AJ were does you hatred for Syria come from

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Exactly. If the Canadian Government wants to accept thousands of Syrian refugees, why does AbdiJohnson care so much about it? If Justin Trudeau wants to bring them in, why do you care?

Is he forgetting the fact that his Somali ass was a refugee once upon a time? Is he forgetting the fact that the Canadian Government brought in more than 40 000 Somalis into the country during the early 1990's? Where's this hypocrisy coming from? He wants Canada to accept him and then shut the door on other refugees who need assistance. He's a complete fuckboy.

Leave these poor people alone. Canada admits 250 000 immigrants per year, we have the highest immigration rate per capita in the entire developed world. Why the f*ck does he care if Canada accepts them or not, unless he has a deep secret hatred for them?

exactly, it not like they effect him and the Canadian government isn't raising taxes, taxes have fallen in Canada ever since they found oil in the Alberta Tar sands.

it makes no sense, where does his anxiety come from, it not like these syrian are threat as he quotes to his civil liberties. his family was on Welfare like most somalis. he has been a siphoning off of the system most of his life. what does this punk get the gull to treat another refugee population with such hatred and disdain. it not like he is comes from the privilege class, what is he trying to protect. this kid is obsessed, it find the most obscure stories on the web, waar does he sleep. some horny men grope a german women, his the 1st the report it. this kid need to take a break form forums, they are rotting his brain.
@kaafiyes bootyclapping makes me uncomfortable. How come he pushes for Arab immigration but not Somali immigration?

I'm not pushing for anything. The Canadian Government has long accepted thousands of refugees into the country every year.

You didn't answer my question: Why are you singling out Syrian refugees out of all the different groups of refugees that Canada brings in every year? Why do you focus on Syrian refugees but say nothing about the thousands of Congolese and Bosnian refugees that Canada has brought into the country, unless you're a racist?
I'm not pushing for anything. The Canadian Government has long accepted thousands of refugees into the country every year.

You didn't answer my question: Why are you singling out Syrian refugees out of all the different groups of refugees that Canada brings in every year? Why do you focus on Syrian refugees but say nothing about the thousands of Congolese and Bosnian refugees that Canada has brought into the country, unless you're a racist?

You wouldn't be this upset if I was targeting Bantu immigration. You would secretly support me.
Serbians and Bosbians are not a threat to public safety.

Syrians with IS sympathies are.

How do you compare those in the Balkans to Syrians?


If they were a threat to national security, then why would Justin Trudeau personally push for the Government to bring them in? Do you realize how retarded you sound right now? The RCMP and CSIS screens every single refugee family before bringing them in. You should know that you cuqdad-filled hateful idiot.

You can't justify your position. You want Canada to single them out and ban them from entering the country for absolutely no reason. You're a racist to the core. Admit it.
You wouldn't be this upset if I was targeting Bantu immigration. You would secretly support me.

No I wouldn't actually. I have several Congolese friends who were refugees of the Congo Civil War, and I've never had a problem with their presence in the country. They are Canadians just like me and you.

Answer my question you worthless fuckboy. Why are you singling these people out unless you're a racist?
Look at AbdiJohnson desperately trying to justify his racism. He's trying to align himself with the right-wing Fox-News crowd without realizing that those people would deport his Somali ass the first chance they get.

He's an utter clown. Look at this fuckboy trying to defend his position. He can't, hence why he's resorting to insults and deflection.
You wouldn't be this upset if I was targeting Bantu immigration. You would secretly support me.
again his go-to-respond when his hit a brick road. waar who made you the Saint AJ savior of the Bantu anyway. not that i agree with some of the sentiment about this groups made on this site. but your not fooling anyone, i thought you liberal values required to stand up for human right for every rather than the just one groups.
Canada is one of the most underpopulated and uninhabited countries in the world, with the lowest population density. We already bring in 250 000 people into the country every single year, from every continent and region in the world.

Come to Toronto, and you'll see crowds of Chinese, Indians, Serbians, Russians, Nigerians, Iraqis, Brazilians, and all types of other people. It's the most multicultural city in the world, with people from every country in the world. So why is AbdiJohnson so butt-hurt if Canada brings in some Syrians? What is it to you? Why the f*ck do you care?
again his go-to-respond when his hit a brick road. waar who made you the Saint AJ savior of the Bantu anyway. not that i agree with some of the sentiment about this groups made on this site. but your not fooling anyone, i thought you liberal values required to stand up for human right for every rather than the just one groups.

