AJ were does you hatred for Syria come from

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I can't stand this guy saaxib. I really can't.

He doesn't have a single redeeming quality about him. He doesn't even respect his own Somali women. That's how low this "man" is. His mother should've gotten an abortion, so we wouldn't be cursed with his presence.

walaal you need to chill, don't let forum give high blood pressure, i do agree with you: his hopeless. yet take heart his not you problem, not you cousin, brother or son. it often assumed that we have to self police each other. but AJ life and action have not effect on you. Forum are not real life.
leave him to his lord and stop respond to his threads. there are plenty of personalities on this forum from alcoholics to sexual depraved should you care what they do. we not their conscious and in truth who would want to be, give them taliin if they refuse not your problem.
@Kaafiye why bring my mother in this? Do I bring your mother or family in my responses?

Your mother should have gotten an abortion you piece of human horse-shit. You've showed your true colors on this forum in the past week.

You're a genocidal, Atheistic, Islamophobic, race-baiting clown who degrades Somali women and hates on them. You don't have a single redeeming quality. You're not even very intelligent either.

And if your mother was to know what type of "man" you are, I guarantee you that she would wish that she had gotten an abortion as well. Show her your forum posts, and I guarantee you that she would agree with me. Show her what you wrote against the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and how you insulted him, and tell me she wouldn't agree with me.
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walaal you need to chill, don't let forum give high blood pressure, i do agree with you: his hopeless. yet take heart his not you problem, not you cousin, brother or son. it often assumed that we have to self police each other. but AJ life and action have not effect on you. Forum are not real life.
leave him to his lord and stop respond to his threads. there are plenty of personalities on this forum from alcoholics to sexual depraved should you care what they do. we not their conscious and in truth who would want to be, give them taliin if they refuse not your problem.

Bro, the difference is that this guy AbdiJohnson is a Moderator and wants to use his moral high-ground to lecture the rest of us. That's my problem with him. He should be stripped of his Moderator privileges because he's such a polarizing and divisive figure.
Bro, the difference is that this guy AbdiJohnson is a Moderator and wants to use his moral high-ground to lecture the rest of us. That's my problem with him. He should be stripped of his Moderator privileges because he's such a polarizing and divisive figure.

than start a petition to have him strip of his moderatorship and give it to someone more neutral.
Shameless man. Stop bringing my mother in this conversation.

Shameless Salafi. I will not stoop to your level and involve your mother.
Shameless man. Stop bringing my mother in this conversation.

Shameless Salafi. I will not stoop to your level and involve your mother.

I never insulted your mother. I'm insulting you.

Your mother has no idea how much of a fuckboy her son is. Show her your forum posts, I dare you.
Let me put it this way: My biggest fear is having my son or daughter turn out like you.

I turned out great with a great job making great money looking after his parents while the majority of Somali men in my age group are drug dealers or unemployed or hopeless and forget about their parents.

I'm fine. Alhamduillah.
@Kaafiye is very emotional. No I don't care about Arabs. Go cry in a corner. I don't advocate for their genocide but I will switch the channel when I hear Palestine or Syria. Maxa iga galay? They're not important to me.
I turned out greay with a great job making great money looking after his parents while the majority of Somali men in my age group are drug dealers or unemployed or hopeless and forget about their parents.

I'm fine.

Money comes and goes. You might be making great money today, but you could easily be laid off tomorrow and be unemployed and broke. I've seen it happen to tons of guys.

What matters more is character. That can't be changed. Your character is rotten and you're an cuqdad-filled creep who turned his back on his Creator, insults the Noble Prophet, degrades Somali women, makes fun of poor Syrian refugees and equates them to terrorists, and you look down on other Somali people. I don't give a shit if you make 100K per year, it doesn't change who you are as a person. You look down on other Somali men who are unemployed; as if you having a great job somehow makes you better than them.

You prove everything I say about you.
@Kaafiye is very emotional. No I don't care about Arabs. Go cry in a corner. I don't advocate for their genocide but I will switch the channel when I hear Palestine or Syria. Maxa iga galay? They're not important to me.

I'm not the one making threads about them. I'm not the one bringing them up in every single topic. That's you, not me.

So who's the obsessed one? Me or you?
Money comes and goes. You might be making great money today, but you could easily be laid off tomorrow and be unemployed and broke. I've seen it happen to tons of guys.

What matters more is character. That can't be changed. Your character is rotten and you're an cuqdad-filled creep who turned his back on his Allah, insults the Noble Prophet, degrades Somali women, makes fun of poor Syrian refugees and equates them to terrorists, and you look down on other Somali people. I don't give a shit if you make 100K per year, it doesn't change who you are as a person. You look down on other Somali men who are unemployed; as if you having a great job somehow makes you better than them.

You prove everything I say about you.

Yes I look down on the chronically unemployed. If you make $5 an hour or $500 an hour, you have my same respect. I respect hard workers. Not lazy bums who choose the life of unemployment
I'm not the one making threads about them. I'm not the one bringing them up in every single topic. That's you, not me.

So who's the obsessed one? Me or you?

I make some threads. Not all.

You're obsessed with Bantus and bootyclapping for Arabs
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