All Chinese majority countries and territories are successful

You know very well when I say IQ I’m talking about intelligence and not the actual IQ test. And yes Africans are less intelligent then Chinese, so don’t argue with me about something that’s pretty damn obvious smh
If you meant intelligence why didn't you just say intelligence instead? IQ means the measurement of a person intellectual capability using number points. Maybe if you were clearer I would have responded appropriately, so don't get an attitude naaya.

Plus, I never refuted that Africans are less intelligent than Chinese you just made that point up to attack me. Damn you third-wave feminists always fabricate things to criticise when there isn't anything to criticise!
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Europe developed because of a number of factors that you’re not taking into account. IQ is a factor but it’s a small one. Africa has had a way lower population density historically than Europe, so less contact within Africa. The Saharan desert blocked off a lot of trade between Africa and Eurasia and trade is a big reason why Europe and Asia developed quickly. The interior of Africa has had many diseases like sleeping sickness and malaria that make it difficult to sustain populations.

A lot of Africa is tropical so you also don’t have the concept of a winter season that makes it important to plan ahead for the future.
High IQ reply sxb :rejoice:

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Hmmmm, they're not in the middle of a war on terror? Therefore security isn't scaring away investors and hindering economic growth? Also, they're leaders aren't the typical caqli dameer (puppet) African ones that are OK with their people living in poverty so long as they live well? I have a feeling you posted this so you can get the typical "Low IQ" answers :kodaksmiley:
Lets be honnest somalis are just retarted including other africans
Europe developed because of a number of factors that you’re not taking into account. IQ is a factor but it’s a small one. Africa has had a way lower population density historically than Europe, so less contact within Africa. The Saharan desert blocked off a lot of trade between Africa and Eurasia and trade is a big reason why Europe and Asia developed quickly. The interior of Africa has had many diseases like sleeping sickness and malaria that make it difficult to sustain populations.

A lot of Africa is tropical so you also don’t have the concept of a winter season that makes it important to plan ahead for the future.
Lol @ Africa had more disease... did you forget that 60% of Europeans were killed by the Black Plagued. Historically they suffered more epidemics or pandemics then Africa. Also historically Europe suffered more wars due to close proximity to each other. There are no factors that favored Europe in any capacity. Harsh climates, limited food sources, wars and diseases plagued them which is why they went out in search for new lands.

The fact that intelligence has everything to do with this can easily be observed from slavery alone. Did you know in W.Africa that some chiefs literally sold all the working age men to the point all that was left were women, children and elderly. That takes an extraordinarily stupid people to do that.

Africans leaders are still doing this today. They have zero concept of the future, or longterm consequences...they only worry about today aka the term caqli lix saac. And as of not having winters contributing to lack of longterm planing, then explain Middle East and South America, both have similar climates to Africa yet are way more developed.
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Lol that Africa had more disease, 60% of Europeans were killed off in 14th century by the Black Plagued. Historically they suffered more epidemics or pandemics then Africa. Also historically Europe suffered more wars due to close proximity to each other. Africa always had more population but larger land mass. There are no factors that favored Europe in any capacity. Harsh climates, limited food sources, war and disease plague them which is why they went out in search for new lands.

The fact that intelligence has everything to do with this can easily be observed from slavery alone. Did you know in W.Africa, that some chiefs literally sold all the working age men to the point all that was left were women, children and elderly. That takes an extraordinarily stupid people to do that. And Africans leaders are still doing this today. They have zero concept of the future, or long term consequences...they only worry about today aka the term caqli lix saac. And as of not having winters contributing not having long term plans, then explain middle East and South America, both have similar climates to Africa yet way more developed.
You seem to enjoy dragging Africa in the dirt even though you're of African descent yourself lol:heh:


I do something called "what I want"
You need to look no further than Europe. Most European countries have very few natural resources which was a major motivator for colonization. If you’re smart you’ll look elsewhere to get what you need and utilize what you have. Africa, esp sub-Saharan Africa has the highest concentration of natural resources in the world yet are the poorest and the least developed.... it defies logic really.
it doesn’t defy logic at all lol. Europe is a breadbasket of extremely high fertile soil meanwhile Africa is either a dense forest or a desert. What use is nickel and cobalt if you can’t even produce enough food of sustain a large population?

Your logic is flawed, you think strategic resources = wealthy nation when that’s just not true. In order to make use of these resources you must have the knowledge and manpower to extract and use these resources.

Most of the abundant resources in Africa is of no use in ancient era and can only really be put to use post industrial era.

Europe also had free trade routes to persia, china and the rest of Asia meanwhile africa was cut off by the sahara desert. So by the time European first arrived in Africa they had gunpowder from Asia and large amounts of knowledge in warfare from constantly battling meanwhile africans didn’t have much and most of their warfare knowledge and technology was limited to small scale tribal warfare.

By the time the industrial revolution hit it was an exponential growth stage for the west and they left Africa and Asia in the dust. Before they were actually not too far off.
Lol @ Africa had more disease... did you forget that 60% of Europeans were killed by the Black Plagued. Historically they suffered more epidemics or pandemics then Africa. Also historically Europe suffered more wars due to close proximity to each other. There are no factors that favored Europe in any capacity. Harsh climates, limited food sources, wars and diseases plagued them which is why they went out in search for new lands.

The fact that intelligence has everything to do with this can easily be observed from slavery alone. Did you know in W.Africa that some chiefs literally sold all the working age men to the point all that was left were women, children and elderly. That takes an extraordinarily stupid people to do that.