He's not a liberal. He wants to pretend to be a liberal so he could rub it in everyone else's faces, but he has no clue what Western values are about and he only uses these values as a form of convenience. Nothing else.
He's not a liberal. He wants to pretend to be a liberal so he could rub it in everyone else's faces, but he has no clue what Western values are about and he only uses these values as a form of convenience. Nothing else.
walaal do you know the types of outlandish claim he make, it like he is reading a script form Bill Maher. what do you expect from 18 year old. his too short for his breeches. he not even intellectual at last Vez Prez his moment but Cunugan is a broken record.the same bull shit, no substance, no critical thought, no well developed arguments. he sound like some who had been bullied to much, someone with panic attacks or a girl on her period.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It not only that, Somalis lack Maal(Wealth), culture influence(think Japan), we have no kin and no allies even within our region(Sudan and Eritrea) and we are unable to leverage our geostrategic importance because we don't control the Bab al mandeb. the largest shipping lanes in the world, the connection between the east to west.

At least we got our world famous tribes who needs Somalia

walaal do you know the types of outlandish claim he make, it like he is reading a script form Bill Maher. what do you expect from 18 year old. his too short for his breeches. he not even intellectual at last Vez Prez his moment but Cunugan is a broken record.the same bull shit, no substance, no critical thought, no well developed arguments. he sound like some who had been bullied to much, someone with panic attacks or a girl on her period.

When I first joined the Somali Websphere last January, I thought that AbdiJohnson was more intelligent than average. Although I disagreed with him, I thought he had some intelligence and had well-thought out positions. But the more I interacted with him, the more I realized how intellectually bankrupt this guy is.

He wants to champion Western values yet I doubt he's read the books of a single Western philosopher. In his eyes, Western values means promoting homosexuality, without realizing that this is a tiny tiny part of Western values and certainly has nothing to do with Western philosophy. He's retarded. Absolutely fucking retarded.

He reminds me of those Americans who support Donald Trump.
At least we got our world famous tribes who needs Somalia


auto-genociders, pirates, terrorists, seccessionist, greedy fucker who mortgage the future of their children. there is only on answer to that question!
at least we've kept our sense of humour throughout all the tragedy
1. AbdiJohnson doesn't believe in God.

2. His intelligence is much lower than average. He has no critical thought, and he's very shallow.

3. He doesn't know how to interact with women. He has no game.

4. He hates Somali women and looks down on them.

5. He struggles with his weight and he binge-eats. Instead of hanging out with his friends, he'd prefer to eat 2 large pizzas in his apartment alone while trolling Somali forums.

6. His social life probably isn't the greatest.

7. He claims to be in favor of Western values without any real understanding of Western thought, philosophy, and culture.

If I were his Mother, I'd have wished I got an abortion. He's a complete failure through-and-through, with absolutely nothing going for him. That's why he's always on the internet, because in real life he's absolutely pathetic---and he knows it.
auto-genociders, pirates, terrorists, seccessionist, greedy fucker who mortgage the future of their children. there is only on answer to that question!
1. AbdiJohnson doesn't believe in God.

2. His intelligence is much lower than average. He has no critical thought, and he's very shallow.

3. He doesn't know how to interact with women. He has no game.

4. He hates Somali women and looks down on them.

5. He struggles with his weight.

6. His social life probably isn't the greatest.

7. He claims to be in favor of Western values without any real understanding of Western thought, philosophy, and culture.

If I were his Mother, I'd have wished I got an abortion. He's a complete failure through-and-through, with absolutely nothing going for him. That's why he's always on the internet, because in real life he's absolutely pathetic---and he knows it.

MISKIN, now i feel bad for him, i think we need to leave him alone.

MISKIN, now i feel bad for him, i think we need to leave him alone.

I can't stand this guy saaxib. I really can't.

He doesn't have a single redeeming quality about him. He doesn't even respect his own Somali women. That's how low this "man" is. His mother should've gotten an abortion, so we wouldn't be cursed with his presence.
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