Adam lived 40 generations before Mohamed(PBUH) but science tells us humans have lived longer?

How do you reconcile the two? We know from science and genetics that humans have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, yet Islam says Adam was the first man, and our prophet counts 40 generations to prophet Adamn which puts at a recent date, around 6,000-14,000 years ago according to some Islamic tradition. As a Muslim, how do you we reconcile these two?

It clearly doesn't make sense at all.

I am not gaal by the way.


The only Somali in Arabia
How do you reconcile the two? We know from science and genetics that humans have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, yet Islam says Adam was the first man, and our prophet counts 40 generations to prophet Adamn which puts at a recent date, around 6,000-14,000 years ago according to some Islamic tradition. As a Muslim, how do you we reconcile these two?

It clearly doesn't make sense at all.

I am not gaal by the way.
You know how science is, it could be a mistake, choose human guesswork or choose belief in something that has never been wrong, or maybe since ancient humans lived say over a hundred years or so like Nuh you should try factoring that in


The only Somali in Arabia
The Quran and sahib Hadith have never been proven scientifically incorrect, science's stance on our texts have either confirmed or been unable to prove it wrong
You know how science is, it could be a mistake, choose human guesswork or choose belief in something that has never been wrong, or maybe since ancient humans lived say over a hundred years or so like Nuh you should try factoring that in
Not all of science is true, that I can agree with. However, humans have been walking the earth for at least 20-30k years, we have the fossils, paintings and other artifacts to prove that.

Also don't down play humans, those of us living in the west live very comfortably Alhamudilah thanks to the inventions of humans, with Allah's will of course.


The only Somali in Arabia
Not all of science is true, that I can agree with. However, humans have been walking the earth for at least 20-30k years, we have the fossils, paintings and other artifacts to prove that.

Also don't down play humans, those of us living in the west live very comfortably Alhamudilah thanks to the inventions of humans, with Allah's will of course.
Well like I said, if nuh lived 900 years.... Not hard to believe somebody reached a thousand, dajjal has been around for centuries since the prophet. Human cannot be downplayed more once comparing their feeble intellect to the very creator of their intellect


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Well like I said, if nuh lived 900 years.... Not hard to believe somebody reached a thousand, dajjal has been around for centuries since the prophet. Human cannot be downplayed more once comparing their feeble intellect to the very creator of their intellect
This is all nonsense. The correct answer is that the OP has weak iman and that he should accept what the prophet said. He is the final messenger of Allah and trying to find ways to contradict him just shows you have weak faith.

— Random pseudo scholars on here
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We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
You know how science is, it could be a mistake, choose human guesswork or choose belief in something that has never been wrong, or maybe since ancient humans lived say over a hundred years or so like Nuh you should try factoring that in
What evidence is there that humans lived for hundreds of years? All evidence suggests that life expectancy has been going up throughout human history
This is all nonsense. The correct answer is that the OP has weak iman and that he should accept what the prophet said. He is the final messenger of Allah and trying to find ways to contradict him just shows you have weak faith.
Yeah I do have weak iiman but I am not going out of my way to contradict Islam or looking to become gaal. I still pray and do dikir and fast.

However, because I studied Islam for quiet a bit, I did find many contradictions, none from the Quran thank God for that, but a lot from the hadiths.

I attribute these contradictions to human errors.
What evidence is there that humans lived for hundreds of years? All evidence suggests that life expectancy has been going up throughout human history
cmon man. You can't really deny humans being alive for a long time.
It's so obvious.

For example, our closest cousins, afars and oroms have diverged from us and gone their own way at least 5k years ago. DNA proves that, language proves that and that's just scratching the surface. The Beja people in Sudan, Eritrea and Egypt and our proginators were once one people like we are today, speaking one language and believing in the same religion, around 8k years ago. Humans have been here for a long time!
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We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
Yeah I do have weak iiman but I am not going out of my way to contradict Islam or looking to become gaal. I still pray and do dikir and fast.

However, because I studied Islam for quiet a bit, I did find many contradictions, none from the Quran thank God for that, but a lot from the hadiths.

I attribute these contradictions to human errors.
The fact that there are contradictions in Islam doesn’t make you a bad person or of weak faith. Those contradictions exist and they are massive. I don’t dwell on it or let them bother me though. I just laugh when someone does mental gymnastics to make it all work


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Not all of science is true, that I can agree with. However, humans have been walking the earth for at least 20-30k years, we have the fossils, paintings and other artifacts to prove that.

Also don't down play humans, those of us living in the west live very comfortably Alhamudilah thanks to the inventions of humans, with Allah's will of course.
Teeth and skull fragments found in the SNNAR region of Ethiopia were dated to be 233k years old. A jawbone found in the levant was dated to be 190k years old. It's impossible for Adam's lineage to be so young
The fact that there are contradictions in Islam doesn’t make you a bad person or of weak faith. Those contradictions exist and they are massive. I don’t dwell on it or let them bother me though. I just chuck when someone does mental gymnastics to make it all work
It doesn't help it that I have a pathological need for making a sense out of everything.


The only Somali in Arabia
This is all nonsense. The correct answer is that the OP has weak iman and that he should accept what the prophet said. He is the final messenger of Allah and trying to find ways to contradict him just shows you have weak faith.

— Random pseudo scholars on here
It s called coming to a logical conclusion, when did I state that these theories are facts?


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
It doesn't help it that I have a pathological need for making a sense out of everything.
If your intentions are pure and you’re not a lifelong scumbag murderer human trafficker, for example, you should be fine. Every time spent worrying is killing you slowly
If your intentions are pure and you’re not a lifelong scumbag murderer human trafficker, for example, you should be fine. Every time spent worrying is killing you slowly
I can't say I don't have fears or don't feel guilty because of these intrusive thoughts.
Allah sees my intentions tho.


The only Somali in Arabia
What evidence is there that humans lived for hundreds of years? All evidence suggests that life expectancy has been going up throughout human history
“Allah sent Noah (as a prophet) when he was forty years old, and he remained among them for one thousand years less fifty, calling them to Allah; after the Flood he lived for another sixty years, until the people increased in numbers and spread out.” This is the view of ibn Abbas and numerous and numerous sahaba, I don't think they came to these conclusions without hearing anything from the prophet


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
I can't say I don't have fears or don't feel guilty because of these intrusive thoughts.
Allah sees my intentions tho.
Exactly. And if it turns out this whole 900 year life span thing is not real, you have nothing to lose. If I were you I’d focus more on your interactions with fellow humans. There’s a good basis in Islam for being a decent functional human being.

