stop flocking to Somalia taking jobs for us killing our kids and on top of claiming to own historical our country Somalia to them

Somalia needs more people, the more people it can get, the bigger the economy will be. Population=Power. once Somalia becames stable it need to bring in a lot more people.

Do you think western nations let u in for free?

people please help me explain this to @Canuck :ftw9nwa:
Somalia needs more people, the more people it can get, the bigger the economy will be. Population=Power. once Somalia becames stable it need to bring in a lot more people.

Do you think western nations let u in for free?

We will do as we did in the past the Yemen people and Indian people we got along well and never claimed historical Somalia but stay away from the political world. Plus the Syrian are in SL. We need people who are not threat in long term. Plus Oromo are beggars full of crimes we saw them SL some of them are pagans Christians. They create ghettos full of sex trade and drinking
Plus being wel known for laziness and high rate of birth
Somalia needs more people, the more people it can get, the bigger the economy will be. Population=Power. once Somalia becames stable it need to bring in a lot more people.

Do you think western nations let u in for free?

people please help me explain this to @Canuck :ftw9nwa:

The Chinese traders came to Malaysia and settled in island called Singapore in 60s they annexed them through UN because they overpopulated/ outnumbered the Malaysia people in the island. Think of Oromo who are 50 million and we are 12 million plz use your brain


We will do as we did in the past the Yemen people and Indian people we got along well and never claimed historical Somalia but stay away from the political world. Plus the Syrian are in SL. We need people who are not threat in long term. Plus Oromo are beggars full of crimes we saw them SL some of them are pagans Christians. They create ghettos full of sex trade and drinking
Plus being wel known for laziness and high rate of birth

Massive generalization.
But I must admit I have to give it up to you for your love of the nation, not many Somali girls are like that .:nvjpqts::qri8gs7:
Massive generalization.
But I must admit I have to give it up to you for your love of the nation, not many Somali girls are like that .:nvjpqts::qri8gs7:

We are educated people we must make advances of our education to look after for the interests of our people that's all


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The Chinese traders came to Malaysia and settled in island called Singapore in 60s they annexed them through UN because they overpopulated/ outnumbered the Malaysia people in the island. Think of Oromo who are 50 million and we are 12 million plz use your brain
The chance of Oromos taking over Somalia is next to nil this isn't the 18 century. Nevertheless these people are oppressed in Ethiopia and a good majority are Muslim.
The chance of Oromos taking over Somalia is next to nil this isn't the 18 century. Nevertheless these people are oppressed in Ethiopia and a good majority are Muslim.

Then let them stay in their country and fight like the people of Ogaden and BTW the Arab said same words in Palestine look at them today

The chance of Oromos taking over Somalia is next to nil this isn't the 18 century. Nevertheless these people are oppressed in Ethiopia and a good majority are Muslim.

Oromo/ Ethiopians are famous for their high rates of birth that is reason Israel government had to sterilize them.
by that logic, should all Muslims in Western countries be sent back to their country of origin?

They are sending them back right now plus mass in jails and no jobs racism hate crimes they are doing it in direct plus we immigrants never claimed historical their countries
Did the i
by that logic, should all Muslims in Western countries be sent back to their country of origin?

Did the immigrants in France or UK or America Canada tried to annex their countries or claim to be natives
Don't compare apples to oranges
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