AFRICAN claims Baati/Dirac isn’t Somali


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
I see lotta crypto Ana Eyrab/Ana Abeed chiming n

Ana Somal for the W.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
The English language has more Arabic loan words than Somali.

But SSpot niggas are tryna convince me that Somali is becoming Arabised.

Why did this plain cloth end up trendy? Why don’t you call other African clothes plain or boring.

Ethiopians literally wear a plain white dress with shawl. Yet because it’s how they rock it it’s distinct to them.

There’s a reason why uunsi is associated with arabs and not from where if originated from (SOMALIA) because people claim our things at a constant. It’s why Somali people now say they have no culture.

Somalis have plenty culture. The point is nothing new under the sun. So of course people have similar cloths. Doesn’t make it any less traditional. And let’s be real I’ve never seen anyone wear a lot of things habeshas do. If I saw them wearing similar weird black and gold coats and crowns I would say the same. It’s just not that unique in comparison


Somalis stole South Asian chai and passed it on as "Shaax" (Shaax is an arab word that we stole by the way) and are now trying to gate keep loose cloth. However Shaax is Somali culture with South Asian origins, but we call it Somali culture. Nobody gets mad.
Tea is universal :drakekidding: incomparable to actual Somali culture like dirac/baati


Whatever, all langaabs look the same to me nowadays. Typical degeneracy, you sound like you're apart of the J*reerweyne qabiil right now with how hard you're bussing the futo open for them. This is exactly why we enslaved your kind, I should have you on a dogleash right now. You'll be fed my feces for your weekly meal and you'll be forced to work for me without pay. Next time you go after me and insult me with some random shit, remind yourself of who you are you low-life subhuman creature. Address me with respect like your owner, n*gger.
We? Nigga you are dir. Your ancestors didnt enslave shit.


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