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Southie pride
why would they accept some irrelevant place that they have no connection to? this happened a few centuries ago.

I've no idea bro. It happened long back.
But I know some people been brain washed. They fink if your skin black or decen African origin you less or something.
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U can see their eyes, they look people from coast. Such a mambasa, Daresalam and Zanzibar. But the person who did research says Somali were included, which is totally rubish.

The reports said they were from Zanzibar but they had nothing to do with us. Read about habashi in Iran

Habashi, Iran, Zanjan Province Weather Forecast

Habashi is 1467 m above sea level at the distance of 57 kmfrom Zanjan, to the S. Zanjan has a population of 357K people. Local time in Habashi


Southie pride
The reports said they were from Zanzibar but they had nothing to do with us. Read about habashi in Iran

Habashi, Iran, Zanjan Province Weather Forecast

Habashi is 1467 m above sea level at the distance of 57 kmfrom Zanjan, to the S. Zanjan has a population of 357K people. Local time in Habashi

Thanks for sharing with us the link.
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Queen of the light
We can't fit to be an Slave. Maybe brokers.
I think the Americans and the Europeans would send them back at once due to the losses they would make. Though I have a feeling they would keep the women lol. I would not like to envision what somalia would been like have we been infested with the idea of slavery. No thank god we were not located in the west of Africa. Those poor souls bore the grunt of it
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Southie pride
I think the Americans and the Europeans would send them back at once due to the losses they would make though I have a feeling they would keep the women lol. I would not envision what somalia would be like have we been infested with the idea of slavery. Oh thank god we were not located in the west of Africa. Those poor soul bore the grunt of it

The skinnies they not joking, either bluffing. Kacabso. igusoo orod manihin.

West Africa, they got big bones that's why they been slaved.


Queen of the light
The skinnies they not joking, either bluffing. Kacabso. igusoo orod manihin.

West Africa, they got big bones that's why they been slaved.
It was more for easy access it would have been much easier and economicly justifiably to travel towards the west than pointlessly head east to Somalia. They have an abundance of people in the west why head East ? Besides the disease would kill of much of the crew making it an expensive matter for the traders involved.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
It was more for easy access it wold have been much easier and economic to travel to west Africa than pointlessly head east to Somalia. They have an abundance of people in the west why head East ? Besides the disease would kill of much of the crew making it an expensive matter.
We just got lucky :whew:


Queen of the light
We just got lucky :whew:
No I don't think fierce muslim nomads would not have white folks chase them and enslave them. They would rather die than be subjected to the brutal force of the slave ship. Besides watching their women be held captive and raped would spure a massive war. Somalis are very agile people they can round up enough men from other lands and fight. The Americans and Europeans would have to fight really hard to subdue the men. Consequently loss of men blood sweat and energy. I think they would have been successful despite the barriers however, like I said it was far easier to manoeuvre west then head east and die finding a few nomads.
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Cultural revolution
Tf are you people on about? :draketf:Being from East Africa didn't save Ethiopians and Bantus from Arab, white, Indian slavery. We are also near Arabs but they never touched us.
Why are you trying to find excuses and reasons as to why whites didn't enslave Somalis??

Just Look at this bare Inferiority complex talk:O27GWRK:

Europeans get phocked for 500 years straight. It's not getting lucky and they tried couple times but they always failed. :ufdup:


Queen of the light
Tf are you people on about? :draketf:Being from East Africa didn't save Ethiopians and Bantus from Arab slavery. Why are you trying to find excuses and reasons as to why whites didn't enslave Somalis??

Just Look at this bare Inferiority complex talk:O27GWRK:

Europeans get phocked for 500 years straight. It's not getting lucky and they tried couple times but they always failed. :ufdup:
Which Europeans fucked for 500 years ? It is very hard to comprehend your argument sir. I am fully aware of the atrocities during the Arab slave trade which sadly is kept hidden in the limelight. Humans enslaved eachother as means of power and control. Sadly women children and men perished as a result of this. What I am talking about is the transatlantic slave trade. No somali was ever captured during this event. It was mainly west Africans which were targets for the traders.

Somalia and Tanzania were merely a transport hub for Arabs during the trade. However this does not exclude somalis as being prime targets as well for the Arab traders I would not be suprised if the odd few were captured.


Cultural revolution
Which Europeans fucked for 500 years ? It is very hard to comprehend your argument sir. I am fully aware of the atrocities during the Arab slave trade which sadly is kept hidden in the limelight. Humans enslaved eachother as means of power and control. Sadly women children and men perished as a result of this. What I am talking about is the transatlantic slave trade. No somali was ever captured during this event. It was mainly west Africans which were targets for the traders.

We and Tanzania were merely a transport hub for Arabs during the trade. However this does not exclude somalis as being prime targets as well for the Arab traders I would not be suprised if the odd few were captured.

You are right we were always at the mercy of The Great Arabs and Whites. They spared us from slavery :heh: they captured some of us to scare the rest. We are so weak, Fuley, insignificant and useless that we couldnt defend ourselves from literally the homosexual race of the world and some sun baked midget pirates from the poorest corner of earth.

FOH and go feel inferior somewhere else :pacspit:


Queen of the light
You are right we were always at the mercy of The Great Arabs and Whites. They spared us from slavery :heh: they captured some of us to scare the rest. We are so weak, Fuley, insignificant and useless that we couldnt defend ourselves from literally the homosexual race of the world and some sun baked midget pirates from the poorest corner of earth.

FOH and go feel inferior somewhere else :pacspit:
What on earth are you babbling about ? I am just stating facts here about slavery I never mentioned somalia being enslaved. A few poor souls may have been swept alongside the force of slavery in the Arab world. However no mass enslavement of Somali's has ever been documented. So I dread to think what your anger is about, are you just here to intimidate a young woman ?

I think you have confused the sentence regarding the hub paragraph. What I meant was somalia was a transport mechanism for Arabs to collect bantus over to the middle east. It was an interconnection a highway of choice. Arabs would not enslave Somalis as we are muslims it would be against the religious teachings to enslave your own fellow men. This is why they took bantus instead otherwise we would have been a target also. Nobody was safe when slavery was popular it was a means to gather more men more soldiers more power. On the contrary Arabs took in more women as maids and concubines.
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Cultural revolution
"Arabs would not enslave Somalis as we are muslims it would be against the religiousteachings to enslave your own fellow men. This is why they took bantus instead otherwise we would have been a target also."

Suggesting that being Muslim saved us from the mighty Arab slavers. Ok then.

Now I wonder what you think saved us from the mighty white slavers since Portugal had slaving ships docked a few 100 miles south of us back then??
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