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Guys we had 100 year wars with superpower like Portuguese, some of the battles were naval. And we win they could not occupy Mogadishu even. Those wars were about slavery and power. Read more about Ajuran-Portuguese wars.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Tf are you people on about? :draketf:Being from East Africa didn't save Ethiopians and Bantus from Arab, white, Indian slavery. We are also near Arabs but they never touched us.
Why are you trying to find excuses and reasons as to why whites didn't enslave Somalis??

Just Look at this bare Inferiority complex talk:O27GWRK:

Europeans get phocked for 500 years straight. It's not getting lucky and they tried couple times but they always failed. :ufdup:


Arabs ransacked East Africa but knew they couldn't f*ck with us
What on earth are you babbling about ? I am just stating facts here about slavery I never mentioned somalia being enslaved. A few poor souls may have been swept alongside the force of slavery in the Arab world. However no mass enslavement of Somali's has ever been documented. So I dread to think what your anger is about, are you just here to intimidate a young woman ?

I think you have confused the sentence regarding the hub paragraph. What I meant was somalia was a transport mechanism for Arabs to collect bantus over to the middle east. It was an interconnection a highway of choice. Arabs would not enslave Somalis as we are muslims it would be against the religious teachings to enslave your own fellow men. This is why they took bantus instead otherwise we would have been a target also. Nobody was safe when slavery was popular it was a means to gather more men more soldiers more power. On the contrary Arabs took in more women as maids and concubines.


Southie pride
Remember white people hate Malaria, more than AIDS, that is the other reason why they couldn't survived in Somalia. Forget about slavery.
Remember white people hate Malaria, more than AIDS, that is the other reason why they couldn't survived in Somalia. Forget about slavery.

But Kenya, Zimbabwe, ......have malaria and they stayed for 300 in some countries, Senegal was colonized for 300 years, some countries are still under colonial like SA, west India islands are under the rule of queen till today.


Queen of the light
But Kenya, Zimbabwe, ......have malaria and they stayed for 300 in some countries, Senegal was colonized for 300 years, some countries are still under colonial like SA, west India islands are under the rule of queen till today.
It was not disease which stopped somalis being enslaved it was sheer strength I am proud of my people. They never bowed down or show fear at the sight of a gun.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Lucky slavery is prohibited in this day and age otherwise Somalis would be fucked. They would be the first people to be slaved while they fight about tribes lolol.
Last time I checked Somalis were being cut up for their organs and being trafficked. They were also being sold by Libyans. Unslavable race my ass. More like brain dead race.

Sources!!! Cut up organs !!!! One family in Egypt !!! Keep your ass away


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Somalis are a proud race. Even during colonisation they could not make us work the fields.

We are nomads with entrepreneurial spirit and at our best we could enslave these Arabs and whites if we wanted
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