All 114 districts of somaliweyn where y’all from

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This isn’t a tribal question you don’t have to reveal your qabiil if you don’t want to
101 but not in mandera proper but the range lands near the border near the edge of somali settled territories. Have stories in my family of raids and counter-raids agaisnt the borana and samburu. the lands out there are sociologically similar to the scottish border marches in lowland scotland and northern england. Small warrior clans with much back and forth cattle rustling,
I’m sending mine to the post office tomorrow I already gave the saliva sample
Omg cool, my sister ordered the kit but it still hasn’t come. When you get your results post on here if you like. There’s barely any asharafs who take these tests
Kismayo(109)/barawe(107). I was raised by the ports and the ocean. I still carry that oceans salt in my heart and soul.


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