Af May May

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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Maxa tiri is not the newer version of Somali. Maxa tiri and Afar/Saho were once one language.

May tiri sounds foreign to me, and the notion that it is the original Somali language is illogical because:
1. Somalis migrated from north to south, not south to north. So it makes sense that the original language is spoken in the northern regions.
2. May tiri is generally spoken by one clan. If it is the original, then why did all the other clans disown it?
3. May tiri is too distinct to be a dialect; therefore it is a different language. Even Scandinavians with their faux languages understand each other better than two Somalis who speak May tiri and Maxa tiri.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Maxa tiri is not the newer version of Somali. Maxa tiri and Afar/Saho were once one language.

May tiri sounds foreign to me, and the notion that it is the original Somali language is illogical because:
1. Somalis migrated from north to south, not south to north. So it makes sense that the original language is spoken in the northern regions.
2. May tiri is generally spoken by one clan. If it is the original, then why did all the other clans disown it?
3. May tiri is too distinct to be a dialect; therefore it is a different language. Even Scandinavians with their faux languages understand each other better than two Somalis who speak May tiri and Maxa tiri.

My family in the south can definitely understand maay without any problems, also it isn't only spoken by one clan. There is also no evidence to suggest we migrated north to south.

Anyways I'm not an expert this is just what I've been told by my parents and what my parents learn through the education system in somalia in the 70s/80s.


My family in the south can definitely understand maay without any problems, also it isn't only spoken by one clan. There is also no evidence to suggest we migrated north to south.

Anyways I'm not an expert this is just what I've been told by my parents and what my parents learn through the education system in somalia in the 70s/80s.

Are you Rahaweyn?


There is also no evidence to suggest we migrated north to south.

Are you Rahaweyn?

The majority of Dir speak maxaa tiri, and they migrated from the north likewise.
Hence the Issa clan in Djibouti. They are ethically Dir.

Are you know letting me know about my tribe.


Take a moment to examine. I've mentioned where Dir migrated from (Northern Somalia)
If you as a person would agrue that, than perhaps you should pick up a text book.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Good god.

I'm not here to argue with you as really are not open to any other opinion other than your own.

Yes my tribe migrated from North west somalia, to central Somalia and later on to south. However, that doesn't exactly show you the whole picture of where in somalia all somalis originated from. The migration of dir to south Somalia was relatively recent.

These are facts that are inarguable:

Maay tiri is somali, and it is not some sort of oromo slave language as you so kindly put it.
Garre are ethnic somali who have culturally been influenced by oromos (gurgura is a dir tribe also speaks oromo)
There is no correct version of somali and all languages have variations. It's an asset not a liability.

Lastly we are all the same bloody ethnicity.


Good god.

I'm not here to argue with you as really are not open to any other opinion other than your own.

Yes my tribe migrated from North west somalia, to central Somalia and later on to south. However, that doesn't exactly show you the whole picture of where in somalia all somalis originated from. The migration of dir to south Somalia was relatively recent.

These are facts that are inarguable:

Maay tiri is somali, and it is not some sort of oromo slave language as you so kindly put it.
Garre are ethnic somali who have culturally been influenced by oromos (gurgura is a dir tribe also speaks oromo)
There is no correct version of somali and all languages have variations. It's an asset not a liability.

Lastly we are all the same bloody ethnicity.

My point was Somalis influenced others. Others adopted our cultures and language.

Your point is other ethnic groups influenced us. Even stated Gares were orginally Somali whom embraced Oromos.

Garre is Oromo, they've mixed with Somalis and have been assimilated into the society.

No Somali will embrace his culture and take that of an Oromo. Most Oromos were Gaalo at that time.
Hence why they speal Somali as a second language, and are divided along religions.

I don’t see this as arguing. I’m just sharing my opinions.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Act nucleus prolly right, I read about dat myself. May is like a proto Somali that's purer than the more recent maxa tiri that's become more widespread. You still got a lot of maay words in maxa tiri for example gaaljecel abgaal etc gaal is geel in maay.


Act nucleus prolly right, I read about dat myself. May is like a proto Somali that's purer than the more recent maxa tiri that's become more widespread. You still got a lot of maay words in maxa tiri for example gaaljecel abgaal etc gaal is geel in maay.

I'mma have to disagree.


The difference between Af Maay Tiri and Af Maxa Tiri, is the same as Cantonese vs Mandarine for chinese.

Of course. But the debate as of now is which dialect is order, and which derived of which.
Some say maxaa tiri came first, while others are insisting may being the orignal dialect.
For some reason, that doesn't work with me.
I feel as if May is heavily influenced by Oromos and Somali.
They've got a lot of Oromos words, which can be questioned sometime.
Act nucleus prolly right, I read about dat myself. May is like a proto Somali that's purer than the more recent maxa tiri that's become more widespread. You still got a lot of maay words in maxa tiri for example gaaljecel abgaal etc gaal is geel in maay.

What you are Saying makes zero sense. How can the language one mixed sheegato clan speak be more pure & original than a language 4 major homogenous clans speak?
Of course. But the debate as of now is which dialect is order, and which derived of which.
Some say maxaa tiri came first, while others are insisting may being the orignal dialect.
For some reason, that doesn't work with me.
I feel as if May is heavily influenced by Oromos and Somali.
They've got a lot of Oromos words, which can be questioned sometime.

Saaxiib it is obvious that raxanweyn used to be a seperate cushitic group that got assimilated when the northern clans migrated. They are classified Sab and us Samaale for a reason.

So its outrages to suggest May Tiri to be original somali language especially when it used to be seperate language that got later somalinized.

These people are trolls saaxiib.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Af maay is just the somali we used to speak. It's somali.

That's true. It's the ancient form of Somali that was abandoned and rejected by most Somalis, hence the name Af may ( short for maya). Most speakers of mainstream Somali find Af may incomprehensible. Anytime D&M speak their dialect, they would be inundated with questions ( war/nayaa maxaa tiri) and so the name of the mainstream dialect was born. :mjkkk:

*This lesson in history was brought to you by our sponsors Amal Express and


Saaxiib it is obvious that raxanweyn used to be a seperate cushitic group that got assimilated when the northern clans migrated. They are classified Sab and us Samaale for a reason.

So its outrages to suggest May Tiri to be original somali language especially when it used to be seperate language that got later somalinized.

These people are trolls saaxiib.
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