Africans leaders are still doing this today. They have zero concept of the future, or longterm consequences...they only worry about today aka the term caqli lix saac. And as of not having winters contributing to lack of longterm planing, then explain Middle East and South America, both have similar climates to Africa yet are way more developed.

Plague isn’t equal to diseases like malaria
it doesn’t defy logic at all lol. Europe is a breadbasket of extremely high fertile soil meanwhile Africa is either a dense forest or a desert. What use is nickel and cobalt if you can’t even produce enough food of sustain a large population?

Your logic is flawed, you think strategic resources = wealthy nation when that’s just not true. In order to make use of these resources you must have the knowledge and manpower to extract and use these resources.

Most of the abundant resources in Africa is of no use in ancient era and can only really be put to use post industrial era.

Europe also had free trade routes to persia, china and the rest of Asia meanwhile africa was cut off by the sahara desert. So by the time European first arrived in Africa they had gunpowder from Asia and large amounts of knowledge in warfare from constantly battling meanwhile africans didn’t have much and most of their warfare knowledge and technology was limited to small scale tribal warfare.

By the time the industrial revolution hit it was an exponential growth stage for the west and they left Africa and Asia in the dust. Before they were actually not too far off.



I do something called "what I want"
Simple - it’s called high IQ. Both Chinese and cadaans have high IQ, hence why they have the most prosperous developed countries in the world. High IQ will take you far even when you don’t have the resources, low IQ will fail you even if you have abundance of resources, hence Africa.
lol what? high intelligence is a product of success. Not the other way around.

By saying Chinese and Cadaans are naturally intelligent meanwhile africans are retarded hence why they’re prosperous you unironically subscribe to one of the most radical forms of eugenics and racism.

You are basically saying a white kid and a black kid are not born equal and that the white kid is superior in intelligence. Not only does this show the level of inferiority complex you possess but it’s also not true.

There has been significant amount of research and data showing that your intelligence is a product of your environment. Your logic is so 1 dimensional you can’t seem to think of anything other than IQ and development of a nation.


I do something called "what I want"
The fact that intelligence has everything to do with this can easily be observed from slavery alone. Did you know in W.Africa that some chiefs literally sold all the working age men to the point all that was left were women, children and elderly. That takes an extraordinarily stupid people to do that.
WTF??? Who told you that? Lol how does that even make sense?

So who tied up all these working men to be shipped and enslaved? The kids women and elderly or was it the disabled men? 😂 😭

Everyone knows that W. Africans sold their prisoners of wars as slave and rarely if ever their own.

The only way what you said would make sense is if the Working class and Warrior class men had next to no power in their tribe (which make 0 sense) and on top of that willingly allowed themselves to be enslaved.

Do you just believe everything you hear?


I do something called "what I want"
UK and Greenland
bro UK was literally living in mud huts and eating rocks until the romans civilized them and taught them how to farm and actually take care of themselves.
This is something that I have noticed a while ago.
If you look at chinese majority countries and territories : Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Heinan, Singapore, Mainland China.
All of them are first world countries/territories except mainland China which will soon become first world this decade.
There are many arab countries but not all of them are successful, same for turkic (Azerbaidjan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey etc...), persian countries (Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran etc...).
If we compare it to somali majority countries like Somalia and Djibouti, (2 countries that have one of the worst human development index) there is a large difference.
What are they doing that we are not doing? What should we learn from them?
Chinese are very industrious people, they also have a history of success.
China has unity this is very important for success, Somalia does not. China also has smart/visionary leaders who built high-speed rail to connect the country, they are spending money on R&D, etc.
If Siad Barre did not start the war with Ethiopia, Somalia would have been much better off right now. The success of a country depends on its unity level and the leaders not making huge mistakes like Barre did.
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Chinese are very industrious people, they also have a history of success.
China has unity this is very important for success, Somalia does not. China also has smart/visionary leaders who built high-speed rail to connect the country, they are spending money on R&D, etc.
If Siad Barre did not start the war with Ethiopia, Somalia would have been much better off right now. The success of a country depends on its unity level and the leaders not making huge mistakes like Barre did.
Yes it's a mentality/culture thing.
China is still heavily influenced by confucianism which highly values education as a mean of transformation, the discovery of human nature and the cultivation of character.
Plus it's the country that has the biggest percentage of atheists. When you don't believe in an afterlife, since you know that there will be no paradise after death you tend to focus more on life and try to build your own paradise on earth.
I don't know why people keep talking about IQ. There isn't a country with a higher genetic IQs than the average population of another country.
However, there are things that influences IQ like nutrition, getting enough sleep, getting access to education from a young age. I started school at 2 years old so it started super early for me.
Since some countries have better nutrition and education than others, it influences their IQ, and they can move from necessities to passion. Today we no longer need to hunt or do minecraft things so we can choose to go to school or university. But some people do not have the time to do all those things.
The success of a country is largely tied to the culture of the country: are the family structures respected? does a kid have access to at least 2 parents? Does he get encouraged when he does a mistake or discouraged? Are parents pushing their child to perform better than other students or just pass the class?
Plus it's the country that has the biggest percentage of atheists. When you don't believe in an afterlife, since you know that there will be no paradise after death you tend to focus more on life and try to build your own paradise on earth.

Ya they will put more effort into this life that's true.

But if Muslim countries have a united population and good leaders like UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia they can be successful.


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