Best Aydid is another story. Abdullahi Yuusuf was elected President of Somalia! Also the topic has nothing to do with the former.
Let not bring parents into itWalle your parents weey kugu khasareen runti. You’re probably born and raised in qurbaha and still acting and talking like some buffoon from baadiyaha with nothing else than his qabiil to be proud of.
Even if I agreed with you that Xamar belongs to hawiye, what’s there too be proud of?
We are still the most corrupt country on the planet.
We are still among the countries with the highest maternal and infant mortality.
We have a gdp per capita of less than 500 dollars a year.
Our cities are still underdeveloped and in a bad shape compared to the rest of the world.
But no, let’s argue who owns what city and what region in a country which has been a failed state for almost 30 years.
I used to think that as soon as these old warlords and tribalists die, we the younger generations who were born after burbuurka would rebuild dalkeena and forget petty qabyaalad. But it seems we are still a long way from that.
I don’t remember who wrote this on somalispot but I agree with him/her that a benevolent dictatorship with hard repression of tribalism and forced marriages and forced resettlements of different qabiils is the only way forward in the 21st century if we don’t want to go under as a nation the coming 50 years.
And if I’ve said something bad against anyone and engaged in qabyaalad I apologize in advance. Wallahi I would throw away my qabiil in a blink of a second if a movement started in Somalia where soomaalinimo was the foundation with which to build a country. And I would support any leader who was genuine in his efforts to build our country no matter his or her qabiil
Let not bring parents into it
Obviously this is my online persona so I say some retarded shit to trigger people
Honestly though you right xamar is the capital no one tribe can own it only that hawiye are majority as you said.
To the guys and girls praying for Abdullahi Yusuf:
A- What do you guys think of the children, men and women who died under his rule in Muqdisho? Do you relatives of Abdullahi Yusuf and his clansmen think Allah will forgo giving justice to these Somalis or God being just will make Abdullahi Yusuf Account for his role as a leader like everybody else will have to account for their deeds?
B- Would you accept if someone prayed for Aydid the same way you are praying For Abduallahi Yusuf.
Honest answers.
Iga raali noqo for the parents comments, it was unnecessary runti
Let’s trigger other real qabilists on here together markas sxb:siilaanyolaugh:
Join the most laandheer qabiil in Somalia brother, We are represented in every corner of somaliweyn, from Hargeisa to garissa and from jigjiga to Xamar cadey. Join beesha TQ![]()
I would never invest z single dollar in mog. Only the devil can take that risk.
Terrorists deserve to be beheadedYall smoking crack dude was one of the biggest traitors somali have ever seen for many decades brought abyssinians to somalia twice mengistu congratulated meles for conquering mogadishu something menelik selassie and derg didn't manage to do habashi troops were slitting the throats of somali civilians like goats according to amnesty international that invasion back in 06/07 was the biggest L for somalis in my opinion habash capturing mogadishu on eid day also that gave birth to al shabaab suicide bombing etc
You got triggered.You’re a neckbeard living with his Hoyo who has no money either way![]()
Abdullahi is My Uncle ilahay ha unaxristo and Allah will deal with him his accounts I pray for Allah to ease it .To the guys and girls praying for Abdullahi Yusuf:
A- What do you guys think of the children, men and women who died under his rule in Muqdisho? Do you relatives of Abdullahi Yusuf and his clansmen think Allah will forgo giving justice to these Somalis or God being just will make Abdullahi Yusuf Account for his role as a leader like everybody else will have to account for their deeds?
B- Would you accept if someone prayed for Aydid the same way you are praying For Abduallahi Yusuf.
Honest answers.
Introduction into the book back cover:
Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed's influence on the military and political landscape of Somalia has been felt for more than half a century of service to his country. He took part in two wars that Somalia engaged with Ethiopia. In the first, in 1964 he won a medal and citation for the bravery and leadership he displayed in the battle field. In 1977 war, he was in overall command of the Southern sector of the operation. Poor political leadership lay at the core of the defeat of the Somali army in this war. following the defeat and withdrawal from the battle thretre, Abduallhi Yusuf and other officers tried and failed to stage a coup against the regime. He than tried to topple the regime by armed insurgency. Although Abduallhi Yusuf did not succeed to bring down the government, others who followed his method manged to achieve what he could not. His journey was cut short by the Ethiopian regime who arrested him for six good years without charge or trail, when he stood up for his principle. Both the Ethiopian and Somali regimes were brought down by armed insurgency in 1991 while he was in prison in Addis Ababa.
Following the collapse of the regime and the plunging of Somalia into intermccine war, he helped setup the self-governing Puntland State of Somalia, and became its first president. Six years later he was elected as President of Somalia. Abduallhi Yusuf is a driven man who knew what he wanted in life. He served in the Somali army with distinction on and off the battle field. His impact on the political arena was not successful as in the army. During his presidency, he worked hard to bring about peace in Somalia. His struggle for that objective was hampered by a well-organised conspiracy spreadheaded by prominent figures in his government, and regional powers that were allied to him at some point in the past. Halgan iyo Hagardaamo (Struggle and Conspiracy: A Memoir) is a candid account of the life and time of President Abduallhi Yusuf Ahmed and the events that shaped Somalia for the past fify years.It is about the battles that Colonel Abduallhi Yusuf Ahmed fought literally as well figuratively during this period and the successes and failures that accompanied him. It is about the conspiracy that was woven against the Somali State with help of senior political figures in the country. The book is written in a narrative style that Somali readers will find it enjoyable.
Abdullahi is My Uncle ilahay ha unaxristo and Allah will deal with him his accounts I pray for Allah to ease it .
Laakin Caydiid AUN he wasn't half the man Abdullahi was
He knew the Ethiopian terrain was a huge obstacle and stressed the manpower of the amhar to Siad barre. The plan was to go 70km past addisababa. Abdullahi yusuf Ahmed refused to give up any of his fighters up to be murdered cold blooded to prevent a coupe in Somalia after the loss. He comanded about 30,000 well trained soldiers. About 8000 of the best Somali fighters were killed on the orders of siad barre in jigjiga.But you could tell me the Yusuf opinion about 1977 war.