AJ I have a question.

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Shia Islam? :ulachen001:

It's a sideways move. It's like a Hindu becoming a Christian, or a Sikh becoming a Sunni Muslim. You swap one set of ancient myths for another.

AJ will never become Muslim again. He's trolling you guys. He has said before on somnet that he's coming back to the fold of Islam. But he hasn't.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
He might come out as a Buddhist later next week. lol

Lol. You reminded me. I knew this Persian girl and thought she was Muslim. Apparently she was Baha'i. Had no clue what she was on about. Apparently, they believe in every belief system.
Forget shias and forget sunnis..the most violent people in the world are the western people. In the last 100 years, the west as killed more people than Muslims, mongols, the bubonic plague and the crusaders have killed. 40 million people(majority were civilians) were killed in WW1 and 60 million people were killed in WW2. That is 100 million killed in the span of exactly 30 years by the west that AJ worships.

The UK even to this day has dozens of colonies they call the "commonwealth" filled with people they colonized, killed, raped and exploited. Didn't Britain relinquish Hong Kong to the Chinese in 1998?

Muslims did not start the crusaders.
Muslims did not commit the Spanish inquisitions where the so called "heretics" were punished in cruel and Unusual ways. It was during this time that a lot of torture methods were devised.
Muslims did not enslave an entire race of people from a continent and held them hostage and ill treated for centuries.
Muslims did not massacre the native americans into oblivion.
Muslims didn't commit atrocities in world wars.
Muslims did not drop atomic bombs in highly populated cities in Japan.
Muslims did not invade Iraq and Afghanistan and killed millions.
and last Muslims are not the countries that own the most and the biggest nukes today. This should tell you who wants peace and who does not.

@Idol Please do not waste your time on AJ. He is biased and will depict Islam as the root problem of all things while excusing the real terrorists.

@Idol do not speak to AJ as if he is a rational person. He is hateful and biased to the bones and will never miss an opportunity to demean Muslims while making billions of excuse for real terrorists.


Abdi Ghafaar. I'm so glad you found your relationship with Allah swt. You will feel such a reconnection. Understand is about free will and you perception in life.

Also, don't think about anything negative like Shias and all these political cues that could aggravate you. You just concentrate with the oneness of Allah swt and this about how you can be a better being. Learn to reconnect with your mind body and soul and cleanse yourself away from stress that can cause physical mental emotional sickness.

All the best Hun x


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Because the Hadiths are barbaric and I don't think they are true. They were inspired by Satan. Only the Quran is protected by Allah, not the Hadiths.

The hadtiths are a collection of Mohamed's sayings.

How can you call Mohamed's quotes and sayings barbaric and still call yourself a Muslim? You don't think the prophet said those things in the hadiths?


The hadtiths are a collection of Mohamed's sayings.
How can you call Mohamed's quotes and sayings barbaric and still call yourself a Muslim? You don't think the prophet said those things in the hadiths?

They are lies and fabrications written by Zoroastrianism influenced Persians. Only a small portion may be true. I am not going to pick and choose and thus decided to drop the whole thing.
Most 'moderate' Sunnis don't even follow the most 'trustworthy' Hadiths to a significant extant. They pick and choose, I am just not going to do that.
Because the Hadiths are barbaric and I don't think they are true. They were inspired by Satan. Only the Quran is protected by Allah, not the Hadiths.

So how do you perform the basic tasks of a Muslim? Like salaat, hajj, etc. Or do you not do those things?

I'm genuinely interested in your opinions bro. Don't take it wrong.


There are differing opinions on this within the Quranist community since the Quran is quite vague on this. Some people look at Jewish or Christian prayer practices and follow those, some just follow the Sunni way, and others have a totally different interpretation of what prayer means and they meditate. Some say it is 3 times per day others 5. It is a complex subject that will take you down the rabbit hole. For more info go to the Quranist websites.

AJ if you're being sincere its a step in the right direction, well done. Just don't go too hard on yourself when it comes to the beats
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