Abdillahi Yusuf Legacy. A Total Legend

Actually the Sayyid is praised by people from all over Somaliweyn not just Darood. I don't know much about the sayyid nor do I care but what I do know is that he's an inspiration to Somalis all across Somaliweyn. There's videos of your clan elders and SL officials praising the Sayid and making dua for him even Muse bixi loves him. Many Isaaqs love him and want to include him and the Isaaq darwiish as part of their history.

Let's not make this into a "Darood issue" or bring up fake Darood conspiracy theories.

Every nation has biases towards their national hero regardless of what they did. You would never see a French criticize Napoleon or a Brit criticize Winston Churchill, or a White American criticize George Washington, it's only Somalis (especially diaspora trolls) who have a lot of clan hatred from their ghetto government welfare housing.

The Sayyid may have committed mistakes but a lot of those have been overexaggerated and simply not credible. Also, let's not take what colonialists say about him like it's a Quran. Taking everything a colonialist racist fag says is like taking what a slave owner says about his slave, it's simply not credible.

How do you know all of this in your second post when you first said you don't know much about him. Be consistent
Same people defending the ICU in this thread are the same ones who would give a thumbs up to a thread about the death of Ali Dheere even though he began the very first Islamic court in Xamar back in 93.

Abdullahi Yusuf AUN was one of the rare Somali leaders to see through the facade of these Islamists and understand the poison they brought to the Somali peninsula. Before people accuse me of Darodism or call AY a qabilist understand he fought Islamists in his own state and killed his own clansmen because he understood it was a maligant cancerous ideology that never quite dies but morphs and spreads.

The ICU itself was a union of various Islamic groups including the remants of Al Itihaad and Al Shabaab who existed in south. Harun Maruf even details this in his book "Inside Al Shabaab" that Al Shabaab was the most organized and ruthless group within the ICU and were quickly subsuming the group from within.
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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Abdullahi Yusuf AUN, was more than a legend, he was the father of our nation. He fought the injustice.

@Céleste we can get box right here right now, don’t ever call Abdullahi Yusuf any names. You need to learn the rules and the regulations of fkd.

@Samaalic Era you keep calling him murtad but he died peacefully, the bastard you call a hero died in the worst way possible every, May Aideed get raped by shaytain in the lowest pits of hell.

@Gambar get the Vaseline and the razors, this will be a long fight.


Abdullahi Yusuf was a legend for Puntland but in south Somalia a controversial figure (some reer Mogadishu supported him while others didn't).


Abdullahi Yusuf was a legend for Puntland but in south Somalia a controversial figure (some reer Mogadishu supported him while others didn't).
Mashallah ina abti. This is why you’re the only Garxajis on here who’s tolerable.

Abdullahi Yusuf AUN, was more than a legend, he was the father of our nation. He fought the injustice.

@Céleste we can get box right here right now, don’t ever call Abdullahi Yusuf any names. You need to learn the rules and the regulations of fkd.

@Samaalic Era you keep calling him murtad but he died peacefully, the bastard you call a hero died in the worst way possible every, May Aideed get raped by shaytain in the lowest pits of hell.

@Gambar get the Vaseline and the razors, this will be a long fight.
Hide your faranti abaayo.
AY AUN was one of the greatest living Somalis in our lifetime may Allah SWT grant him eternal jannatul firdaus and protect him from the curse of barbaric savages that hate him


Free AhmedSmelly Bliis iyo Bliis
Abdullahi Yusuf AUN, was more than a legend, he was the father of our nation. He fought the injustice.

@Céleste we can get box right here right now, don’t ever call Abdullahi Yusuf any names. You need to learn the rules and the regulations of fkd.

@Samaalic Era you keep calling him murtad but he died peacefully, the bastard you call a hero died in the worst way possible every, May Aideed get raped by shaytain in the lowest pits of hell.

@Gambar get the Vaseline and the razors, this will be a long fight.

So the rules are I should worship mjs? Foh with that bullshit. Piss on your abdullahi nacalatullahi yusuf